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Lauryn Hill Stats & Facts


"My family foundation is very strong, and if for a minute I'm not popular, which is very likely, it's not the world to me. I don't feel like my life has to be over."

"I'm very clear, especially now, that I live my life for God. I love humanity, and every day that's a struggle because the devil…I mean those negative forces…they're always out there trying to give you reasons not to love humanity."

"That's why the 73rd Psalm is so significant. 'I was envious of the foolish when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.' You have a lot of people who chase this thing with no end and no morals. As if people with money are better than people without. It's a dangerous way to live your life."

"I think every woman goes through a relationship which is a great lesson in love. I had gone through one earlier, and it was kinda like my therapy to write about it."