ATD: The Movie


Richard Gere *as* Roger Waters

Lenny Kravitz Anthony Hopkins


Jon Carin(center)James Guthrie(2nd from right)

Anthony Hopkins(talented eh?) *as* David Gilmour


(in no particular order)

Dustin "Screech" Diamond*as*Adam Bailey

Shirley Temple*as*raevyn

Anthony Hopkins(they don't call him "Sir" for nothing) as MM!

Michael Keaton*as*Rainer Schneider

Winona Ryder*as*LotaSonata

Jamie Lee Curtis*as*freefour

Burt ReynoldsandDanny Bonnaduci


Steve(WI), and PLS.

Tom HanksCharisma CarpenterandJudd Nelson


FP,Paula,and Simon Wimpenny

Janis Joplin*as*nobody

Tony Robbins*as*Ron_E_Goode

John Travolta*as*zoyd

Gary Oldman*as*this_roman_meal_bakery

Dave Navarro(rt.)*as*springbok

Mario"Slater"Lopez*as*Canito(8th left)

Anna Kournikova*as*Dianna

Special Appearences by

Kevin Bacon/Kyra Sedgewick*as*Sgith/Snowy

Lycurgusas himself

**exclusive action photo still from film**

Dr.WhoasDr.Who!(left)with CoP, and GLT

ATD:The Movie. Coming soon to a theater near you.

This film has not yet been rated by The Motion Picture Association Of America.

please visit the links below from where I borrowed many images for this page. If you'd like anything removed e-mail me. No offense was meant by any of this. It is all in fun, and decent taste (i hope).

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