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Poetry By WhiteShadow & SGD members

This is poetry by members of the Sun-Goes-Down Holt and of course, the WhiteHunter/ShadowWings Holt. As I get more poetry, more page will be created. Hope you enjoy!

Life-mate, Soul-mate by Michelle/Xaryan/Snowcloud

Soul of my soul 
Being of my being 
Touch me and make me live
Dance with me in the moonlight
Feel me as we lie side by side
The day I knew you was the beginning 
Of the rest of my life
Run your hands up and down 
Nibble gently at my neck 
Lay on top and gaze at into me 
Feel what I feel
Reach deep inside me
Filling my body inside and out 
Never will I be this complete 
The new life inside, growing 
Is a part of you, part of me 
You and I will forever be 
One and the same
Howl with me at the silver moons 
For the past and the future
Pause only for a moment 
Then live with me Now
Smooth skin touching, touching
Please touch me, touch my soul
Sweet love, look at me I am yours, now and forever
Life-mate, Soul-mate I am only yours.

Tribute to Brushbee by Michelle/Xaryan/Snowcloud
When my eyes met yours
I knew you would believe in me 
My strong friend
I knew you would hunt with me 
We howled together
At the silver moons 
and now when I howl 
I think of you
Oh my honey colored friend
So brave and bold
You truly cared when no other did
You cared when I didn't
Rough pink tongue 
Never will it wake me again
Red clay eyes never to stare into my soul
beast, bond, friend 
Now I must move on 
But no other shall replace the memories 
Of my first wolf friend

Dancer’s Song by Michelle/Xaryan/Snowcloud
Under stars and shade
Elfin dancers twirl about
Lovers huddle close
Not a care in the world
Canine beasts called friends
Lay low to the ground
The time is for celebration
As walls between enemies fall
Passion quickly overrides thought
Cubs so little, rest softly
For now is not your time
Those young and those old
Lose all items that bind
Become one with the ‘Star Cousins’ 
Dance close, closer, closest together
As body and soul become one
Slowly hands join together
As a circle forms and many become whole
The dancers slow and fall softly to the ground
Until it is time to seek comfort from the sun
Lovers of the night
Couples young and aged, new and old
Heed the songs within your heart
Twine and twist within your dens
No worries, no fears to the others
Shelter with a friend
Elf and wolf alike
Dream about the nights to come
So sleep during the day
For the moons were made for lovers
And this song for those
Young of heart and on spirit
Those seeking love under the stars

Joining by Michelle/Xaryan/Snowcloud
Ye, who have watched for so long
Watch those no longer
and wait no longer
Sweet body, yearning for love
Do wish you to be touched
Beautiful one, pure of heart
Your lupine eyes narrow on me
How I wished to be touched as well
Under the great willow tree
By a quiet stream
Is where love is waiting
That’s where I’ll be
Pale skin upon pale skin
Stars shine brightly this night
I’ll be your first and you’ll be mine
Together our bodies will twist and twine
How delightful you taste
Your every curve matching mine
Join with me, be mine for Now
And if soul meets soul
When eyes meet eyes
It is not just another joining
But one meant for life

