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Kirsten's Live Chat Transcript!

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This is Kirsten's Live Chat June 23 rd 1999 at a member page at 8:00 PM. If you are interested in joining her fanclub please email me at Here is the chat: Chat with Herc29's fanclub on a member's page on June 23, 1999 at 8:00 P.M.Eastern time Anonymous46 is now known as Kirsten Storms. Herc you want me to do transcripts right? Herc29:I'm Thea( I couldn't reply.But I agreet to the rules. my e-mail wasn't working what's Kirsten's screen name? HI hey!! hey Kirsten!! hi kirsten hi hi Kirsten hi hi guys hey Kirsten Hi kirsten Your co-star is so hot! could we ask you some questions which one? Did Love Letters take place in Washngton Dc? Kirsten---u rock!!!!!! Anonymous49 has joined the chat room. sure! ask away! Whats it like being a movie star??? thank you so much for coming Kirsten!!! Hi Kirsten Gregory Smith---oh he's soooooooo hot! "love letters took place in toronto canada Who is your favorite band? Kirsten-how did you like filming Zenon? my favorite band is "backstreet boys" GooGooDolls rock Will love letetrs ever air again? Anonymous49 is now known as Oddball125. googoo dalls are really cool! i have their cd Spice Girls Rock!!! they are the best!!! Do you like NSYNC? Kirsten---u r my favorite actress i think it will air again. but i am not sure Thanx I luv Them Personality wise, are you a lot like Zenon???? i like nsync too. but BSB rule! Do you like my site Kirsten? thanks Kirsten for coming........its really great of you Kirsten: What would you say to an aspiring actress? I like Third Eye Blind too i am very much like "zenon", but i don't get into that much trouble Kirsten can you visit my site? Have you ever seen BSB?????? K'! :) u r soooooo lucky Kirsten!!!!!!!!! sure. send the like to I wish I could meet u! Kirsten, write me sometime!, Do you likemy site Kirsten? yes, i have met the bsb before cool cool Anonymous9118 is now known as Vlad!. which is your site mnomstry? who is your fav. bsb? Are you finished filming Johnny Tsunami? Could you e-mail me sometime at this one Vlad! is now known as svk23. please slow the questions down :) Kirsten---U r the best actress---and you r sosososo lucky! okay Anonymous7214 has joined the chat room. this one is my site Kirsten Do you like N SYNC??? what is Johnny Tsunami about? Herc-I don't know how to change my screen name to MJWMC Is that possible that you could e-mail me at yes, i am finished filming "johnny tsunami". it will air july 24th on disney channel Do you like NSYNC? thnks kirsten yes! i love your site! hey! thanks So.....Kirsten.....Whats it like being a movie it cool knowing you have all these fans???? i made a picture gallery to!!! What do you like about acting? it's great! i like knowing that there are a ot of people out there who like the movies i do Who is your favourite Actor/Actress Kirsten?? Kirsten, I luv the movie Zenon! I thought that you did a great job---e-mail me @ if u want to k? what is your favorite role in your career so far? Anonymous59 has joined the chat room. Anonymous59 has left the chat room. Anonymous59 has joined the chat room. i like tom hanks and mike myers (i have seen the new "austin powers" 2 times) I like the people who starred in the movie too! ii also like julia roberts Do people recognize you when you are in the public? I have seen the new austin powers movie to Seth Green is so kewl! How did you get the part for ZENon? I luv him! I loved you in love letters!!!!!!! E mail me sometime if you want to! yeah, i get recognixed a lot. but it's cool. neet! Hi Kirsten! Wanted to thank you for the autographed picture! You will always be my favorite actresss. Anonymous7214 is now known as Gummo. Have you ever been to Michigan? Do you get nervous before auditions? What do you do to rid you of the nervousness? Kirsten could you e-mail me sometime at Have any of your movies ever been to theatres? Do you ever go to Orlando. That's where I'm from Is there sometimes when you get fustraighted by everyone bothering you?? no, i don't get nervous before auditions. i used to. but not anymore If you weren't acting what would you rather do?? Are you going to do anymore movies? Kirsten-who was your favorite actress/actor that you worked with on Zenon? i don't know what i would rather do . maybe be into singing or dancing i love to perform kewl Kirsten , do you go in private school? What are your favorite hobbies to do when you aren't filming? Will any of your movies everhit theatres? How did you get started in the movie business? no, i home school DO you have a best friend? please slow the questions down to give Kirsten time to answer all of them i hope i get to do