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Part One

Alderain walked aimlessly around Voltronia. Despite his better judgment, he was following Doctor's Gorma's orders to leave the medwing and get some fresh air. Initially, he thought to walk around in the garden but from some reason he felt the need to go to Voltronia. His eyes searched the faces that passed him even though he refused to acknowledge that he was looking for anybody.

Suddenly, his heart jumped in his throat when he spotted a redheaded woman cutting her way through the crowd. His footsteps quickened until they were face to face...

"Maerie," he said breathlessly.

She was, to say the least, surprised, but pleased to see him. Her green eyes sparkled and Alderain's heart started beating a little faster.

"Prince Alderain," she returned. "Good morning."

"Good morning to you too," he managed to say. "Would you like me to take that for you? It looks heavy."

She looked down at the basket she was holding as if surprised to find it there. "'s not that heavy..."

"I insist."

She gazed up at him through the longest lashes he'd ever seen. "Alright. Thank you."

He looked into the basket and saw some flour and sugar. He looked at her inquiringly as they walked down the street.

"I'm just doing some light shopping," she explained, her soft voice filling his head. "I felt like baking a chocolate cake."

"That sounds wonderful."

She smiled shyly. "You're welcome to try a piece."

He beamed. "I would like that. Is there anything else you have to pick up?"

"No. It may take a while to bake..."

"If you don't mind my presence, I can wait," he said hesitantly.

"I'd welcome your presence any day, Your Highness..." Her eyes widened. "I mean to say..."

He put a hand on her shoulder. "I understand. We can be friends. So you must call me Alderain."

"I don't think..."

His mouth turned down at the corners and she hurriedly put a hand on his arm, wanting to make him feel better even though she reminded herself that he was the Princess' suitor. But there was something between them that she couldn't ignore and if she wanted to be completely honest, she didn't want to. She liked the Princess but she could tell that Allura wasn't any more interested in Alderain than she was in Lieutenant Branegan. The temptation was just too great for Maerie and as she looked into his handsome face, she felt herself smiling.

"Alderain..." she said tentatively.

He smiled back.

Pidge followed Alderain discreetly. Keith had sent him to make sure the Prince didn't get into any scrapes, but Pidge got the feeling he was supposed to act like a spy. He knew Keith would have wanted to go himself, but the Captain of the Voltron Force was too high profile. He'd be surrounded by swooning maidens in a matter of minutes. The little pilot of the Green Lion on the other hand...

His eyes widened when he spotted the Prince talking to a woman. He squinted and wished he had binoculars. But the red hair was a tell-tale sign...

"Maerie..." he muttered.

Carefully he watched them, noticing the gazes they exchanged as well as the touches. Pidge arched an eyebrow.

This is going to be interesting.

Keith was in his study, his head buried in paperwork when Pidge finally returned. He was tallying figures when Pidge cleared his throat discreetly. Keith's dark eyes shot up.

"Pidge! I didn't hear you come in," he remarked.

"I've had a lot of practice sneaking around today," Pidge returned smugly. "And you'll never guess what happened."

"You weren't sneaking around," Keith said with a roll of his eyes. "You were acting as a bodyguard."

"Oh ok.." Pidge turned to go. "I guess that means I don't have to give a report."

Despite himself, Keith was curious. Pidge was having entirely too much fun being difficult. He made a mental note to keep the boy away from Lance.

"Don't make me get up, Pidge," he said, a warning tone in his voice.

Grinning wickedly, Pidge sat down across from Keith and he leaned forward resting his forearms on the desktop, eager to tell his story.

"Alderain was walking along, looking like he'd lost his best friend for about ten minutes..."

"Walking where?"

"Voltronia. Anyway, he was walking along when he bumps into none other than the Mayor's daughter."



Keith shrugged. "Well, that's not really newsworthy unless they planned to meet."

"I doubt they planned it. They looked too surprised to see each other."

"Is that all?"

"No. I wouldn't be this excited if that was all. He took the basket she was carrying like the gentleman that he is, and they looked pretty friendly. They walked around Voltronia for a little while I followed them all the way back to her house."

Keith's eyes widened. "They went back to her house?"

"Yup. And he didn't come out until just now," Pidge leaned back, satisifed. "He looked pretty happy to be there."

"He was there for nearly three hours. What could they have been doing?"

"Who knows? Baking a cake maybe."

Keith snorted. "Yeah, right. I hope no one saw him with her. If the press hears about this..."

"What are you two talking about? You look like gossiping housewives."

Keith and Pidge looked to the door to find Lance leaning against the doorframe.

"Shouldn't you be out with Link?" Pidge teased.

"Not today," Lance answered, a little sheepishly. "We're both a little behind on the work, so we decided to break for the day."

Keith grinned. "You have a glow about you."

Lance scowled. "Don't start with me."

Keith and Pidge laughed at their friend's discomfort. Lance glared at them and walked off. Keith turned back to Pidge to discuss the Alderain situation when a scream pierced through the air...


Keith and Pidge exchanged a glance, and then Keith covered his eyes.

"Somehow I think the press found out..."

Allura clutched the remote control in her white knuckled hand. Her blue eyes sparked with anger and she glared at Keith when he walked into her study.

"Can you believe this?" she exclaimed, her voice rising with each word. Her hand whipped towards the telescreen.

Dismayed, Keith saw a picture of Alderain and Maerie walking in Voltronia on ANN. They looked more than friendly and more than happy to be together. He grimaced and cursed himself for telling her to watch the news channel during her spare time.

"They're just friends, Allura," he said.

"Just like us right?" she spat before she could think better of it. Eyes widening in shock, she quickly backpedaled. "I mean...uh...friends, like we're friends. I'm not implying that..."

"I know, I know," he said weakly.

"Is Alderain back yet..." she demanded.

"I think so."

"...because we need to talk," she continued as if he hadn't spoken.

"Both of you, or just you?"

Her eyes narrowed. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Hear his side, Allura." For the life of him, Keith didn't know why he was softening the blow for Alderain.

You're probably just feeling sorry for the poor bastard...Allura's fit is sure to reach epic proportions.

"Shut up, Keith. I'll handle this."

He arched an eyebrow. "I'm sure you will. Just handle it well."

She glared at him and if looks could kill he would have been dead five minutes ago. But he only smiled calmly.

"Want me to stay here to referee?"


"Suit yourself," he said easily. "Maerie is a beautiful girl.

Allura expression went from rage to shock to dismayed in the blink of an eye.

"Anyone who isn't blind would see that," she said, looking away from him. "And if you were blind, you would think she smelled good."

Keith chuckled. "I wouldn't go that far."

"If she made you notice her, she has to be beautiful."

He looked at her curiously. "Why do you say that?"

"Keith, unless the Castle was falling down around your ears, you wouldn't notice a damned thing," she said slowly as if he was a five-year-old.

"That's not true," he argued, insulted.

Allura sighed and stood. "Yes, it is. Now would you go do something else. I have to talk to Alderain."

He planted himself in front of her and refused to budge. There was something in her face that gave him strength and he knew that she was hiding something from him. "I want to know what you meant by my not noticing anything," he said stubbornly. "What have I not noticed?"


Allura was just as surprised as Keith was at her words.

"Uh..I mean...that," she backpedaled quickly.

Keith stared at her, a myriad of thoughts swirling in his head, but he ignored them all and did the only thing that he wanted to do at the moment.

He reached out, pulled Allura into his arms, and kissed her.

To Part Two
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