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Welcome To The Homepage Of WA7NY

Click for Medford, Oregon Forecast

Welcome To Radio station WA7NY in Medford Oregon. My name is dave and this is my webpage on amateur radio. I Will explain more about this wonderful hobby as i go on for those who do not know much about it. (aka Ham radio. I have been a ham radio operator now since 1992 but my love for radio communications began long before that. i took my first test and got my technician class license which opened up a whole new world for me. It was amazing using a very small radio (handie talkie) which put out 5 watts and i was able to communicate a very long distance even to other states by using (repeaters) which takes a very small signal and transmits it at higher power. these repeaters are usually high on mountian tops and tall buildings thats why the signal travels very far. VHF&UHF are used for local 2 meter and 70cm transmissions. the radio i use for local chatting is the Yaesu VX-150 its a very nice radio. My first amateur radio callsign was N2PQN back in 92. so began my journey to the top on the line. I enjoyed working all the repeaters with my little HT it was good because i could carry it anywhere. then one day i visited a fellow ham radio operator and opened up my eyes to all that could be done with this hobby. he had a wonderful radio station And something at the time i didnt know, but would be my most favorite intrest so far. HF yeap high frequency the low bands as they call it. i began listining to this new band more and more and fell in love with the equipment and something i didnt really understand at the time but was fasinated by the sound. CW morse code. It was pretty cool hearing this but i didnt really know what was going on so. i got on the air and slowly began to learn letters and numbers and before i knew it i was understanding conversations at slow speeds about 5 WPM. then i took my tech plus test and passed which allowed me to operate 10 meters phone and CW in the lower spectrum of the band. but i had one problem, i wasent copying fast enough. so !!!!! i practiced every day And finally got my speed up to 20 WPM then took the final ham radio test that would let me go anywhere on the band i wanted. the extra class license test and passed to my suprise and code speeds around 25wpm and now i run with the best of them on the low bands. my new callsign was AA2XL and i held that callsign until i moved here from new york to oregon where i applied for the vanity callsign WA7NY and got it. its a west coast callsign but with a little NY still there. To Learn More About This Wonderful Hobby Of Mine And Understand Why I Love It. Click The Link Below In The List. (W5YI)And feel free to contact me at Oh And My Radio I Use is the One And Only Yaesu FT 847 i Just Love This Radio its everything in one Package 2 meters 440 HF 10 thru 160 and 6 meters. i have a number of antennas from dipoles to dual band repeater antennas but have to go portable now from the new QTH so im setting up different balcony portable antennas at the new QTH here and contacts are working out fine. see ya soon!

In The Future I Will Explain More About This Wonderful Hobby Of Mine. Here i Will List Links And Homepages Of Friends. As I Go Along Ill Be Adding Information On Links To Sites I Have Found And Use That Are Great. heres one i use often for my amateur radio info QRZ.COM lots of stuff here on everything.Also I use a great program to make my QSL cards called QSLMAKER try it out. When you get a chance go to the link i put here and download the latest version of ECHOLINK its a wonderful program that enables all amateur radio operators to connect to repeaters all over the world. just like H.F. DX but without r.f. you connect via the computer. i use it alot to keep in touch with fellow hams on the east coast. check back from time to time this site is always under construction. email me with any links or perhaps your own webpage link. ill be glad to add it.

For all you CW buffs out there i just ran across this wonderful!! program for morse code its called CW COMMUNICATOR just click on the link and download a copy. its kinda like echolink but with can pratice alone or connect to the server and work other stations on cw...via your computer. its great when the low bands are down. ill be updating again soon.

I Will Be Adding More Links In The Coming Weeks.Im Always Working On The Page As Soon As I Get Info. OK !!!! here,s what every amateur radio operator needs.A magazine with all the info you need on DX Contests, Antenna Projects, the latest in Equipment and any othe thing having to do with ham radio. just follow the link here to CQ MAGAZINE

ill be back soon with more info on different sites. if you have any to enter let me know. meantime email me with any good links...see ya soon!

This is me at my Radio station/Packet Station Back in 1998 Ill Update with new pictures soon.

This Is My Radio/CW Station 3 Years ago. I Will Have New Pictures Once i Move Into My New QTH (Location).

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Here are just a few links. ill be adding more in the future!

Imformation On Becoming A Ham.
N2PQT Gabe Site
KB9OCQ-Wonderful Page!!!
W1WC 100 links page