movies that are in theaters Do you think you'll record an album sometime? If so, what kind of music would it be? Who was your favorite actor on Zenon? you deserve to it wouldn't have to be R&B Will Zenon, girl of the 21st century be on video? that's the kind of music i listen to I taped Zenon!!!! I love to snow board! do you? i can go like 30 miles per hour! that's cool! That movie rocks!!!! i don't think that disney will ever put the movie on video i really like snowbaording. it's a lot of fun How did you get started in the movie business? How did you like snowboarding for Johnny Tsunami? I've seen Zenon about 200 times So,do you like Third Eye Blind? Slow Down The Questions!!!! Me 2 Elizabeth Zenon is the greatest! Anonymous30 has joined the chat room. PLease...... My chatroom may not be able to support it wil there be another 2nd part to Zenon? yes, 3rd eye blind it really cool It is a really good movie Yup---I think that the co-stars on Zenon seem kewl do you like NSYNC? Anonymous59 has left the chat room. What is Tsunami about? I luv the song Jumper if everyone will slow the questions down and wait until i answer them to ask another that would be great Gregory Smith is sososo hot!!! do you like NSYNC? o.k. hey Anonymous30 is now known as Josie 009. (((chat monitors))) do you know if anyone is doing a transcript to this chat??? Kirsten, why is Johny Tsunami About snowboarding when tsunami means tidle wave? somone is doing a transcript part of the movie takes place in hawaii. you'll have to watch to find out :) good I am! How is everyone doing?? Kirsten cool!!!! Is Gregory Smith nice? Do you like NSYNC Kirsten? j/w he is very nice sweet---I wanna meet him If anyone wants Transcripts email me and I will give them to you!!! He seems kewl yes, nsync is cool I want to meet you too Kirsten>What is the best thing about filming movies? and tv shows? Have you ever met any young attresses like you such as Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen?? i think the best part is seeing how they come out Kirsten, how do you dress and wear your hair when your just hanging out? i know a lot of young actress' Do you like Barenaked Ladies? Did you get to keep all the clothes you wore in Zenon? Thanks for the autographed picture if you!!! my hair is usually in a bun or something and i just wear normal teen clothes Kirsten, how did you get started on filming movies? i got to keep a few things, yes. kewl i told my mom when i was 5 that i wanted to be on tv. Who did you enjoy working with in Zenon> Anonymous8682 has joined the chat room. The GOOGOODOlls r kewl---what's your favorite song? hey Herc29>you still want me to do transcripts right? Kirsten:I love acting. You are a great actress too. How long did you audition before you got your big break? Did you have to audition a lot? Thanks for the autograph Kirsten:) i think i mostly enjoyed working w/greg smith. he and i have become really good friends. He is kewl Thanks for signng the guestbook Kirsten!!! i had been acting alomst 9 years before i got the part of "zenon" Has your family been supportive of you wanting to act?? yes, they have been great w/it all. Kirsten?Can you send me an autograph of you? U r my favorite actress Wat is your favorite movie? WHere were the auditions held? acting how? like what else besides commercials Kirsten do remember sign the autographed photo for me?? put "we are both April babys, Rachael you are steller!, & Happy B-Day!! sure, send the request to k guys, try to ask one at a time Anonymous8682 is now known as chatmonitor1. My b-day's in April too! kool Do yo think you might go to college, Kirsten? if so, where? What is your fav. Movie? Will you be in any upcoming teen magazines? I chatted with you in the Zeether too Do you play an instrument? slow the questions down please i would like to stay in cali and go i used to play the piano, but now i just sing. and my favorite movie it "my best friends wedding" Kirsten, do you like acting? yes i love it What is your fav. movies....other than the ones your in? What has been your favorite role? Have you ever seen Never Been Kissed? What do you enjoy about acting? Oh yeah...I love the part where they all sing at the table! no, i haven't seen that movie Oh---it's good Drew Barrymore's in it i'll try and see it :) Herc29....Where are you, I have a question. Anonymous30 has joined the chat room. kewl buddy Do you like any pop music? Who was the guy who played the lead singer in that group in Zenon? Phillip Rhys washis name Is Margie really a brat?LOL! yes, i like pop. the guys name was philip rhys What was the guys name that played Protozoa? does he really have an Australian accent? no, the girl who played margie is really sweet I have seen that movie