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BORIKEN The Mother Land

Our Puerto Rico
and the many beautiful things to see
Brought to you by John Maldonado
This page includes Sites
Political Status
and Tourist Attractions
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at

Links can be found at the bottom of the page

Thank You for the overwhelming show of support you've given, both from e-mails and guest book signatures. I apologize for not having been able to address everyone in a timely fashion, but I promise I will respond to each and every person who has supported me. This is our forum for discussion and knowledge so I invite all to express your opinions, but any obscene and abbrasive statements WILL be deleted from the guestbook. Once again Thank you!

About My Self

Hello and welcome to my page. My name is John Maldonado and I`d like to share with you my special relationship with my homeland. I was born in Bayamon, Puerto Rico so your getting the perspective of a full blooded Puerto Rican. I am 25 years old and am currently attending Mercy College and I will have earned my Bachelors Degree in Business Management in May of this year(1999). I live in the Bronx,NY and have witnesed,first hand, the destruction of my culture due to our community not educating our youth. A large segment of the puertorican population in the States really don`t have a clue as to what it means to be Puerto Rican. Many have never been to Puerto Rico. This page was created to try and assist anyone who wants to know about Puerto Rico and what it means to be Puertorican but doesn`t have the resources to find out.

I recently took a trip to Puerto Rico for Spring Break 99 and fell inlove with my island all over again. Having lived on the mainland most of my life, I was burdened with the problem of not really knowing what I should see and do when I decided to plan this trip. Since I took a large group of people with me, the majority of which were not puertorican, I wanted them to witness the actual essence of my island and not get caught up only visiting over priced casinos and local bars. I wanted them to experience the entire beauty of my island in hopes that they too would grow to love and admire my island as I do. So here`s where the problem presented itself. In trying to find out about my island I figured that I should check the internet. To my surprise, I found very little information on things that should be experienced when you visit Puerto Rico. I mean, sure they have the regular tours that can be taken from San Juan to a variety of exotic places on the island, but if you`re not willing to invest your life savings, then I`m afraid your confined to taking exhausting mid-day bike tours through a sweltering hot Old San Juan. So, what I did was basically go to the island and get lost. Sounds a little extreme, I know, but you`d be amazed at the amount of things we were able to do in 10 days for less than $200.

Boriken`s Treasures

The first step in finding out how you want to explore Puerto Rico is to understand what Puerto Rico has to offer. Sure, it`s smaller than some of the other islands in the carribean, but it is the only island in the carribean that offers the benefits of a variety of different eco-systems. Puerto Rico is the only island in the world that has it`s very own rain forest(el yunque)which is home to a variety of different plant and animal life. So for all you conservationists, this is a definate must see at the unbelievable price of FREE!! But we won`t stop there.

At the other end of the island, in the town of Lajas, lies a wonder of the world which can be witnessed in very few places on the planet. Puerto Rico being one of them. It is called Phosphorescent Bay. A Bay which is home to a plethora of irridescent Pito and Zoo Plankton which react to movement by illuminating a neon light. Sort of like underwater fire-flies.(This wonder can be witnessed both in the town of Lajas, as well as on the island of Vieques just off the eastern coast of Puerto Rico) Here you can enjoy cruising through the warm carribean waters and observing the silhouete of the landscape as you sail along side the island in route to your location via a glass bottom boat.(best visited on a moonless night).

Take a full day excursion to the island of Vieques to enjoy a full day of snorkeling in the deliscously warm carribean waters. Explore underwater reefs that play home to hundreds of forms of marine life. Take a mid-day break and enjoy meals provided by your tour guide. Relax under the comforting shade of palm trees. Take advantage of the Macas(hammocks) that line the beach and feel yourself drift off as you sway back and forth to the island`s heart beat while enjoying the warm, welcoming feel of the carribean sun. Or better yet, enjoy a Pina Colada while conversing with the island`s natives whom can be very helpful in helping you determine what should be experienced next in this lovely paradise. After about an hour or so, prepare to enter back into the welcoming waters of Puerto Rico for some swimming, fishing, or what ever you`d like to end your day with. Boats depart from Fajardo at 9 and 9:30 am. The price of this trip is $55 and well worth it.

