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A Tribute To

Law Officers



The "boys in blue"

They're often called,

Though many wear tan or gray.

Some officers are female too;

Though many didn't think they'd stay.

They spend each day,

Working for you and I;

Protecting our homes,

And our very lives.

Show your appreciation,

In some special way;

Cause they put their own lives

On the line everyday.

Too often we take them for granted,

As we go about our day;

But just for a moment, let us reflect,

On how we might repay.

If by chance

An officer you meet,

The next time you're walking

Down the street;

Give a nod, a handshake;

A warm friendly smile;

They don't cost a cent,

And are worth your while.

Thank an officer today !

The Police Officer's Internet Directory


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