so many times---and I never ever get sick of it phillip ryhd That's good he's from london ryhs Do you like Classical Music? What are your hopes for the future?? Do you want to keep acting years from now??? Was Mike and Andrew nice 2? Kirsten>Have you ever heard of SixFlags? How do I change my screen name? Who do you want to work with in future movies? yes, i plan on acting for a long time What is your favorite movie? Go to NAME, then type in and click Change Kirsten, since your dad used tbe a sportscaster, are you really into sports? Anonymous30 has left the chat room. i would really like to work with julia roberts Anonymous5349 is now known as MJWMC. she's a great actress Anonymous68 has joined the chat room. thanks Kirsten, do you ever skate? You got it Have you ever heard of Six Flags? I hope i'm able to work with you someday. Acting is a lot of fun. I want to meet you someday Kirsten! I want to be a director and go to Hollywood to meet yah i don't skateboard, but i rollerblade...i wear sk8 shoes though! yes, i have heard of sixflags have you ever been to a six flags? I'm an actress myself! I tried out for the part of Zenon... but I'm glad you got it you did it better than me!!! Kirsten, when was Johnny Tsumani going to be aired? no, i haven't been there yet Kirsten, have you ever been in Russia? you really need to go to one. The one in Houston Texas where I live is Great!!! july 24th Have you ever been to Michigan? Have you ever been to Alabama?? "johnny tsunami" will air july 24th on disney? Have you ever been to houston, texas? did u enjoy doing Johnny T?? ask the questions one at a time please ok Have you ever been to Colorado? no, but my grandfathers family is from russia chill out people we have a whole hour lol...thanks oddball How many people r in this chat? Anonymous68 is now known as Heather. we have 45 mins left What Did the casting directors have you read to audition? for Zenon 35 minutes left actually are you working on any movie now? a few pages from the script Hi Kirsten, I am from Florida, do you like it better in Cali or in Florida? Do you ever get hyper? no, right now i am enjoying my summer break How many times did you have to audition? i like california better. but FL. is great! What is your fav. movie.....other than the ones your in? i auditioned for zenon 3 times Was Zenon:Girl of the 21st Century a long movie to film?That's my favorite---I'm not trying to ramble on about it:) Do you like the show So Weird? I love it here but I guess Cali would be cool too Kirsten, what feature do you like about yourself?You have the most beautiful eyes I'v ever seen :) When do you appear on Days of our Lives? California is so kewl Have you ever traveled around the wrold??? do you ever go to Theme Parks in Florida? Where was Zenon filmed? And is Phillip Rhys a nice guy? If you want chat transcripts email me here What movie stars have you recently met? my chacter will appear in the fall My big sister watches Y&R and my mom watches DAys, I guess I will be watching DAys now =) Kirsten, Why did you moved to California? Zenon was filmed in Vancouver,right? it was filmed in vancouver bc. People please im sure Kirsten is getting kinda dizzy watchin the words go up the screen at a 100 miles per hour yup What kind of hobbies do you have? thanks mnomstry your welcome i collect shoes People---give her a break!!!We have 45 minutes more!:) What's your personality like? Slow it down Is the e-mail((( yours personally ?? Thanks for answering my questions and thanks for being here with us.We really appreciate it. i am very much like zenon K it's and that is not my personal e-mail but i do read the letters sent to that address It was really, really nice of you to come!!! that is not hers. it does not exist anymore that was mine a month ago. do you ever feel stupid when you are acting? Yeah,you seem like a generous person to meet---u also seem very down to earth OK is not kirstens How tall are you in real life? it used to be mine 5'3 Why did you moved to california? What was the most embarrasing that has happened while you were filming movies? the acting What's your favorite song by the GOO GOO Dolls? You seem very mature, I wish I were that way =), I am 5'3 too but still growing i haven't had a really embarassing moment yet..i am hoping to keep it that way Where is your favorite place in the world? "slide" by the googoodolls is GREAT! Don't they film Days in NY? Will you have to move there? I like Name and Iris,and Slide I wish I could move to LA. I'd have more of a chance. the mall!!!!!! Who is your favorite actress? The lead singer is so kewl have you ever been in a musical stage production? rammons, what are you doing? DAYS is filmed in california Stop the scrolling. i