It’s weird how good you can make yourself feel if you have something nice to believe in. And as ironic as it was for falling into your lap in the first place, it slips right out and down just the same. But the problem begins with belief itself. It’s all in your head. It’s what you make of it. Or more simply put: YOU-make-IT. Then, one day, something happens and you realize that reality doesn’t live up to the fantasy, that very fantasy that you held in so close. And nothing can be done but feel stupid and a bit irritated with the situation you now find yourself in. Most importantly, it makes you feel sad. I don’t mean sad with regret or anger, but true sadness. The anger comes later. But this is that emotion that tugs at the strings of your heart and pulls it deeper down into your chest. It feels almost like the heart is shrinking and trying to hide somewhere out of view.

Belief is nothing but a fantasy that hasn’t been disproved, yet. And that time comes. It always does.


"If your a poet, you do something beautiful. I mean you're supposed to leave something beautiful after you get off the page and everything."- Franny, Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger


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