
John Reinhard Dizon's family saga coming soon at Alpha Wolf Publishing...

Generations is a biographical novel about the life and times of West Texas pioneer J.D. "Big John" Sanders. It traces his ethnic roots back to medieval Ireland and the military campaign of Brian Boru in the 9th century to the migration of his ancestors to America during the antebellum times of the Molly Maguires. The saga next focuses on JD Sanders and his whirlwind romance with Nora Brooks, coming together to help forge a cattle town along the rugged West Texas frontier during World War I. The story reaches its epic conclusion as Marion Kidd Sanders journeys to New York City after World War II in pursuit of fame and fortune, bringing the Sanders name to new heights as their generation continues on into the next century. This is a celebration of an Irish heritage, a story of indomitable spirit, unfailing vision and relentless pursuit of the American dream.

Generations is as much a personal triumph as an ethnic one, an Irish narrative unlike any we have seen in recent memory. Dizon's fictional history of his grandfather JD 'Big John' Sanders' family tree may be the most comprehensive dialogue about the ethnic interplay between traditions and values since "Roots". This 'celebration of Irish heritage' is one that will capture the hearts and minds of every reader.

The tale begins in Armagh in medieval Northern Ireland where Jonathan Sanders enlists in the service of Brian Boru in a battle to join the Irish kingdoms as one united Ireland. Jonathan and his beloved Shalane are denounced by the Church for their last-minute Celtic wedding, inspiring King Brian to send Jonathan to the south as a disenfranchised patriot seeking revenge against his accusers. Jonathan successfully infiltrates the enemy camps, coming face to face with the vicious Flaithbertach, the cunning Silkbeard and the bloodthirsty Mael Morda. He returns to King Brian with invaluable information before rejoining ranks with his brothers from Armagh in the historic Battle of Clontarf. The Irish victory is not without consequence, though Jonathan survives to spawn the next generation.

Dizon fast-forwards to 1800's Belfast, where Ioan Sanders is in a period of transition after the death of his uncle Jacob. He inherits the family woodworking business while secretly carrying out missions as a Molly Maguire against the upper-class land barons dispossessing the farmers of Northern Ireland. The conflict arises as his sweetheart Sharon's father is targeted by the Mollies as a landgrabber, and he is forced to flee to America when the Mollies are targeted by the British Army. The troubles cause Sharon and her father to follow suit, and Edward Connor reinvests his holdings into a coal mining enterprise in Pennsylvania. Sharon convinces Ioan to join in their enterprise, but the labor disputes and severe working conditions create yet another class conflict that Ioan becomes embroiled in. The reemergence of the Mollies in the USA brings chaos into the lives of Sharon and Ioan, and he is forced to flee once again to escape the notoriety of his former colleagues. Yet Sharon is confronted with evidence that exonerates Ioan, and they go on to bring the Sanders name into a new decade.

The central theme of the saga begins as JD 'Big John' Sanders finds himself drifting along the Chisholm Trail pondering the meaning of life. He and his friends are approached by Vernon Brooks, a West Texas rancher hoping to turn his rural community into a pioneer town. They plant stakes along the frontier and JD is immediately smitten by Vernon's daughter Nora. Conflict arises as her childhood friend David begins a vendetta against JD, exacerbated by his family's resolve to sell the frontier property to a high-bidding railroad corporation. The outbreak of the World War claims the life of David and sends JD's best friend and partner home as an invalid. Yet Nora and JD are able to overcome the odds and bring their neighbors together to establish the real-life town of Bangs, Texas. They start a family that brings the Sanders name into a new generation.

The tale comes to its conclusion as JD's son, Marion Kidd Sanders, comes to NYC after WWII and marries a native Belfaster. Their son Johnny is caught in the shadow of his father, who himself is trying to prove worthy of JD's legacy. The sins of the father are visited upon the son, who resorts to violent overachievement to vindicate himself. Cutting ties with the Irish Mob in Hell's Kitchen, Johnny enters the prizefighting ring in following his father's footsteps. In pursuing his artistic ambitions, he meets Marie Sullivan, an Irish girl who joins in his efforts to form a rock band and seek a musical career. She stands by him during a career-ending fight that predicates their all-or-nothing efforts to produce a contract-winning rock album. Despite a bittersweet victory, Marie and Johnny walk away with enough to secure their future and write yet another chapter in the Sanders legacy.

