
The streets were glimmering in the darkness as the rain fell from the sky covering the black pavement. The small town square was quiet and empty as Nick Carter searched the area hoping to find a place to call home for the night. The small teen shivered as he stumbled into a small alley-way looking for a spot to rest and escape the rain. "What'd I'd give for a home right now," the orphan whispered to himself as he curled up into the small corner of the alley lifting his soaked jacket over his head. His fearful blue eyes watched the area as he prepared himself to leave if necessary.

Life on the street was like that. Never knowing from day to day what lied ahead you, or if you'd even be around to see the next day. So, street rats always had to be ready and Nick Carter was.

The teen was disturbed as he heard footsteps coming closer to him. "Son of a bitch!" he muttered beneath his breath hiding behind a nearby dumpster. He studied the man coming toward him carrying bags of garbage from the town's only restaurant toward the trash deposit. He was small man, who barely looked to be over sixteen. His light wavy brown locks of hair swept into his gentle blue eyes as he walked faster in an attempt to get out of the cold, wet night.

"I hate this stupid job!" he grumbled tossing the trash into the pile. "I have the exact same job as my cousin, but can he still tell me what to do? Yes! Of course, he can." He sighed. "What'd I give to be older and bigger."

"ACHOO!" Nick sneezed bringing his hand to his face attempting to silence the sound.

The stranger's eyes narrowed as he glanced through the alley. "Anybody there?"

"Great, so much for stayin' here," the small blonde groaned standing quickly to make his departure. He took a deep breath as he began running passed the other man.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa slow down!" the stranger called out grabbing his arm.

"Let go of me!" Nick shouted kicking his legs as he struggled to get out of the firm grip.

"Where are you off to?"

"None a yer' damn business!"

"Hey, now...There's no need to get all riled up. I just asked you a question. What's a little guy like you doin' out so late? And in terrible weather?"

"I'm thirteen and I'm not little!" Nick snapped.

The wavy-haired man rolled his eyes. "Okay, okay. Let's just start out by introducing ourshelves, all right?" He extended his hand. "I'm Brian Littrell and you are?"

"Nick Carter."

"Nice to meet you, Nick Carter. Now, what are you doin' out here all alone?"

He shrugged shuffling his feet. "I ain't got nowhere else to go, so I came here."

"Oh," Brian whispered frowned as he took in the child's ragged appearance. "Um, well are you hungry?"

"I don't need anyone takin' care of me!" the orphan hissed marching away.

"I'm not taking care of you!" the new accquaintance corrected. "I just asked if you were hungry. I work down the street at Tony's Diner. There's some soup left over tonight and if you don't eat it, it'll just go to waste. I just thought I'd offer. But if you don't want it..." he turned away.

"Wait!" Nick called out hurrying after him. "Um, I'd say for you to um...waste all that food. Uh, I could eat some just so you wouldn't have to throw it out, of course."

"Of course," Littrell replied relieved he had encouraged the young man into coming out of the foul weather and getting some warm food into his stomach.

Carter entered the diner slowly checking out the people inside. He was never one to be trustful, but given the cold rain and the hunger pains that exploded inside his stomach he didn't have much of a choice.

"Hey, Kev!" Brian yelled as he stepped up to the counter glancing back into the kitchen.

"What?" came the annoyed answer.

The teen rolled his eyes out of habit at the sound of his cousin's voice. "I need a bowl of soup out here."

"Brian, we're closed, I no longer have to act as a waiter! Especially, for you!"

"But this is different," Brian encouraged. "It's important."

"What's so damn important?" his cousin asked entering the seating area.

Nick pulled into Brian's side as he stared at the older man. He towered over him being over six feet tall and his body was strong and muscluar. His hair was dark and his eyes an intense green, he was the complete opposite of his small, fair cousin. The man's expression softened as he looked at the boy. "Why don't you have a seat?" he suggested pointing to an empty chair. "I'll bring you something to eat."

