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I am Devorah n'ha Madeline and I am a Renunciate.

Born of a nedestro father of the MacAran family, upon learning that I was to
be "honoured" with a di catenas marriage to a man I had never met, I chose
my own fate. I CHOSE to CHOOSE. I am no man's property, and no being's
responsibility other than mine own.

I am a Free Amazon.

I have taken and I live by my Oath as a Renunciate and will make my OWN
flights in this world or any other.

I am ME. 

My Eagle and I shall fly together where I choose. By the Goddess I do swear 
this and by my Oath and bond to my sisters. I invite you within to see who I am.
ME, not some man's chattel, but Devorah n'ha Madeline. A woman, a sister, and
a speaker to the Eagles. I am Devorah and...


No profit is gained from the Renunciate portion of this site; that portion of this site
is intended solely as an informational site for the fans of Marion Zimmer Bradley and
her work. All references to Darkover, its inhabitants, etc. are copyright © of
Marion Zimmer Bradley.