Puerto Rico boasts another treasure that only few know about. The island of Mona, just off the western coast of Puerto Rico, boasts magnificent sights in a virtually untouched habitat. Mona island is under the protection of the Puertorican government as a natural reserve since 1975. But there are still plenty of activities to do while exploring this vast natural reserve. Mona Island can only be accessed through Puerto Rico`s towns of Mayaguez and Cabo Rojo via 6hr boat ride. Camping over night is strongly recommended due to the duration of time it takes to access the island. Mona`s shores are protected by cliffs which stretch to the sky, some over 200 ft above sea level and can only be accessed through 1 of 3 beaches on the island. During the day you can enjoy snorkeling and swimming in the crystal blue waters of this island where visability reaches an incredible depth of 150ft. Coral reefs surround this portion of the island where one can view a variety of colors which paint the seas` marine world. Bird watching, hiking or exploring the many caverns which flow through the island`s torso can also help pass the short time you get to spend in eutopia. There is no electricity on this island which makes nights so heavenly. The skies are completely free of pollutants which make it possible to view all the stars and constalations.A real treat for all you astronomers out there. Camping permits can be purchased for $4 per adult and $2 per child. For more info on camping, activities, and the ecology of this wonderland, please visit the "Mona" link.

What better way to experience Puerto Rico than the way of our ancestors. View the countryside seated on a trusty stead. Puerto Rico offers some of the best horseback riding experiences there are. You can choose to ride along the shore or you can choose to ride through the rain forest. Whatever your choice, you will not be disappointed. Any tour by horse back offers visions of the hypnotic beauty of the island and is sure to be worth your while. Horses are not native to Puerto Rico and were introduced to the island by the Europeans. However, they fit very well into the overall scheme of the island.(unlike the pig and goat who have depleted the island`s numbers of some of it`s natural inhbitants and even drove some near extinction) They were used by the Conquistadors who set up ranches for them on the islands of Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. They were later used for farming and transportation by the Jibaro(countrymen of Puerto Rico/Puertorican cowboy/farmers). Horses have become part of the Puertorican culture.For more on horseback tours through Puerto Rico click here

(Guided Tour of Western PR)

Viejo San Juan

When people think of San Juan, what usually comes to mind are hotels, casinos, and booming nightlife. But before these things were in existance on the island of Puerto Rico, the importance of San Juan Bay was recognized as a safe haven from tropical storms and invasions as well as to monitor all shipping entering the carribean from Europe. The construction of this magnificent city, the second oldest city in the western hemisphere after Santo Domingo and the oldest city in the U.S., began in 1539 and has evolved over 450yrs. It was finally recognized as a Historic National Park in 1961. The key units of this site are "Castillo de San Felipe del Morro"(Puerto Rico's best known Fort), "Castillo de San Cristobal"(the largest fort ever built by the Spanish in the new world), and "El Canuelo", the Fort of San Juan de la Cruz, the smallest of the island's defense stations. This Fort was built on a small islet off of San Juan. The Park also includes the massive stone walls which surround the entire city of "Viejo San Juan". You can enjoy guided tours through this historical city, or just roam through it's ancient streets at you're leisure. Experience it's historical significace and magnificance as your transported centuries back in time while walking down the same streets as the first European settlers. Along the way you can visit plenty of shops, museums, historical churches, as well as the street vendors who line the streets of this city which seems to be suspended in time.

In the Belly of PR

Up in the northwest region of the island is a wonder that allows you to fully appreciate the many different facets of Puerto Rico. Las Cavernas de Camuy are caverns that were carved out of the island`s belly millions of years ago. Under ground river systems and natural occurances formed the exotic and complex system of tunnels and caverns that exist today. The Indians that inhabited the island were aware of the caves as evidenced by the carvings of people and animals in these caverns. They navigated these deep, twisting paths that cut through the insides of the island. When the spanish were looking to erase these indians from the earth, the island embraced them deep in it`s soul like a mother protecting her child.