POEM BY Everlight Hot cold fire ice when he touches me I feel it thrice He burns my heart and cools my rage. he brings me love and sends me desire I hold my arms out to him he never refuses but he makes sure I am my own woman soaring higher I need him he touches me I think he loves me I wage. but to know he wants me and tells me he wants me brings me courage and strength I never knew. He lifts my heart. Never once tore it apart. I trust and hold him as my lover too. Each moment with him I feel myself grow He is the love Ill never know. Rhynar. THIS NIGHT by Eliza/Kestra With a touch and a whisper the night begins Candles glowing on warm responsive skin Gentle caress soothes the woes of the day Bodies fitting together in every perfect way Lips trailing down to taste and to treasure Seeking the points of unexcelled pleasure The experienced touch of a lovers hand Every inch of skin open to sensuous command Exquisite sensations tingling everywhere Lost in emotion enmeshed in warmth shared A sly smile hidden in the brush of a kiss Entire existence within reality shrinking to this This night, this heat, this need, this fire Eyes close, touch roaming in the dance of desire Silken skin sliding on the dampened heated contours Exploring tongue seeking epicenters never found before Teeth nipping a path from ear to ear Awakening in response to warm skin so near Fluid desire moving limbs twining together The sensation of skin breathing in skin like no other Touching, loving, tasting true essence of desires flight Trembling with undeniable passion, encompassing the night The spicy scent of bodies entwined in rhythm Tasting with every sense the great gift been given Flames flicker behind smoky half closed eyes Lost in the husky sensation-sparked cries Primal fire fed by throaty whispers of need Feeling the hunger that aches to feed The heartbeat quickens, breathing stops Cascading pleasures pushing heat over the top Trembling, straining to meet electrical pleasures within The fireworks of passion spiraling through desires winds Blood racing through newly awakened heights of sensuality The skin burning under the heat of finality Holding on tight, hearts rhythm matching beats Whispers and kisses shared in the aftermath of release Clinging to the feeling of ones expectations sated The truth of joining more than dreams anticipated Among the glowing embers of physical respite Lay two connected souls, welded together this night. Sunsight’s Song by Erika/Sunsight/FoxEye/Wolftooth/Darkpond I roam through the forest all day and all night, keeping watch over elves. I've seen many an amusing sight, letting them handle themselves... Silent my feet walk a lonely path, in the Holt my mate is waiting. I'm guarding him from the roundear's wrath, for them my traps I am baiting. By Darkpond I was named Neversleep, my sire, he named me Sunsight. For neither of those names I weep, they both are naming me right. For the Daystar is my beloved friend, I greet her every newborn day. And one day this lonely path will end, one day I'll come to stay. To Wildberry and Kestra - Healing Hands by Erika/Sunsight/FoxEye/Wolftooth/Darkpond Pain is overwhelming me Healing hands are soothing Blackness is clouding my sight Healing hands gives light My mind is confused and screaming Healing hands shows the way My body is torn and bruised Healing hands gives life My soul is longing for it's other half Healing hands helps joining I owe you my life, my soul, my heart Healing hands are needed Darkpond's dance by Erika/Sunsight/FoxEye/Wolftooth/Darkpond Once in the night, the summernight, a gaily elfess danced. She leaped high, she dipped low, she was as if entranced. The stars above, the flowers below, all watched the maiden so sweet. As veils of shadows was raven hair in her dance did sky and ground meet. Mischievous eyes and mirthful smile, sparkled with dancing delight. The elfess danced to the unheard songs, once in a summernight. Love By Erika/Sunsight/FoxEye/Wolftooth/Darkpond As our den is shielding us from cold, my heart is shielding you. I know your scent, your touch, your mind, I'll never let you feel blue. We tease and argue, we love and fight, but never will I let you go. You're the part that's been missing of me, but I have found you now. Hate by Jon C./Kalem I see your face now And I turn away in disgust. Your smile and the sound of your voice Makes me loose all my trust Your hair and your skin Are like ragweed and the scales of a snake All those poems I gave you and the love I professed Were the deepest form of fake I think of how we first met And how I thought it was so great But I see it clearly now You I truly hate First Attempt By: Anton/Felladin Swift light Silent shadows Long howls Joined together Bonded through time and blood Rider and mount Two shadows look at each other Reading each others mind Feeling the song that binds them Dance by the tunes of now The smell awakens them The blood flowing hot The being concealing it is near It knows nothing Suspects even less They join and become one One hunter One life One being Living now Living forever Teeth cutting deep The blood flowing free Swift light Silent shadows Long howls Fell’s 2nd Poem By: Anton/Felladin Blossom scent Light presence My heaving chest tells the tale of hunt My blood-soaked hands tell of prey My yellow eyes tell of triumph Before me she stands Her blossom scent filling me Turning the bloodscent into dreams Her light presence covers me Makes my dark shadows vanish I take her hand It feels so soft I look deep into her eyes It feels so vast She leads me to the water Her hands cleansing my soul Gentle she washes me Her hands cleansing my body Still all I see are her eyes Burning as fire As stars, caught in the heaven of my heart My feet touches the soft soil She leads me up Looking deep into my eyes I feel the soft winds flow between my fingers The coolness making me shiver She takes me in a warm embrace I feel the force of Pollux and Castor run through us The twinstars join for us My heart pounds for this sweet love My soul sings for her sweet taste My own dreamberry

the Thought The stars flow, they stare down at me I can not see them and yet I can. to feel his arms around me helps me to see my importance.

