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"I got the package today. And thanks for the extra CD, that was a nice touch. Talk to you soon."-Misty
repeat customer
(Huntington Beach,CA)

"The quality is great and I'm really happy with my purchase. Thanks!"-Rianna
repeat customer

"It's here! Thank you so much! Every song is there and the cover and the back are super phat. Whatever technique you used for the cover and the back is truly amazing. Thanks babe."-A.Neumeier(Saskatoon,Saskatchewan)

"Hi there!! Thank you so much for sending the CDs on before payment, it was a very nice surprise, and they came just in time!! The anniversary was fantastic, and we had a really good time! I will be sending it on to you within the next couple of days!! Cheers!!!"-Pagan Babe(E.Sussex,England)

"I received both the records and Turntable Maneuvers CD. Everything arrived in good shape, and I am looking forward to purchasing stuff again in the future. Keep up the good business, and otherwise, take care!"-Blue Hydra
repeat customer

"Thanx alot, great condition and deal. Let me know [when] you have any more rare records.."-Landin Gee(Montebello,CA)

"One day, turntablism may really be
appreciated as the art it is.
When that day comes, they'll teach it in colleges. Turntable Maneuvers I: Q-Bert & Friends
could be a textbook. Excellent."

"My package arrived in great condition.
How can you guys afford to
give all these freebies?!? Thanks again!!!"
-Steve Torres(St. Paul,Minnesota)

"Great communication and very fast delivery!!!
Great quality promo.
Thank you!!!"-Angry Blonde
repeat customer

" I can wholeheartedly recommend these guys for information
and hard-to-find records!!!"-M. Tremblay(Vancouver B.C.)

"Your SPECIAL DISCOUNT BLOWOUT is incredible!!!
I just received my order[No Cause For Alarm
and Sound Bwoy Classix 5]
and I am truly amazed at the sound quality!!!"-D.Hazleton(New Jersey)

"This was great.
I was MORE than satisfied. I am sure that I'll be a
repeat customer. Thanks for the freebies!!!"-A.Lenahan(FPO)

"DJ Karen and friends
have been wonderful in their availability of hard-to-find 12" singles which I have enjoyed buying from them. I have bought several items and in each case, what was advertised was available, the prices were good, and they were delivered expediently. A+++ seller!"-Blue Hydra(Florida)

"Just one word: EXCELLENT!!"-B.Stephan(France)

"I spent just $25. Not only did I get an out-of-print release
I'd been searching for but they hit me off
with a short stack of wax plus a giant hip hop poster...FREE!!!"-C.Torrence(Michigan)

"I'd just like to say that the company has a great customer service,
fast delivery, and best of all, surprise freebies."-DJ Traxz(Texas)

"This seller has many hard to find records.Prompt and polite service.
Highly recommended!!"-M.Mazzio(Pennsylvania)

"Cheap prices.Great quality and 100% legit!!!"-E.Ellis(Daly,California)

"Much needed site.Good luck to all!!!"-The Daily Mix(Internet)

"I'll order more vinyl in the future.That's how good they are!!!"-A.Poulikakos(Sweden)

"Good place to get rare! I wish all 'net dealers
were like this!!!"-T.Shimada(New York)