acidently hit enter oops or a play oh...I wasn't sure. I'm like your #1 fan Do you meet any other big named actors/actresses? no i am i was ina few for local highschool is Sunset Beach really in Cali?? My brother wants to say that, you are really pretty Anonymous88 has joined the chat room. Anonymous88 is now known as Aboy. she's not just pretty...she's GORGEOUS! lol...she's beyond gorgeous Do you like Classical music? And What kind of music did you play on the piano. My boyfriend thinks you are pretty too, thank goodness you are on the other side of the country =) If you had to pick,who would you say was your favorite co-star on 7TH Heaven? Dis yall think that having the chat on my webpage was a good idea? Do you have a personal e-mail? if you do what is it? david gallagher was really nice Aboy has left the chat room. svk23 has left the chat room. OH yep mnomstry! kewl yeah mnomstry..thanx for letting us have the chat..i don't have AOL don'r ask personal questions How long does it usually take you to memorize your lines? I don't have AOL either DO you like college football? me either thanks everone!!!!! did you like (((kissing))) David?? Hes real fine!! me neither Funny, I don't se Kirstens name! i love college football! GO GATORS!!!! Did you like kissing Gregory Smith? If you get the drift, slow DOWN I know you like the Gators but "Go Noles"!!! i'm not going to answer that one :) Anonymous90 has joined the chat room. how many takes did it take when you were kissing davis? j/k Kirsten, did your dad announce college football? Anonymous90 is now known as svk23. Kirsten...which one are you not answering???? DO other boys think you are pretty? no. he covered it for the news. but he didn't announce it Kirsten, a member who couldnt make it wants me to ask: who is your inspiration? the kissing quesiotns I was j/k! ok somebody else said it,so I did too How long does it take you to memorize your lines? That is a bizarre question to ask Do other boys think your pretty? i usually memorize the lines the night before i work I am sure they do I saw you on Sing Me a Story with Bell the other day Any boy who doesn't tink Kirsten is pretty is wacked out! lol hehehe gummo What is your favorite subject? She is fine!!!!! LOL Did you saw the movie that called "The truman show"? :) SING ME A STORY was a looooooong time ago For zenon, I have the whole script written out!!! And I practice it and pretend I'm you!!! Are you a good student in home school?? Have u ever seen 10 Things I hate about you? my favorite subject is english . i like poetry wow! Thats really fast. I took more than a week to memorize my lines for a monologe for drama class. Have you had to do a monologue yet? My fav. subject is math I know, you were so cute! hehehe i did a monolouge when i was five Kirsten, do you see yourself doing other things besides writing or directing? do you ever feel kinda stupid while you are acting? ((Kirsten))....Do you remember signing the autographed photo for me Rachael WERE BOTH APRIL BABYS Could you send me a picture of you on the internet? My name's Rachel too! Kirsten>When my site reaches 500 visitors, could you come for another chat? because i was thinking of having a big bash!!!! My birthday's April 29th it would be fun to direct or write something for the big screen someday. but for now i'll stick to acting Do you think you can handle those cheezy holds at the end/commercial breaks soap operas have, lol. You have to act so dramic, ya know MINES 18TH lol heather! What has been your favorite role? What kind of roles do you like the best? Drama? Comedy? Etc? I guess you were born an actress doing monolauges so young You r my inspiration Kirsten! I'm really glad to be acting with you!!! i like comedy the best Is it hard to cry on cue? Elizabeth---r u an actress? Do you have your personal homepage? ((RPerley)) whats your e-mail yeah ?? one at a time please Slow down the questions please, my chatroom is about to explaode And kirsten is propably really dixzzy why U seem kewl rammons please slow down not really- i just think of how embarassed i would be if i COULDN'T cry...and then the tearsjust start comin'! :) Anonymous97 has joined the chat room. thatnks ive got a headache STOP, I am dizzy oops thanks me to!!!! Did you have an inspiration to start acting?? Do have a favorite tv show? I would just stick a pin in my hand, ouch =) so r u Kirsten and mnostry What is your fav movie? and thea and heather Rperly> yes I'm an actress why? ne buddy who likes Kirsten Storms has got to be kewl! we are 2 differnt people RP! U seem really kewl rperley: what? What's your name? 30mins left........eeeeeeeeeeee:(:(::(:( I haven't seen Kirsten, she must be recuperating from the "DIZZINESS." who? 20 minutes