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Many people drink and drive everyday. Maybe even some of you reading this have been guilty of it. It seems like no big deal and you think nothing bad will happen to you. That's not always true. One of the closest people to me was killed as a result of someone else's stupidity. My life and the lives of my friends and family were shattered in just a matter of seconds. Please don't let this happen to anyone else. Don't drink and drive.

About Adam


The Candlelight Vigil



This page is also dedicated to the memories of:
Candy Jordan
Susan Adair
Jonathan Walker - Class of 2001
Tommy Waller - Class of 1999
Jason Hedrick - Class of 1996
Heather Ellison
Nicolette Voikin - Class of 2000
Brad King - Class of 1997
Jason Seijas - Class of 1998
Jade Gilstrap (Class of 1998) and her son Trent Nolan
Allison Decatrel - Class of 2000

Those are just a few of the young people in my community who have died over the past few years...three of those deaths were the result of someone drinking and driving.

This is also for my dear friend Michael
We love you and miss you Mikey!


Please sign my guestbook before you go...

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