He gives me so much more that I give to him. With out his love and presence I feel lost alone in a void with out meaning. I try to follow my

trail to the open sea. Yet his pounding heart leads me back to dry land. I finally wander no more.

I yearn to bear him fruit that will never be. I yearn to be his yet I feel there are others who share his heart with me.

I know that he can give all love in great amounts yet he hides his gentle side.

His devotion to me is wondrous. I know I am safe with him near. I fear him not or his love. I only fear of loosing him one day.

He touches me at last. We stand in a tree overlooking the vast ness of the woods. The daystar rises.

I feel his hair whips about my face. No words are needed as we take in the sight of tremendous colors and the feeling of finding complete oneness.

Just to hold on and not have to worry about tomorrow. Is this the now? Am I finding the joy and oneness of the now?

I never want to let this feeling go or my love. He fills me where I lack. He sees I need something and I have it.

HOW highones did I get so lucky. How did I get to have this joy of finding my self in another.

{{She slowly turns to her lovemate.}}

"I love you Rhynar." ~Everlights thoughts upon a day with Rhynar~

Poem By Erika/Sunsight/FoxEye/Wolftooth/Darkpond
Silvery stars above silvery snow, 
silvery frost over silvery rocks, 
silvery trees around silvery ponds, 
in the night is a fire. 

Shadowy elves and shadowy wolves, 
shadowy tents and shadowy games, 
shadowy satchels and shadowy logs, 
the hunting party is resting. 

Colorful thoughts and colorful voices, 
colorful dreams and colorful eyes, 
colorful laughs and colorful stories, 
the elves are enjoying themselves. 

Just a Note by Eliza/Kestra 
Dance the dance of silver moonlit glory 
Feel the velvety night seeping into every pore
A restless, eerie howling fills the air 
An elfin call that none with the blood can ignore 
Fleeting lupine eyes, sparked in flame, glitter briefly 
Within the shadowy forest looming above clearings end 
Lithe bodies leaping through firelight’s glow in response 
To the siren song of blood pulsing as they twist and bend 
Join the dance, Wolfriders! 
Feel the pulse of life itself! 
I call to you all to dance, be you a human or an elf! 
Taste of life’s essence through the pores of your skin!
 Let the spiritual call of the night pull you in! 
Feel the rush of life flowing in your veins! 
Let loose the wolf within held too long tamed! 
I call you to let go of heartaches and sorrows 
Push away the thoughts of unpleasant tomorrow’s 
Hold only to the moves and the flow of the dance 
Don't toss away this freedom before it's given a chance 
Come round the fire feel the warmth bathing your senses 
Come out of hiding behind walls and pretenses 
Remember your base reality of who you are 
Come, dance with us and fly to the stars! 

Limericks By: Deerfur/Silversun, Skyfire, Erika
Leetah had a lifemate,
her lifemate had a wolf;
Leetah liked to lead the pack, 
her lifemate liked to (Skyfire adds) Hit the sack!

Berry had a lover
Felladin was his name
And when they were in the furs
They played all kinds of games

Skyfire liked to nap
Lying in the trees
Bramblewood just wanted
To spend time with his squeeze.

Pike had a lovemate
Krim rode a buck
Pike lived to eat Dreamberries
But Krim preferred to ****

Darkpond was a trickster
She had an evil mind
loved to douse poor Fisher's head
In rotten melon rind!

Deerfur was a poet, 
he rhymed about my elf... 
Better watch out darling, 
and rhyme about yourself! 

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