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Samia's Cute and Random Page

Okay ya caught me. Yes, I built another absolutely ridiculous webpage. The first one is here, if you're interested in my Gothic phase. Now THIS one is the result of my junior year in high school...the beginning of what I fondly refer to as the Vomitously Happy Years. They weren't really vomitously happy, but I sure acted like they were (minus the daily fistfights with David. I kicked his ass on a regular basis, mwahaha...) Anyway, I'm still relatively happy, except now the happiness is tinged with HYSTERIA, so...I'm a little crackers at the moment. Gotta love it. Okay, thank you, come again!

The Sunflower Page!!!

The Tombats Page!!!

The Arizona Page

Sadly enough, that's all there is so far, but you know what? I don't care!!! Hahahahaha. Okay, anyway. Hope you had fun with my mindless ramblings about Sunflowers and Tombats. Goodbye, I love you!

"Your smile reminded me of--"
"I always remind people of...who is she?"
-Roger and Mimi