From the 11th Century to the 1960's, from Armagh to Belfast to Boston to New York, this story is as much about a remarkable family and their indomitable spirit as it is the Irish-American dream. For historical fiction buffs, Irish history lovers, adventure and romance fans alike, Generations is a book not to be forgotten.

Cast of Characters

Jonathan Sanders

Orphaned by the ongoing tribal wars between Irish warlords and Viking conquerors for dominance of the Emerald Isle, Jonathan Sanders enlists in the army of Brian Boru as the King fights for the unity and independence of Ireland. Despite being ostracized over his pagan marriage to his beloved Shalane, Jonathan infiltrates the enemy ranks and obtains information ensuring the success of the Irish coalition at the fateful Battle of Clontarf.

Shalane Sanders

Torn by her loyalties to a Scottish lord, Shalane weds Jonathan in a Celtic ritual and finds their marriage censured by the Catholic Church. Unaware of Jonathan's secret mission, the Armagh community believes he has deserted his wife and friends in the time of crisis. Shalane embodies the spirit of the Sanders women across the ages as she searches the battlefields of Clontarf to find that Jonathan is among the heroes who have liberated and united the Irish nation.

Ioan Sanders

Centuries after the Battle of Clontarf, Ireland has come under British rule, and its people still long for the dream of independence. Ioan Sanders is among the activists fighting for freedom, and he joins a militant group in pursuing the sacred quest. Only the Molly Maguires are outlawed by the Empire, and Ioan is forced to flee to America to avoid arrest and execution. His beloved Sharon follows him to Boston and on to Pennsylvania, where they become integral figures in the fight for labor reform in the coal mines across the state. Only the notoriety of the Mollies renews their personal conflict, and it is the love between Sharon and Ioan that enables them to overcome the tribulation and begin an American chapter in the Sanders history.

Sharon Sanders

Just as Shalane Sanders of eras long past, Sharon is conflicted by her loyalty to her British benefactors and to her Irish kinsmen. She, like Shalane, is the quintessence of the Sanders women in standing by Ioan through the worst of times, leaving Ireland to find a future together in the USA. Yet the spectre of the Mollies comes between them, and only her devotion to Ioan helps her resolve the conflict and join him forever in their vows of undying love.

John D. Sanders

The patriarch of the modern-day Sanders clan, J.D. "Big John" Sanders is a founding father of the historic town of Bangs, Texas. A hard-drinking, two-fisted veteran of the Chisholm Trail, JD decides to settle down along the West Texas frontier. He meets Nora Brooks, the beautiful daughter of an influential rancher, and together they take on railroad speculators, overcome a local rivalry, and tame the rugged terrain to turn their dreams into reality.

Nora Brooks

The lovely daughter of a West Texas pioneer, Nora's whirlwind romance with JD Sanders becomes the spark that kindles a legend. Nora's beauty, indomitable spirit and loving heart make her the perfect counterpart to the irresistible force that is Big John Sanders. As JD joins together with his neighbors in carving out their homes in the untamed wilderness, Nora leads the women of the new community in fostering a spirit of loving kindness that inspires and defines their fledgling territory for generations to come.

Marion Kidd Sanders

The prodigal son of JD Sanders, Marion sets out on a course to New York City in search of fame and fortune, only to have his boxing career derailed in an accident at the Hudson Yards. Yet his legend in Hell's Kitchen borders on the iconic, and he watches and waits impatiently to see if his only child will grow into the man that will fulfill the Sanders clan's destiny and continue its legacy.

Johnny Sanders

Living in the shadows of his father and his grandfather before him, Johnny distances himself from the Irish Mob in exceeding his father's expectations in the boxing ring. Only a crippling incident in a career-defining fight leaves him and his fiancee Marie in a do-or-die situation trying to secure a recording contract with their rock and roll band. Marie and Johnny's bittersweet success enables them to realize their dreams in bringing the Sanders name into yet another generation.

Available Soon At:

Alpha Wolf Publishing
