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Crushpuppy's Home Page

         This is me, Crush, the undisputed king of the Beagles.
         The girls tell me I'm a handsome fellow, too.

I was born on May 6, 1994.  My parents, I am told, were Bogey Webb

and Lady Toots Rambler.  Unfortunately, I do not really remember my

natural mom or my dad.  I was adopted in July of 1994 by Laurie, and I

have been with her ever since.  She's been pretty tough to train, but I just keep trying and trying.  

           This is me as a mere puppy, in 1994.

I have a new little sister, but, hey, this is my page and she hogs most of

the attention, so I don't think I'll give her much mention here.  Maybe

when she gets older  we can come to a better understanding and she'll

realize who's the king of the castle.

I don't know where she is; it wasn't my turn to watch her.

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