left I am not an actress, couldn't handle the pressure. I like my free time name? hi Elizabeth---what's your last name? kirsten, what do like best about yourself? Kirsten: Do you like the attention you get now that you're an actress? Kirsten, are you in high school? anonymous97 please change to your assigned name rperley: my name? Thea. people---let's give Kirsten a minute before we keep putting questions Lammert Is Kirsten still here? why? Anonymous97 has left the chat room. If not, lets chat to each other The poor gurl probably is sick by now! yes, i am in the 10th grade SHe probably needs a break =) Did you have an inspiration to start acting?? i am here Are you an outgoing ro shy person? kewl or I tried out for Zenon, but I'm glad she got the part Kirsten, are you in high school? Elizabeth: really? Cool. :-) Are you serious Elizabeth? I'll be in 9TH grade next year Kirsten, what feature do you like most about yourself? not really. i have just always wanted to act Kirsten probally tired of typing so fast...........slow down the qestions we have 25 mins people yes, I'm not lying!!! What do like best about career Kirsten? i am very outgoing Me2 I love Kirstens eyes! yes, i am in highschool Kirsten, are you in high school? She is home schooled, right? I like going to school and meeting lots of different people. I guess, you meet a lot of people working, right Kirsten But, I started acting at the age of about10 Are you going to be in any magazines? I'm not shy @ all---well,kinda LOL she said she was in 10th grade slow d o w n What do you like best about your carreer Kirsten? please what grade? 10 rammons---what's your e-mail? yeah, i get to meet a lot of different people Kirsten, just a weird question, what kind of chair are you sitting in right now? SO an I Dopeople ever confuse you with Kirsten Dunst because of the similar names? i hope i will be in magazines. i would like to be in YM someday You don't have to answer that :) I'll be in 10th grade too Does anybody here like POP Corn? that is REALLY random My favourite magazine is YM!! I luv it! I am sure you will be in YM and Cosmo someday Kirsten i like going to work We are here to chatwith Kirsten so chat with heror leave. Please stop talking to each other and wisting your time when kirsten Will be a very nice person and chat with us Don't you have a sister who acts too Kirsten? Kirsten, what is your favorite food? a leather computer chair Cheryl has left the chat room. Kirsten-who is your favorite actor? Anonymous6979 has joined the chat room. WHere are you chatting at? Kirsten-Do you listen to music alot? Anonymous6979 is now known as Cheryl. thanks :) yes i do Kirsten, do you ever get confused wih Kirsten Dunst because of the similar names? Kirsten--------is it nice to know you have all these sites and everything for you?? a\can just see how mamy people adore you!! And I hear you have a cute brother =) MASHED POTATOS!!!!! i likecookies too what do you like best about acting? Have you ever seen the movie Big? Kirsten, what acting school you were in? slow down i see unanswered questions, which means you should too, so please wait till they are answered to ask yours Slow Down I guess it would be cool if you and your sister could work together Slow Down Slow Down yah whatever they said i am always listening to music in my room or inthe car Kirsten> go to and you can make your own radio station.Its very cool. :-) You can program your own station to play whatever you want to. I like MASHED POTATOES TOO w/gravy Do your friends treat you differently because you are an actress? sometimes i get confused with her A special thanks to Herc29 and Kirsten for being here:-) yep!! yeah i went to "lisa malie" in florida yeah thanks =) Thanks but this is mostly thanks to Kirsten How old is your sister? i have worked with my sisrer before Do you like the show "SO WEIRD"? THANKS KIRSTEN FOR COMING ITS REALLY NICE OF YOU!!!!!:) Kirsten-Thanks so much for coming here!U r definetly a role model for people of all ages---thanks for being my inspiration! iDO yummy :0 they are my fave yeah, thanks!!! Kirsten, can you send me a picture of you sister? no. my friends like me for who i am. they are all really great Is kirsten about to leave? Waht other famous actress would be so kind to their fans by appearing in a personalized chat like this? Do you play any sports? you guys are welcome! Kirsten, could I have a picture of you? my sister is 11 years old Kirsten: Do you often find yourself singing a long to the radio unconsciously? I do, and my sister is like "you're singing,stop it". Hehe. Are you chatting next time? slow it down please Are you about to leave the chat kirsten? Kirsten, can you send me a picture of your sister? that's nice of