Brood Updates


Hi Everyone!
I know its been a while since I last updated but Family heath probs I have not had the chance to get this update up and out.
GOD am I behind So I'll skip the pleasantries and get down to the nitty gritty.
The Terry Runnels invitational tournament. Best 3 out of 5. Hardy Boys Vs. Christian and Edge. This was the Best thing the WWF could have done {{Short of letting Christian and Edge get the Titles}} They gave our man the chance to show just how damn Good he is {{as well as Edge and the Boys}} They brought it down to the wire 2 wins each and a count out.
then No Mercy The BEST Ladder match EVER seen. It was AMAZING all 4 men deserved the standing ovation they received!!! The Hardy Boys won the match {{Jeff got the $100,000 that was suspended above the ring}}. Though Christian and Edge lost. {{Not that i minded}} I think there were no losers it was without question the Greatest ladder match ever performed the next night Christian and Edge came out During And interview with the Hardy Boys and congratulated them on Winning.. I think that was a classy touch. at this time they have Christian and Edge involved in something with "too Cool" God knows why cuz I sure as hell don't 9/10/99

~grins~ I'm home.. and what can i say?? #1 BABY YEAH!!!! as you all may know Christian and Edge are now the # 1 contenders for the Tag belts. But can someone tell me whats up with Stevie Richerds on the past Smack down??

I'm Baaaaaak!
Miss me?
Yeah, Yeah, I know GET ON TO THE MAN!!!
OK on 8/14/99 Edge and Christian faced The Hardy Chicks. On MTV the match was called Double count out. That night on Shotgun. They Faced Median and Viscera. they won...~smiles~
that Sunday on heat they faced poppie chulo & Funaki {sp?}.
Called a double count out. And The Chicks {{hardy Girlz}} Jumped in and ran away
That brings us to this past Sunday on SummerSlam. and the Tag team turmoil match. The first 2 teams.. Our Men. and the Hardy Grilz. Our men kicked but.. then they faced Midean and Viscera.. They kicked butt. Then Droz and Prince Albert. They kicked Butt.. Then the Acolytes... ~thay had it won 3 DAMN times but the ref was smoking the Good stuff and Forgot how to count!!
In Short THEY WERE ROBBED!!!! and on this past Monday. On raw we Got what I call A HONEY Fly by.
Gangrel Vs. The Rock. The Hardy Girlz come out to interfere and Edge and CHRISTIAN come out and run them off.. AND WHAT A RUN IT WAS!! MY GOD CHRISTIAN IN A FISHNET SHIRT.. HE HAS TO KEEP THAT!!! 8/13/99

well now lets see.. What been going on... OK after one of edges matches we saw Christian and Gangrel sitting up in the rafters so we all thought that Christian had chosen Gangrel...
UNTIL last Monday night when Edge Faced Gangrel in the first ever Blood bath match. When we all thought that Gangrel had edge beat and he went for the bucket. The lights flickered and OUR HERO was standing there with Gangrel laying at his feet drenched in blood when the lights came on.
Edge was declared the winner and Edge and Christian hugged!

this past raw Christian faced off agents Gangrel. He was taking it to Gangrel. And as he was about to hit the IMPALER on Gangrel The Hardy Girlz came out and Jumped Christian. a day late and a dollar short Edge comes out to "save the Day" and also gets creamed. Dok comes out and they beat his as well. {they being Gangrel and the Girlz}. witch was the only thing that I liked since the Girlz ran out from the back.
Needless to say I'm not all that happy


Well Well Where to start??
OK lets start here. ~takeing a deep breath preparing for the raped fire rant~ Last Monday night Raw. Christian Vs. JJ. Christian had it won MORE than once. BUT Debra put her Cilacone @$$ on the Apron. and Distracted the Ref causing Our lord the match
As JJ was leaving the ring The lights flicked and JJ was Bathed in Blood
Edge came down a day late and a dollar short to see what happened. JJ blamed Edge for the bath and attacked him than ran off like a girl
Edge and Christian had no clue what happend.

