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John Cena's Freestyle - 10-09-2003

John Cena's Rap:
You want to battle? I refuse to get ripped.
You little _____, you couldn't wrap a Christmas gift.
You're not All American Kurt, you wore out the gimmick.
You couldn't win a bronze medal in the Special Olympics.
I'm the dirty America, look in my eyes, I'm right here.
You're the American Dream? Well I'm America's nightmare.
I'm just a punk, pissing off more people than crank calls.
Hope you got your 3 I's Kurt, cause you got no balls.
And when God was handing out brains, it's obvious you didn't get none.
I'm usually throwing up 2 fingers, but you're special, you get one.
So hit this cat's music, so the fans can say "You Suck" too.
This finger doesn't mean you're #1 Kurt, it means I'm saying ____ you.

Kurt Angle's rap:
There once was a kid who liked to talk a lot of smack.
He's whiter than me, but he thinks that he's black.
And the kid thinks that he's the kind of talking trash.
Until the one day he bumped heads with the king of kicking ass.
He had a secret weapon. He liked to use a steel chain.
I'll shove it straight up your ___ if you use it again.
He can't run. He can't hide. It doesn't even matter if he's rapping.
Because at No Mercy when I get my hands on him, his b____ a__ will be tapping.
And let me tell you the real reason why I'm out here tonight.
I didn't come out here to rap. I came out here to fight!