Irving Plaza, NYC - 15th December 1998

This is NOT a full review ... its just some things i wrote to a mailing list that nite i got back from the gig

Before i even say anything, I would like to say that Tovi and I saw STEVE MACKEY (Pulp) today while on line fer Placebo in NYC. We were just sitting down and Tovi recognised him..I just sat and was soooo amazed. Tovi did the "Steve?!?" and "Hello" etc etc. Anyhoo, it was such a great thing cos he was just walking down the sidewalk with a friend, holding a bag of groceries.

Ok, PLACEBO talk! Its 3 in the morning rite now. I just came from the weirdest show ever. It was a Lodo show, meaning it was 3 bands fer 92cents. It was this Kid Rock, Placebo, and PushMonkeys.

Well, anyhoo, it was not a really great show...not because of Placebo, but of the people there. Tovi and i were in the front row and nearly got squashled to death. The Kid Rock dude went on stage first and all these like Neo-Nazi drunk assed people just started pushing, moshing, crowd surfing. It was soooo bad. I dont even want to talk about it.

Then Placebo comes on and all these crazy people that dont even know the band start to crowd surf again. People kept making fun of the band, especially Brian cos he was wearing a dress. Someone called him a faggot and he goes, "Faggot?? Is that the best you can say, cupcake?" I started cracking up. Anyhoo, i dont really feel like talking about Brian cos i wanna start my next email about Steve Hewitt. Hehe.

Oh yea, i talked to Steve after the show and he told me that the band had a really rough night. They thought that it was one of their worst shows. God, i felt soo bad fer them. Ok, time to start writing about my Steve story.

Part II (my Steve story)
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