These Caverns are also home to a unique species of fish. Since these fish live entirely underground, they no longer have the need for sight and are born with no eyes. These unique and beautiful creatures exist in a world of complete darkness where they rely solely on motion to guide them. The distance to the Caverns from San Juan is approximately 1 and 1/2hrs to 2hrs depending on your speed. This is an excellent outting, be it with family, friends, or just to admire the diversity of our planet. More info and similar locations


There are so many beatiful things to do in Puerto Rico it is hard for me to specify and elaborate on all there is. But one thing I can`t forget to include are the beaches, which happen to be some of the most beatiful in the world. Luquillo is blessed with a beautiful crescent shaped beach that has a large reef that protects and acts as a natural barrier against any potentially dangerous waves. But I`d have to say that my favorite beach in Puerto Rico has to be the stretch through Loiza. It isn`t the most beautiful, but you can really get a sense of the culture and enjoy the mariscos(sea food) at one of the many stands set up along the beach. Enjoy pinchos de camarones(shrimp shishkabob), fresh clams, and all types of delescious delights from the warm carribean that consumes the island`s horizons while enjoying the soothing sounds of the island rythms. As the gentle, cool breeze massages and transports you to a world of salsa rythms and dancing palm trees, the island romances you with it`s diverse mixture of cultures and elegant landscapes.

A little further down the beach, away from the comotion of the shore life, this pueblo offers some of the best olas(waves) for surfing the island has. It almost seems as if the waves are running up on the shore beckoning for someone to ride them.

The beach at 7 seas is another beautiful treasure of Puerto Rico. With mountains ligning the distance, interupting the connection of skies to sea, they add varieties of color to the blue on blue canvas. This beach offers a hypnotic escape from the torments of every day life.

With an average water temperature of 80 degrees for the year, accompanied by the beautiful scenery, Puerto Rico`s beaches are a wonder to be adored by any and everyone!


Puerto Rico is also home to one of the best boxer's on the planet. Regarded as one of the best fighters pound for pound, Felix(Tito) Trinidad has emerged as an idol for puertoricans both on the island and elsewhere. With his unblemished record of 35 victories and 0 lossess with 30 knock outs, he has beaten the likes of many prominent figures in the boxing community. Puertoricans have always been avid fans of boxing, but this guy has really made us proud. And he will finally see his dreams realized on September 18, 1999, the scheduled date for his fight with Oscar de LaHoya, where he seeks to unify the welterweight title. We're all with you Tito and wish you the best of luck.

Peleas de gallos(rooster fights) are another one of Puerto Rico`s favorite passtimes. This sport has existed for so long on this island that it has already been incorporated into the culture. You can head straight to the Gallera(stadium for rooster fights) in Isla Verde to witness this sport firsthand. Club Callistico, located on Isla Verde Ave., is a perfect place to view these exhibitions. Enjoy a refreshing beverage while watching what may very well be the island`s favorite pass time. Hear the crowds yell words of encouragement while the Gallos perform thier ritual of courage, fighting to impose one`s supremacy over the other. So, if you ever find yourself with nothing to do(which is unlikely), or even if you just want to witness this sport firsthand, head to the Gallera in Isla Verde. The cover charge is $5 for men and FREE for women. (I guess the objective being to attract a larger female audience in hopes that women will adopt a greater appreciation for this sport. I, for one, don`t think that approach will work) NOTE:Not for the squemish. This sport is banned in the United States under the Animal Protection laws(Pelea de Gallos)


Traveling through Puerto Rico can be a wonderful experience. The island is large enough to house many different landscapes, sites, activities, etc, but yet small enough where it can be explored thoroughly within a short amount of time. I suggest renting a car and taking the island head on. Although the driving habits on the island may be considered a bit extreme to us mainlanders, I assure you they are definately managable. Nothing the experienced free way driver couldn't handle. For your convenience I have included a destination map which gives plenty of information on the island and it's locations, as well as a list of Rent-a-Car locations(1st list and 2nd list). I suggest you use Target. I found it to be the most affordable. But, who knows, by the time you plan your trip things may have changed. In any event, enjoy your vacation!

Brief History

I`ve had inquiries as to why I use Boriken instead of Borinquen as the name of my island. The reason I use Boriken is because this is what the island was called before the spanish arrived. The tribe of Indians who inhabbited the island(the Arawak Indians) named the island and I use the original name of Boriken to pay respect to our forfathers and mothers. These were the original founders of Puerto Rico,as it`s known today, before they were eventually wiped out by the Spanish and Portoguese. When Cristopher Columbus and Juan Ponce De Leon arrived in 1492, Ponce De Leon named the island "San Juan" after his patron saint, John the Baptist. When they eventually depleted the gold reserves in Caparra, the island's first settlement of Europeans(the remains as well as the remains of Ponce De Leon's residence are located in Guaynabo), he moved the city to the peninsula and named it "Puerto Rico" which means "Rich Port". Eventually the city and island switched names and San Juan became a stronghold against invading forces.

