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Silly Stuff

  • For your reading enjoyment... I know this guy who's neighbor has a friend who has a nephew, a young man, whom was home recovering from having been served a rat in his bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. So anyway, one day he went to sleep and when he awoke he was in his bathtub and it was full of ice and he was sore all over. When he got out of the tub he realized that HIS KIDNEYS HAD BEEN STOLEN and he saw a note on his mirror that said "Call 911!" But he was afraid to use his phone because it was connected to his computer, and there was a virus on his computer that would destroy his hard drive if he opened an e-mail entitled "Join the crew!" He knew it wasn't a hoax because he himself was a computer programmer who was working on software to save us from Armageddon when the year 2000 rolls around. His program will prevent a global disaster in which all the computers get together and distribute the $600 Neiman Marcus cookie recipe under the leadership of Bill Gates. (It's true-I read it all last week in a mass e-mail from BILL GATES HIMSELF, who was also promising me a free Disneyworld vacation and $5,000 if I would forward the e-mail to everyone I know.) The poor man then tried to call 911 from a pay phone to report his missing kidneys, but reaching into the coin-return slot he got jabbed with an HIV- infected needle around which was wrapped a note that said, "Welcome to the world of AIDS." Luckily he was only a few blocks from the hospital-the one, actually, where that little boy who is dying of cancer is. The one who's last wish is for everyone in the world to send him an e-mail and the American Cancer Society has agreed to pay him a nickel for every e-mail he receives. I sent him two e-mails and one of them was a bunch of x's and o's in the shape of an angel (if you get it and forward it to twenty people you will have good luck but with ten people you will only have OK luck and if you send it to less than ten people you will have BAD LUCK FOR SEVEN YEARS). So anyway the poor guy tried to drive himself to the hospital, but on the way he noticed another car driving along without his lights on. To be helpful, he flashed his lights at him and was promptly shot as part of a gang initiation. Now everyone is bummed out and to top it all of ... did you know that it's a little-known fact that the Y1K problem caused the Dark Ages?
  • Friends

    Friends are the secret to a happy life.

