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Monday, January 30, 2006
2006 Royal Rumble Thoughts
Mood:  a-ok
I have decided to create a blog for this site, seeing as blogs are popular nowadays. This inaugural blog will be about my thoughts on last nights PPV, the Royal Rumble. I was not into this Rumble at all. It felt too mediocre, not much of a PPV. For some reason, the audio was bad on my tv. I couldn't hear the announcers and the music and fans cheers and boos regulated at different times. Lets go on with my rundown:

Cruiserweight match: I had no idea of this match since I heard it on some site. I don't care about that title because there has been no time for me, or anyone to be invested in these people. How many of you actually knew Jaime Noble returned to the WWE? At least Helms won the title so he can go back to Smackdown and get a decent push as there was no way he was going to get it on Raw.

Women's match: Sadly the womens title means more than the IC title right now. At least there is some kind of storyline tying all this up, but I'm sure the ending of it will be anticlimactic. Ashley does not belong in the ring. Let her do her photo shoots and bikini matches, but leave the wrestling to wrestlers.

Boogeyman/JBL: JBL was on the offensive the entire match, then he misses a Clothesline from Wall Street and gets hit with a pumphandle slam and is pinned. WTF? Didn't this happen to him at WrestleMania 21? JBL was champ for 10 months. He survived Frog splashes from a steel cage, tombstones, chokeslams through limos and the ring, barb wire steel cages, last ride matches bullrope matches, fatal fourways and he is taken down by a pumphandle slam. Pathetic. Not to mention that Boogeyman was terrible in the ring. The way he takes bumps and sells the offense of his opponent was horrible.

Battle Royal: Why was this match next? I have no idea, but the battle royal was pretty dull. Of course I expected HHH to win this. Him or Orton. I'm kind of happy that Rey won it, but I don't feel he should be gunning for the heavyweight title right now. Next year, without a doubt, but not now. The battle royal started slow with HHH and Rey being the only 2 in the ring when they were throwing everyone out. The surprise 3 entrants, Tatanka, Eugene and Goldust elicited nothing from me. How was Chavo Guerrero eliminated? He went between the top and middle ropes to go for the Frog Splash when HHH pushed him off. The MVP of the Rumble was definitely Rey Mysterio.

Cena/Edge: This means that Angle/Henry is the main event. Nice. This match was not good, which is a shame cause I'm sure they could have had a great match. How the hell can they take the WWE title off of Edge? For the 3 weeks he was champ, he was a good champ. The ratings were actually higher than Cena's run. The heat he had was greater than HHH, but John Cena had another mediocre match, won the title and cemented the idea in my mind that HHH will take it away at WM22. All the heat Edge had was killed off last night. Not to mention the fact he lost by tapping out to a STF that looked liked it couldn't hurt a 4 year old.

Angle/Henry: This is the only time I have ever walked away from a Kurt Angle match. I hope that never happens again. I did happen to see when Taker came out and did his little light show. That purple lightning was too cartoonish but the ring collapsing was nice.

All in all, a terrible Rumble PPV, that has always been a favorite of mine. Please share your thoughts.

Posted by Ron at 9:30 AM EST
Updated: Monday, January 30, 2006 5:08 PM EST
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Thursday, February 9, 2006 - 2:00 PM EST

Name: Alex

Yeah i agree it was all in all a bad night. I didnt feel the intense feeling the royal rumble normally gives. The boogeyman couldnt even scare away a fly, he really is pathetic in the ring, no precision.

Friday, February 10, 2006 - 2:31 PM EST

Name: Ron

The Boogeyman is just another person who I felt was all show and no go; meaning that he is mildly entertaining out of the ring, but when he is supposed to wrestle, he fizzles out.

Friday, February 10, 2006 - 10:39 PM EST

Name: Eric

You hit the nail on the head...for the most part. I didn't get to watch the Royal Rumble myself, however, it is one of if not my favorite PPV. Cruiserweights aren't terrible. It all depends on how you use them. Before Paul London was so kick ass, but hes just another guy. You're right who cares about Jamie Noble. Letting Juventud go wasn't a great idea. Kid Kash is crap, and I also agree with you it is good that Greg Helms won so he can get a push on Smackdown. Again, you were right, Ashley is NOT a wrestler. Now, Mickie James is a pretty decent little athlete, but they're gonna kill her off sooner of later, sadly. JBL going down so easy is a joke, too. I do find the Boogey Man entertaining myself, although. He can't fluidly wrestler, and thats the reason all his match are short. I love that Rey won the Royal Rumble, but Chavo was eliminated through the second rope, and Shawn Michaels was eliminated by a non-competitor of the Royal Rumble, in Shane McMahon. Edge losing to Cena was a no-brainer. Everyone seen if it stayed as a normal 1-on-1 match Cena would win. I mean Edge has never been anything extraordinary. The way he won the belt wasn't very deserving of respect either. Finally, Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry. They've made a joke of Mark Henry all through his career, specially with him and Mae Young, and now hes big time. Its kinda like when Hardcore Holly came back to face Brock Lesnar for the title at the Royal Rumble. Enough said...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 - 5:08 AM EST

Name: OMNIpotus
Home Page:

You'll laugh at me, but I think the Boogeyman is what the WWE needs. No, not him specifically, but just someone, someTHING that can elicit a response, can have some kind of story associated with him, and something that the other wrasslers can play off of. Storylines in the WWE have stagnated to the point of obsurdity. Whom is feuding with whom... that is all they have. The last time I remember them doing something of note was when DDP was stalking Taker's wife... and that's kinda sad. I miss the old WWE - the good ol' days - and I think Boogeyman is a START... while you are right he mostly does suck, at least he's not a cookie-cutter, carbon copy of something that already exists; at least they're trying.

