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John Cena's Freestyle - 03-25-2004

Welcome to Smackdown, this is where the franchise plays.
That's Tazz, he's a thug, and that's Michael Cole, he's gay.
Now there's some things you need to know.
I'm here to keep you prepared, bro.
Don't leave your watch or your wallet anywhere near Eddie Guerrero.
Fool pickpocketed me like five times, he still owes me fifty bucks, he's still got my ID.
This is the most important thing, but you'll remember, this one's easy.
Don't go nowhere near a bathroom after Big Show or Rikishi.
They got that funk like something up and died up in here.
And get your eyes off my equipment, I don't care how bad you want some.
This chain ain't for yanking, and don't touch my Magic Johnson.
I'd introduce you to these fans, but it's obvious they want none of you.
It's because they know that France sucks, plus they're throwing up the "W."
Be a good time for you, don't let the door hit you when it shuts.
Oh, I got something for you to do man, choke on these nuts.