Sunday night heat: Christian Vs. Viscera. Christian was Doing REAL well. considering he gave up like 200 lb. facing Viscera. When things were looking Grim Gangrel came out and Spat Blood in Viseras face and Christian Left the Ring SMILEING
On to tonight's Raw: Christian & Edge Vs. the Acolytes {{now I got Peeved in this one}}Things were going pretty well. It's a bit of an up hill battle BUT things were looking good For our Christian. UNTIL bradshaw Powerbomed him and Gangrel Ran out and Dragged him back into the locker room. now the thing that annoyed me is this. He had NEW TIGHTS ON! That means SOMETHING is going to happen.. why give him new tights and a Shot at the Tag Belts and then NOT give him the Belt? it's false Advertisement I say. ~frowing~


MY GOD!! well tonight was the night. i was BEEMING then i was more Displeased than all hell.. Well He SPOKE!!! ~Sighs~ his voice.. GOD how i love his Voice

The Interview:
Edge:Once agian all is back in line
Gangrel: The differences with my blood brothers have been resolved. A lack of communication or what ever you want to call it. But with the Passing of adversity comes strength.
CHRISTIAN: The furie of the Brood will Rage ~Tilting his glasses down and looking tasty~ Forever

Edge: So BEWERE take care Beacuse the Freaks still come out at night.
So our men come out togatherand Things are looking good for all us Brooding Fans
BUT what happens?? as our boys are faceing Midean Visera And the bossman?? GANGREL! DDT's Edge. and The boss man gets the pin.. ~frowns~ I'm DISPLEASED with this.. and Mora is not the Giggleing whore we all know and love.. We are NOT HAPPY!!!! I hope that Raw will put us in a better mood!


I know it's been a LONG time since I have done this. And I'm sorry every one.

~takes a deep breath and begins to rattle on~

ok we have DESCENTION in the Brood!! I'm not al that happy.. It looks like Gangrel is taking his leave.. First he spat Blood into Edges face during KOR, then when Edge saved that Ho. Gangrel was looking down from the rafters.. And did not look happy.... Edge has been coming out to his own music.. And Christian has been coming out solo as well..(( this I don't mind.. More camera time for our lord)) on Monday night Raw Gangrel took on the Godfather.. And this time he came to the ring with 2 ho's that I thought looked GREAT!! ((BTW. Droz and Albert get my Brass Balls award!!))

Now on to the outer stuff. After Droz and Al BLEW me away. And the godfather won the match by pin fall Droz and Al attacked Val veins who was at ringside. Gangrel planted the godfather with a DDT and jumped out of the ring and began to pummel Val as well.

Edge and Christian came out to Pull Gangrel off Val.. Gangrel was not happy..((BUT i was.. good face and chest shots of Christian))

later on in Raw Edge faced The big boss man. And Won. Boss man was NOT happy and handcuffed Edge to the Ring. Christian came out to save Edge. And was Handcuffed to the Ring as well.. ((these Pic's are in the Pic's of Christian Section at the Bottom)) And Gangrel was no where to be found..

Luv` and Bloody kisses



I know I'm late!! But the land out side of my darkness has gotten a bit nuts..on Now to get down and DIRTY. LoL
Christian faced D-lo brown on Saturday night shotgun. And can I ask What is wrong with his neck?? I mean it just bobs back and forth. Like a weebeel. HE is without doubt one of the MOST annoieing wrestlers... And I must thank the Camera man. THANK YOU lost of good face time. They had a REALLy good match But D-lo hit the "down low" and got the pin.
I was LES than thrilled with that. And on Raw Edge faced off agents The Rock. Yet another of the most annoying wrestlers. I want to shave that eyebrow off his head!!!
He won over Edge. I was Again NOT happy!!


