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John Cena's Freestyle - 03-04-2004

I hope the World's Greatest Tag Team don't try to sing for them titles.
They were worse than the Japanese dude from American Idol.
And at WrestleMania, you're boy is going to open some eyes.
They call me Johnny Starbucks, cause I'm the whole franchise.
It's time to make John Cena a household name.
I'm gonna win the U.S. Title and keep changing the game.
I went from tights and booties to jerseys and pumps.
And I'm the real United States, I'm just a trash talking punk.
Every week they cut out my lines from your TV set.
That means Vince Kennedy Mac can't even see me yet.
I say what I want, when I want, and I'm always controversial.
I'm gonna turn the Big Show into a five second commercial.