    Those Who Touch Our Lives! Every special person who touches our life, Leaves their own unique mark on our heart. A mark which can never be chizzled away, Even if the years eventually pull us apart. We can take on their expressions and such, The more we share of ourselves together. It's those little things about another person, Which can remain a part in us forever. People who we have met throughout our life, Become a part of the person who we are today. We learn and we grow from the relationships; Each one touching us, in it's own special way. We laugh about spending too much time together, When we think we have become like each other. But it just shows how much we've been touched, By the relationship we have found with another. Those special people who can touch our lives, Are like precious jewels amongst life's treasures. They shine on us and leave a lasting impression; An unique mark on our heart; A gift without measures. This Poem was donated to my site by ©Pamela Hall ~Angel of the Heart~
  • JailerGirl's Guide to Staying a Kid For Life:
  • Give yourself a gold star for everything you do today.
  • Dot all your "i" 's with smiley faces
  • Sing into your hairbrush
  • Grow a milk mustache
  • Smile back at the man in the moon
  • Read the funnies then throw the rest of the paper away
  • Dunk your cookies
  • Ask somebody if their refrigerator is running, then tell them they better go catch it.
  • Play a game where you make up the rules as you go along; like monopoly...Lori
  • Order with eyes that are bigger than your stomach
  • Pretend your bread rolls are tap dancing
  • Step carefully over sidewalk cracks
  • Change into some play clothes
  • Try to get someone to trade you a better sandwich
  • Have a staring contest with your cat or dog
  • Eat ice cream for breakfast
  • Kiss a frog just in case
  • Give someone a "Hug-around-the-neck"
  • Blow the wrapper off a straw
  • See if you can drink soda through your nose..Matt
  • Refuse to eat crusts
  • Make a face the next time somebody tells you "no"
  • Watch TV in your pajamas
  • Ask "Why?" a lot
  • Make graham-cracker-and-frosting sandwiches...But..whatever you do...DON'T CONFUSE CRISCO FOR VANILLA FROSTING!
  • Believe in fairy tales
  • Have someone read you a story
  • Eat dessert first
  • Sneak some frosting off a cake
  • Refuse to back down in a "did vs. did-not argument"
  • Do a cartwheel or a somersault
  • Hide your vegetables under your napkin or better yet, under the rim of your plate
  • Stay up past your bedtime
  • Whatever you're doing, stop once in a while for recess
  • Wear red gym shoes
  • wear plaids and prints at the same time
  • Make a "slurpy" sound with your straw when you get to the bottom of a milkshake
  • Sit really still for as long as the dog is asleep in your lap
  • Put way too much sugar on your cereal
  • Play a song you like really loud, over and over
  • Find some pretty stones and save them
  • Let the string all the way out on your kite
  • Stick your head out the car window and moo if you see a cow
  • Walk barefoot in wet grass
  • Giggle at nude statues in a museum
  • Make cool screeching noises every time you turn a corner
  • Count the colors in a rainbow
  • Fuss a little, then take a nap
  • Take a running jump over a big puddle
  • Eat dinner at the coffee table
  • Giggle a lot for no real reason
  • Make a clover chain for someone you really "like-like"
  • Stir ice-cream flavors together
  • Do that "tap someone on the shoulder while you stand on their other side and they turn around and no one's there" thing
  • Enjoy your all time favorite candy bar (Forget you've heard of calories!)
  • Wear a ball cap backwards
  • Go to the zoo
  • Say "duh" when stuff is obvious
  • Throw something and when it lands make a cool exploding bomb noise
  • Put an orange slice in your mouth, peel side out, and smile at people
  • Try to eat all the chocolate off a peanut butter cup
  • Every time someone says "See you later" say "Not if I see you first" or "Thanks for the warning" then laugh real hard
  • Whistle the theme from your favorite TV show all day
  • Help your salt-and-pepper shakers talk to each other in high, squeaky voices
  • Remember to say your prayers
  • Squish some mud between your toes
  • Stay up late watching scary movies, then make a running jump for the bed so the hands under the bed don't grab you.
  • Ride a roller coaster two times in a row
  • Sing the "I see London, I see France" song
  • Eat peanut butter straight out of the jar
  • Write your sweetie's initials in a chalk heart on the sidewalk
  • Wave to the engineer
  • Make a smiley face with your bacon and eggs
  • Run through the sprinkler with all your clothes on
  • Lick all the ice cream out of an ice cream sandwich before you eat the sandwich part
  • Look down as you walk and hope to find money
  • Catch lightning bugs in a jar and make a lantern
  • Practice whistling through your teeth
  • Eat cereal any ol' time of the day you feel like it
  • Wear a bubble gum cigar ring or a candy necklace
  • Watch a lot of TV and don't feel guilty about it
  • Skip a stone across a pond
  • Make somebody laugh just when they start to drink something
  • Eat just the chocolate stripe out of your Neapolitan ice cream
  • Ask to be excused
  • Chew bubble gum
  • Spin the stem of an apple to see what letter it comes out on
  • make an oragami funtune teller
  • Start thinking now about what you want for your next birthday
  • Sing to yourself all day
  • Talk to your invisible friend
  • Play with your younger sibling's toys
  • Stick your hand in the fish bowl, try to catch one...
  • Draw a gang of "stick-figure" persons, and call it your family!!!
  • Color in your favorite coloring book with your really cool box of 144 crayons with the neato crayon sharpener
  • Finger-paint and make a really big mess
  • Buy pajamas with feet
  • Get the giggles and laugh until it hurts
  • Make your own special hideout with a sheet draped over two chairs OR a big cardboard box will do
  • Shout do-over when something doesn't go quite right Try to get the truck driver to blow the horn by making arm movements
  • Rollerskate in your friend's basement
  • Lay down at the top of a hill and roll down it until you get to the very bottom
  • Balance yourself on the edge of the curb like you are a tight-rope walker, or pretend like the ground is hot lava
  • Drink water and act intoxicated
  • Make angels in the snow
  • Ask for money when you hear the icecream man's music playing from his cart
  • Circle everything in the toy section of a Sears catolog for what you want for Christmas
  • Play cops and robbers on your bike with a friend

    graciously donated by Richard- (edited by me-JailerGirl)

    Feel free to send your comments, as well as pics.

  • My serious look:

  • Matthew's Eye Pic...Mom will be proud!
  • Heidi...hiya Sis
  • Lori...You're the greatest !
  • Alf...I Luv Ya!
  • Check out Richard's Site...A new friend of mine, too!
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