u to say do you want her to? So,if I want to get your autograph,I send my request to Do you have a favorite poet or writer, Kirsten? Good question gummo Thanks for being my inspiration to being an actress? This may sound weird, but what kind of music does your dad like? no , but i enjoy watching a lot of sports !!! herc, there are a few people who can't get in Kirsten-------Is there a place I could send you a letter (through the mail) where just you can read (plus other stuff)?????? YES! my sister doe the same thing to me! Are you ever going to be one MTV FANatic? That would be kewl Anonymous6 has joined the chat room. was your sister on Nickelodeon's "All That" oen time? b/c there was this little girl that looked like you I know, I will send them the transcript, I am sorry some people cant come in Have you ever met any other bands besides the bsb? Maybe we can work on a movie together sometime!!! yeah, that where u send the request addball, stop scrolling Anonymous6 is now known as ksno1fan. Stop Do you like watching basketetball? I love basketball! hey peeps whats up? Oddball125 has left the chat room. i like victor hugo. he write great poems..he alsowrote "les miserables" (((mnomstry))) in you e-mail address do you put mnomstry in CAPITALS or in "lower case"??? kristen you like poetry? stop that Good choice Kirsten! Kirsten: Do you like being on the computer a lot? Hope you go to that site. You'll like it. my dad listens to country music..... :( I saw Les Miserables on broadway, it was great mine too What kinda clothes do you wear? Country music stinks Do you like skiing? I agree, Kirswten :(( haha Slow Down oddball STOP THAT!!! country? heh...typical parent Josie 009 has left the chat room. Kirsten>>>>Are you gettin dizzy? Do you like POLO,Tommy Hillfiger,Abercrombie and Fitch,American Eagle? yes, she and i both appeared on "all that" Kristen do you like to read poetry? herc, oddball isn't stopping (((mnomstry))) in you e-mail address do you put mnomstry in CAPITALS or in "lower case"???? Are you gettin dizzy kirsten? KIRSTEN I HAVE INJOYED CHATTING W/YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BUT I HAVE TO GO:( BYE it doesnt matter Oddball---for the sake of us who r not doing that---please stop! bye rammons bye rammons!! SSSSSSSSTTTTTTOOOOOOPPPP!!! I have to get ready to leave everyobdy! so if you have anymore questions please ask them now :) one at a time i had a poem of mine published in the young american book of poets a few months ago What r u doing l8ter Kirsten? I still can't believe I'm actually chatting with Kirsten Storms! i have met nsync and shania twain kristen can you e-mail me at Kirsten-thanks for being with us today. Hope I get to work with you someday. Can't for your new movie! Sounds awesome. BYE! Kirsten,What computer do you use? BYE EVERYONE:(........I DONT WANT TO LEAVE :( iIF YOU WANT TRANSCRIPTS PLEASE EMAIL ME AT MNOMSTRY@HOTMAIL.COM My boyfriend plays baseballand wants to knowif you like Baseball and if so which team (he is such a dweeb) can't wait for your new movie I mean OR MNOMSTRY@AOL.COM Kirsten if that is possible can you e-mail me at Have you ever been to COLORADo? She emphasised ONE AT A TIME MJWMC has left the chat room. RPerley has left the chat room. rammons has left the chat room. Kirsten, Thanks SO much for being here today. It was so nice of you to take time to chat with your club members! I really appreciate that! :) ok, last questions Thanks for chatting Kirsten..can't wait to see you in Tsunami and Days! I LOVE YOU KIRSTEN******** Kristen are you into the bsb? Thank you Kirsten. TRANSCRIPTS ARE AVAILABLE HERE...jUST REQUEST OINE.....MNOMSTRY@AOL.COM hey!!!!!!!!! yes, but i enjoy football the most Cheryl has left the chat room. Me too do you play softball kristen? tHANK YOU FOR COMING KIRSTEN AND CHANGING YOURTIMEPLANS. i HOPE YOU HAD A GOOD TIME ON MY SITE. Anonymous2999 has joined the chat room. i have to leave everyone! this has been fun! mnomstry-can you e-mail a transcrip at yeah, I enjoyed chatting with you!!! Will you chat again sometime? Bye Kirsten THANKS KIRSTEN!!!!! bye kristen please e-mail me sometime!! Anonymous8457 has joined the chat room. we'll chat again sometime Thanks! my computer is broke! Anonymous8457 is now known as RPerley. Finally! Anonymous2999 is now known as Alternity. ok, lets all thank kirsten for this very great thing she did for us If you want a email friend from Florida my addy is : =) IF YOU WANT A TRANSCRIPT YOU HAVE TO EMAIL ME AT MNOMSTRY@AOL.COM wht's your email, Heather? Finally BYE EVERYONE! svk23 has left the chat room. Kiersten---thanx for being a great actress! Bye Kirsten tHANX KIRSTEN Maybe we can act in a movie sometimw bye Kirsten Storms has left the chat room.