Cruiserweights... you know... they have so much talent and so many possibilities. Remember Crash Holly winning the Hardcore Title and instituting the 24/7 rule? That was awesome! They need something like that. Stop this battleroyal crap! All that ends up happening is you get Funaki choaking Nunzio with his boot in one corner, Helms kicking one of the Mexicools in the other corner, and from time to time you get Scotty doing the worm (which don't even get me started on). They are talented! Look at what TNA is doing with the Xdivision and you'll see the possibilities.

Quite frankly I'm enjoying TNA much more right now than WWE. In fact, if TNA would stop toying with us with this Sting crap then I'd watch it exclusively. And this giving Eddie a spot in the hall of fame the same day as Bret... you're going to hate me for saying this, but Eddie is no Bret and never will be. The last time Eddie made a "splash" was when he entered the WWF with Saturn, Malenko and Benoit and dislocated his elbow.

There's my two cents.

Saturday, June 3, 2006 - 9:57 PM EDT

Name: Brian

i no this is alittle late but i just discovered this site the rumble did suck a bit but i no y the angle match was last because of the rin collapse duh... anyway rey did do a good job and what was withthat stupid jbl and boogeyman match he dances and smashes a clock on his head and he beat jbli dont think so...! the cruiser weight match was only good because of london's back flip dropkick thingy

Friday, June 9, 2006 - 3:33 PM EDT

Name: Chelsea R.

I think that Ron is wrong when it comes to the comments made about John Cena because john cena is in my opinion one of the best wrestlers today and he deserves to champ more than HH and Edge.

Friday, June 9, 2006 - 3:34 PM EDT

Name: Chelsea R.

I think that Ron is wrong when it comes to the comments made about John Cena because john cena is in my opinion one of the best wrestlers today and he deserves to champ more than HH and Edge.

Friday, June 9, 2006 - 3:42 PM EDT

Name: Chelsea

Your right when you say that if it was a 1 on 1 match that Cena would win just because Edge makes himself to be better than he really is when really he isn't all that great.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 - 8:14 PM EST

Name: Rey Mysterio #1 fan
Home Page:

You did super great on the Rey Mysterio lyrics. It must of been hard to do all of spanish words. Your site is great. It must of been hard to get all of the real names too. REY MYSTERIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007 - 11:07 AM EST

Name: Rey Mysterio #1 fan
Home Page:

Hi, I just wanted to ask Ron if he could get the wwf Kane lyrics.

Here is the site

Saturday, February 24, 2007 - 8:04 PM EST

Name: Michael Nelson
Home Page: http://None

Smackdown 2/23/07.

I would just like to comment about the fight between Boogeyman & little Boogeyman vs Finley & little Bastard.Boogeyman was fighting Finley and little Bastard was hiding under the ring. Finley threw Boogeyman out of the ring and then little Boogeyman low blowed Finley. Finley was distracted by the Boogeyman whe Little Boogeyman hit him. Little Bastard was not happy and came out from under the ring and went at little Boogeyman.Finley hit Boogeyman with the shillelagh on the back of the knee and the little Bastard DDT'd and pinned the Boogeyman 1,2,3. It was not as good as I thought it was.

Share your thoughts.....

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 - 2:54 PM EDT

Name: "Teddy"

this is a great page ya got here mate, just two mistakes I found in the real names roster a) Cody Rhodes isn't on your RAW list and b) Mickie James' real name is Alexis Laree.

Sunday, October 7, 2007 - 6:34 AM EDT

Name: "Ayden"




Sunday, November 4, 2007 - 4:04 PM EDT

Name: "Jonn Rocca"

Hey dude great site you got. I was just wondering if you can put up Big Daddy V's theme lyric for us. THanks!

Sunday, November 4, 2007 - 4:05 PM EDT

Name: "Jonn Rocca"

Hey dude great site you got. I was just wondering if you can put up Big Daddy V's theme lyric for us. THanks!

Friday, July 11, 2008 - 7:57 PM EDT

Name: "bianca"
Home Page: http://freeweb shawnm221

hey was up am bored i love wwe

Monday, February 16, 2009 - 10:11 AM EST

Name: "doloiy"
Home Page:

I want to see this someone show in real time. I download many video (find here about  it. I think it will bee realy great 

Monday, February 23, 2009 - 3:00 PM EST

Name: "qtel"
Home Page:

Also I download many video (find here about  it. I think it will bee realy great 

Saturday, April 11, 2009 - 6:56 PM EDT

Name: "anonymous"

Elizabeth Carolan is beth phoenix's real name i didnt know how else to get a hold of you other than to reply on your blog

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 - 6:46 PM EDT

Name: "jose"
Home Page: http://mattfacts are

mattfacts are useless where did u get dis from. ur probably a staker of matt hardy were did u get all dat info from. jeff hardy is much better

Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 10:18 PM EDT

Name: "anonymous"

update your page fool

Sunday, October 23, 2011 - 12:07 PM EDT

Name: "lubow"

Please correct real name of Ivan Putski.  His real name is  Józef Bednarski.


Thank you.  Very good work.

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