Not much is known about the band of Indians that inhabited the island, but we do know this, the original Boricuas were people who lived in harmony with the land and made there living from the sea. But when the Spanish came, the Arawak made the mistake of thinking the spanish were god`s, being that they came from the sea on huge sailing vessels these simple people could never have imagined existed. Their height, blond hair, and blue eyes all contributed to this belief as well. And when the Arawak revealed that the island housed enormous deposits of gold to the spanish, the spanish took complete advantage of these peaceful people by enslaving them. But let me assure you, when the time came, the Arawak fought with every ounce of strength, courage, love for their culture,and love for their freedom they contained in their bodies to preserve their way of life. The spanish had guns and unfortunately that didn`t deter the indians. They were eventually killed off and the ones who survived ran and hid in the mountains to try and preserve what was left of thier life style while the others where tortured,raped and enslaved. The Spanish remained in control of the island until 1898 when Puerto Rico was ceded over to the United States as a result of the Spanish/American war. Puerto Rico did not become a commonwealth of the U.S. until 1952 and has remained that way ever since. There is much political discussion as to wether Puerto Rico should remain a commonwealth of the United States, become independant, or become the 51st state. There are those who long for thier independance and believe Puerto Rico has the ability to exist as it`s own governing body, while others enjoy the protection offered by the blanket of "commonwealth", and doubt the island`s ability to establish a functioning government and economy that can participate in the global market place effectively. It should be interesting to see how these heated political demonstrations serve to influence the minds of the island`s populace.


The Arawaks were a trusting and peaceful people. This culture trait can be witnessed in the descendants who remain on the island today. Any one who has been to Puerto Rico can tell you that the people are friendly, giving, and make you feel like part of one big loving family. Despite the horrors my people have been through, we still have the ability to love. We are a beautiful people, and the only Boricuas on the planet. Once our culture is gone, there won`t be another like us. Rest assure that the beauty of this lost civilization is not gone, but rather lives on, right here in our hearts. Whatever you want to call us Taino(the name given to the Indians by the spanish), Boricua(original inhabitants of Boriken), Puerto Rican, or whatever, we are a beautiful people that have plenty to be proud of. Be Proud Boricuas!! I write to teach the little I have learned about my home and my people. In short, what I have learned about me. I leave you with this bit of advice. Each one teach one,and remember, If you`re the smartest person in your group, your hanging out with the wrong people.


I`d like to thank God for allowing me to be born Puerto Rican and allowing me the opportunity to visit mi isla!! I`d also like to thank my children who`ve taught me the true meaning of life and that life is a blessing that we should live to the fullest, My mother for her guidance and support, My Spring Break 99 crew(Jose got slammed), And last but never least, Puerto Rico,my mother`s mother, without whom this opportunity would never have been possible. Que bella es mi isla!


I'd like to take this opportunity to update everyone on a subject that's recieving little to no attention from the media. Vieques Island, just off of the eastern coast of Puerto Rico, is having much difficulties in it's dealings with the US military. To read more on this issue click here


The Puertorican national hymn was written by D. Felix Astol and Arterias in 1847. It was rewritten by Manuel Fernandez of Juncos. La Borinquena can be read in both english and spanish.

The coqui has a beautiful song which completes the night sounds of Puerto Rico. These unique, tiny tree frogs exist solely in Puerto Rico(although it is rumored that they also exist in Vietnam). Thier song is comprised of two different frequencies. The "co" is a warning to other male coquis to stay clear of the singer`s territory. And the "qui" is a mating call used to attract females for reproduction. These wonderful animals have been using multiple frequencies for communication long before computers were ever invented. Coquis are considered, pound for pound, the loudest frogs on the face of the planet.