"I don't want to be any trouble," Nick stammered intidimated by the bigger man.

He shook his head. "No trouble."

"Is he nice?" Nick whispered looking up at Brian.

The teenager shrugged taking a seat at his side. "His bark is worse than his bite. Kevin comes off tough, but he's a real nice guy underneath it all."


"Here ya' are," Kevin said as he returned carrying a bowl of soup in hand. He smiled watching the blonde devour the meal. "Slow down there, kid, there's plenty more if you want it." He turned to his cousin. "Brian, aren't you suppose to be cleaning?"

"I was just giving Nick company!" he defended.

"Well, I'll keep Nick company. You go finish putting up all the chairs."

Brian crossed his arms. "Why do you get to keep him company?"

"Because I said so," Kevin answered easily. "Now scoot."

"I'm going, I'm going," his younger cousin grumbled walking away.

"We haven't properly been introduced," the big man said eyeing the kid. "I'm Kevin Richardson."

Nick looked up from his soup. "I'm Nick."

"Do you have a last name?"


"All right." He observed the ragged appearance of the torn, worn out, wet clothing and the boy's frail appearance. He sighed. "Nick, do you have a place to stay?"

"I survive."

"You didn't answer my question. Did you run away from home?"

"I ain't got no home or parents to run away from."

Sympathy displayed itself's in the man's green eyes. "I see. You don't have any family?"

"I got a brother and some sisters, but they have homes."

"But you-"

"No one wants me," Nick said cutting him off. "They were younger, people wanted to adopt them. Not me."

"You don't know that for sure, Nick."

The blonde nodded taking another bite of the warm soup. "Yes, I do. Every family either wanted a pretty little girl or little kids." He bit his lip. "Could I have some more?"

Kevin nodded taking the bowl. "Sure, kid."

"What'd he want?" Brian asked returning to Nick's side finishing his work.

"I dunno. Just to talk, I guess." The runaway faced him. "Why do you work here? You look kinda' young to be working."

"Oh," Brian sighed his face becoming sad. "You see, I live with my cousin Kevin. I work here so we can afford to keep a place together. But he gets me breaks so I can keep up with my school work and don't get too overworked."

Nick's jaw dropped. "You mean, you're an orphan, too?"

He nodded slowly. "Yeah. Most of the kids in the neighborhood where Kev and I live are. We all come from rough situations. It's not much."

"At least you have Kevin and a home. Even if it's not that great."

"Yeah, I'm lucky I guess."

"Here Nick," Kevin said handing the child another bowl of soup.


Brian turned to Kevin whispering. "Hey, Kev, I was wondering...."

The man rolled his green eyes. "Brian, if this is about a dog again the answer is 'no'."

"No, it's not. It's about Nick, I thought maybe he could stay with us. Just for the night," he whispered quietly so Nick wouldn't overhear.

"Brian! What are you thinking? We don't even know this kid!"

"But he's just a kid, Kev! And he needs a place to stay, he's in the same situation I was in only he didn't have someone like you to get him outta' it. Come on, he shouldn't be out on a night like this and he seems all right."

Kevin rubbed his neck considering the situation. "Brian, I just don't know."


"Fine, but he steals anything your paying for it. Understood?"


Brian grinned clearing his throat. "Hey, Nick."

Nick looked up at him continuing to eat his soup. "Hmm?"

"How would you like to stay with me and Kev for the night?"

"You mean it?!" he asked turning to the green-eyed man.

Kevin nodded. "If you like and you promise to be respectful and behave."

Nick crossed his fingers over his heart. "I promise."

"Okay, then you finish up your soup and we'll be on our way. But remember it's just for the night."

"Okay," Nick stated. "Just for the night."

Kevin began untying his arpon. "I've got to clean up the kitchen. Brian, wash his dishes when he's finished." The twenty-one year-old shook his head as he walked away. "What the hell am I getting myself into?"