Sunday night heat we had an elimination match ... with the Hardy boyz and the old man. Oops... i mean Mr. Hays.
our men entered with tare usual flair They were followed by the chalengers.and met them mid ramp taking it to the boyz and Dok
Gangrel was first in the ring and was full of fire as he pounded Jeff hardy Due to some fast foot work Jeff got the upperhand and eliminated Gangrel
Edge was next in the ring and was ALL OVER the baby Boyz!!! After some double teaming by the boyz they had Edge cornered. OR so they thought!!
Edge speared Jeff.. then Matt then the old man.... ((I was LOVING IT!!!))
the match went outside as Matt Hardy DDTed Edge ((where Edge Suffered a stinger {a Neck injury} and a rumored concussion))
Leaveing Christian alone to defend agents the Hardy Boyz and the old man. Christian rushed in attacking Jeff Hardy pressing Him up over his head and then dropping him down onto his knee ((and they say he's not heavy weight materiel?? HA i want to see them try and do that!!)) after battling it out some more with Jeff The old man decided he wanted in.. ~grins~ and he got Christians reversed DDT for all his effort!and was Pinned and eliminated.. Jeff & Matt both rushed Christian using there number to there advantage Matt Suplexed Christian setting him up for Jeff's suicide leap from the top rope.. ((as much as i "hate" Jeff for doing this to Christian.. i still think it's awesum!))br>Christian staggered to his feet and after an exchange of fists "impaled" Jeff.. and pinned him elimateing him as well...
Matt entered the ring and began exchanging blows with Christian Cornering him in the ring
the pulled Christian out into the Middle of the ring and performed a "razors Edge"
Outside the Ring coming down the ramp was "Too Cool" formerly Too Much As the Ref was asking Christian if he was all right Too Much Pulled Matt from the ring and beat him Silly ((it was the first time i ever cheered for them too))and shoved Matt Hardy back into the ring.. Christian then Impaled Matt and got the Pin all in all one hell of a match
And to Edge.. We hope you are doing Better
Luv ` and Bloody kisses


on heat last night the Acolytes handed out an open challenge to anyone who wanted to take them on for the Tag team title belts. And it was our boys who answered that Call..thay came up from the flames and took it to the Acolytes delivering one lovlie bloodbath.

tonight on Raw they took the Acolytes on in the ring. WHAT a MATCH the acolites were merceles on our boys ((Edge and Gangrel)) Bradshaw Slames Edge's head into the steel steps AND this was BEFORE they all got into the Ring!! It was one hell of a battle. As it was being raged with in the ring the Hardy Boyz and the old man.… Oops.. I mean Dok.… Or is it Michael now??? Who knows any more? Edge was pinned and the Acolytes retained the titles. As the Hardy Boyz jumped Christian 3 on one. He battled with them up the ramp when Edge Shoulder rushed the blond hardy boy.. ((bad reporting on my part I don't know the kids name)) and Christian and Edge fought the Hardy Boyz.. Christian landing an Awesome overhand right on the Brunette dropping min like a bad habet..

That's it for now..


Double update!

on Saturday night Shot gun Christian Faced off agents Some Fresh meat.. This poor fools name was Bashun.. lololol and BOY did he get bashed..Christian as dominated for most of the match. AND His finishing move has been named.. ~*~The IMPALER~*~......~bites her lip trying not to make all the Dirty comments about the impaler~... and tonight on Raw he faces off agents "beaver Cleavage" OH COME ON PEOPLE Beaver Cleavage??? What type of name is that?? Any who... It really was a good match and Christian truly can rule that ring.. Even when he is doesn't have the upperhand.. He has more stanama then most of the wrestlers out there.. BUT as usual in the WWF the Brood members are used as stepping stones for every one else.. Due to outer interference (AKA the hardy boys and the old man hitting Christian in the head with his cane)) Cleavage won.. Christian took on all the of them on his own ((The boys and Dok)) then Edge and Gangrel came out and evened the odds!

Luv` and Bloody Kisses,


Back into the Darkness
