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President Edmund Seawald
Vice President
Recording Secretary Michael Leggett
Financial Secretary William Corrigan
Chairman, Standing Committee Walter Cooper
Marshall Joseph Culina
Sentinal Bernard Duffy

The division has its monthly meeting in the Catholic War veterans Hall, 95th Anenue & 102nd Street, Woodhaven, NY on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 P.M.
(except July and August).

WOODHAVEN lies in the southwest part of Queens along the Brooklyn border, extending from 76th Street to 100th Street and from Forest Park to Rockaway Boulevard. John R. Pitkin, a Connecticut Yankee, founded the village in 1835, but the establishment of a tinware factory in 1863 by two Frenchmen, Messrs. Lalance and Grosjean, really launched Woodhaven as a residential and manufacturing community. The breakup of the neighboring farms in the 1880's and 90's provided room for rapid development. By 1914, Woodhaven was almost built up. The community today is stable, very well maintained and still wholly residential.

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