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      At our council meeting on October 1st, 1998, 229 corporation members in attendance voted to sell our building by a vote of 161 yes votes to 68 no votes and passed the amended resolution of August 11th, 1998 of the Board of Directors which called for the re-sale of the council premises at 20 Hicksville Road to Chapey & Sons Funeral Homes, Inc. As of this writing, on October 1st, 1999 one year to the day that we voted to sell the premises which was home for our council for so many years, we have signed and closed on the contract with the Chapey Brothers. I am now able to happily report that all is finally signed, sealed, and delivered and that Terrance Marsac, our corporation treasurer deposited a check in the amount of $688,664.05 into our council account on October 1st. Further details on the total net profit that was garnered by the sale will be announced in detail for the membership at the next corporation meeting on November 11th. I urge interested members to attend that meeting for a full explanation.

      I would like to remind my brother knights that this difficult decision came about after many long, arduous, emotional discussions with the Board of Directors – both open and closed. I prefer not to look on it as “a win or lose scenario” but rather, as an omen that perhaps it is time for Delaney Council to move on to do our work as Knights of Columbus members in a different venue. I am hoping that this will ultimately strengthen our council in the difficult years to come, and I call on my brothers and sisters in Columbianism to unite, join forces and strive harder to move Delaney Council forward.

      Upcoming council events in November include our “C&B” Doo Wop Dance on November 6th at 8:00 p.m. at the American Legion Hall and our Council Thanksgiving Brunch on November 28th at 12:30 p.m. at the American Legion Hall. I would also ask that all members continue to send in your “C&B” books to us as soon as you can. Books may be mailed to my address at 125 Emerson Avenue, Plainedge, NY 11756-5707 or brought down to our meetings. “C&B” continues to be a big fund raiser for our council, so please help us out by buying at least one book.

      In an effort to give us all a chance to socialize more frequently, due to the fact that we have no permanent home as yet, I am changing our second meeting of the month each month to a total social or fraternal event, starting with the November 23rd Memorial Mass. Further details can be found elsewhere in this bulletin. I plan to have a New Year’s Eve Party, but the location is still not set. Details to follow at meetings and in the next Knight Light. Lastly, let me take this opportunity to extend sincere, warm wishes from my family to every member as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving with our families and friends. May God Bless you all!!

                                                                                                      Robert F. Yurasits,
                                                                                                      Grand Knight

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