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This site is dedicated to programming. It's focus is to help those willing to learn along their way, and also to reinforce the abilities those who know how to program.

Below is a list of tutorials, source code for many languages, and links

If you would like to download source code that I have written, scroll down. To submit source code (any programming language) to the list, email me at

Page Still Underconstruction. Some items posted.

C++ Source Code
File Name Author Description My Rating Download Options
KeyFlogger James Hillegas My first Key Logger. It records all key strokes pressed and
is useful for learning about Windows API. Current Version: .07 final
7/10 View this file
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StartMenu James Hillegas A simple program that disables/enables the Start Button by clicking the available buttons. Shows a simple example of Windows API and making forms in VC++ 5/10 View this file
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Win32 API Spy James Hillegas A Windows API Spy. Displays info about the window the mouse is currently over. VB/C++ code generator as well. A must have for all Win32 API prorammers. 9/10 Download this file

Tutorial Name Programming Language Author Description My Rating
Buttons Visual Basic 5.0 James Hillegas A simple button tutorial, teaches buttons and a few basic commands such as MsgBox. Only available for viewing in HTML format. 8/10
Assembler is your Friend 1 ASM/Assembly James Hillegas The first in the ASM Tutorials written by yours truly. This one covers hexidecimal and binary. 10/10