The Tainos were wide spread throughout the carribean. Settling across Haiti/the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and the Lesser Antilles. But unlike the South American tribes, the Tainos didn`t leave behind magnificent structures that would give clues as to thier beliefs and culture. They seemed to have been swallowed by time. In an effort to rediscover this great, lost civilization an expedition was formed. The Taino Expedition was formed inorder to answer some of these age old questions as to who the Tainos were and what some of thier accomplishments were. I personally would like to thank the people at discovery for putting together this expedition and I wish you the best of luck.

When Cristopher Colombus first arrived in Puerto Rico and encountered our rain forest he thought he had found the Garden of Eden. For those who`ve never had the opportunity to visit this paradise, this gives a hint as to just how beautiful the island is.

Our ancestors not only inhabbited all of the island's in the greater Antilles(which also include Cuba, Jamaica, and Hispaniola), but they also named them in thier own language. The original names for these islands can be found here.

My Favorite Links

Any site I find that deals with people trying to educate others will DEFINATELY be used as a link here. If any one has a site they feel should be included, please e-mail me and I`ll be sure to post it if it meets that criteria.

A GREAT site that keeps everyone updated and informed on events in Puerto Rico as well as an excellent educational tool. Current events, great recipes,and interesting facts set to pleasant salsa melodies played on a piano. One of my favorite sites.Aqui.

A very informative site that keeps it's readers updated on the problems the people of Vieques are dealing with. Informative literature illustrated wonderfully to capture the real essence of the peoples' plight. Vieques Libre

For paintings of a lost Arawak civilization click here.

This site is another indicator of a strong Taino heritage fighting to be recognized. If you'd like to read poems, see art work, or browse through photos of this unique and wonderful culture, be sure to visit this site. Tau Datiaos, which means "Welcome" in the language of Tainos.

If you`d like to read about a Taino`s first hand life experiences, as well as a brief synopsis of the Taino culture click here.

hint:browse through her guestbook for additional sites by Tainos for Tainos

For a detailed, precise look at Puerto Rico click here. This is a spectacular site that disects every aspect of Puerto Rico, from culture, to politics, to cuisine. This serves as an excellent guide to Puerto Rico. Be sure to search through the map for detailed info on each municipality.

Another fascinating site that explores Puerto Rico inside and out. From historical figures in puertorican history, to exciting vacation spots, guided tours through each pueblo, festive dates and events, poems, history, religous background, and much, much more. This site is a real pleasure to visit and has something for everyone within it`s pages. Do yourselves a favor and visit this site. I gaurantee you will not be disappointed. aqui

Francisco Baerga has provided us with excellent images of the island of Boriken and the indians that inhabited it. Thier ways of life as well as modern day Puerto Rico. Beautifully drawn and wonderful depictions that help us to understand what life must have been like for my ancestors. Click here.

Yet another site that examines the different sabores de Puerto Rico. A spectacular site that serves as a guide and source of info. Examining the music, food/drink, facts, culture(today and of old), the men and women of PR, images of the lovely island and plenty more! For your tour of PR, in and out, click here

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I`d like to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting this site. This is my first project on a computer and I`m trying to familiarize myself with this technology thing. I sincerely hope everyone enjoys it and,once again, Thank You for visiting. If you`ve enjoyed this site and found it useful in anyway, please refer this to a friend. Help support my humble efforts to try and educate this world. God Bless!!


5/27/99 I have graduated from Mercy College with my bachelor's in Business Management. I begin classess for my MBA in September of 1999. Hey guys, I did it!

9/99 President Clinton has issued a pardon for the 16 political prisoners from Puerto Rico. After nearly 2 decades of improsonment they are finally free. Articles on this matter are posted within the link in the section titled "ATTENTION"

9/19/99 Felix "TITO" Trinidad has done it! He has defeated Oscar Delahoya for the WBC Welter Wieght Belt. New York city was alive with celebration after the decision was given, much to the astonishment of Oscar Delahoya. Although some don't agree with the decision I feel it is just. We must remember that that is exactly how Delahoya won the belt from Pernell Whitaker in 1997. Upon the arrival of the champ to Puerto Rico, a parade was given by Trinidad's adoring fans to celebrate this highly anticipated victory. CONGRATULATIONS TITO!

1/6/00 Actress Rosie Perez was arrested for boycotting the United States Naval Base located on the island of Vieques. She marched to the United Nations where she was arrested along with many others whom are supporting Puerto Ricans on the island of Vieques. Don't worry Rosie, you're not alone.