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The 53rd New York Volunteer Infantry Regimental Roster

THE FOLLOWING is an alphabetical list of men who served in the 53rd New York D'Epineuil Zouaves during the period of the unit's service. We are developing a detailed database with dates of birth and death, wounds, hospitalization, and promotion, as well as biographical information on these soldiers. If a visitor to the site thinks they are related to one of these men, please E-mail me. Any additions or corrections to the list are welcome.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K| L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W |X | Y |Z|


Benjamin Absalom Ball
George Aarons
William Jr Ackerly
William Ackerly
Welford Acton
Gottfried Adam
Henry Adams
Henry Adams
John Adaams
Jules Albert
William S Albin
William W Alexander
Merrit Allen
William Alley
John F Anderson
Giovanni Annibale
Francis Anthony
Lesser Apar
William D Armstrong
W W Armstrong
George A Arnott
George R Ashdown
William Ashton
William Asspley
Richard J Aull
Mortimer S Austin
Auguste Avenal
Isaac Ayers
James Ayers

John Bacon
Thomas Bailey
Edward Bain
Michael Baker
John P Banford
Augustus Bannigan
William H Barcley
Elijah Barker
Peter Barker
Zacheriah Barnard
Alexander Barnet
Edwin S Barney
James Barnum
Albert Barr
Edward Barrett
Robert Barrett
Richard Bartlett
Charles Bascomb
Joseph Bashaw
Moses Bashaw
John C Bates
Robert Bates
Jules Beaumont
Andrew Beck
Anthony Beckham
E D Beckmann
Martin Bedcroft
Louis Belair
Daniel D Bell
Herman Belmer
Edwin Bennett
John Bennett
William O Bennett
John Bergen
Andre Berger
Joseph Bernard
John W Berry
William Betts
Hugh Biggins
Jean St Billiet
Samuel Bissel
George Blair
David Blake
Edward J Blanchard
Eugene Blanchard
Alexander Blitz
Isidore Bloom
Samuel Boden
Henry Bogard
Henry Bohem
George Bommershien
Francois Bonat
Jonathan Bosworth
William Bosworth
George Boulanger
Eugene Bourcard
Hiram Bowen
John Bowles
Edward S Boyd
Stiles D Boyles
Johnston Bradford
Charles Brady
Julius Brait
Henry Breede
Peter Breener
William Breenwick
Charles Brest
Bernard B Brett
George H Breuning
Samuel Brewster
Peter S Brinley
Norman C Broadway
James Brooks
Thomas Brooks
Anselm Brown
Henry Brown
Henry C Brown
James Brown
John Brown
Simon Brown
William J Brown
Thomas Brownlee
James Bruley
William Brum
Harmey Bruns
Howard Buck
George A Buckingham
George W Buckingham
John T Buckingham
Walter Buckley
Alfons Budenbach
Charles Burch
William H Burgess
James Burke
John A Burke
Morris Burke
Emil Burkhart
Charles Burns
James Burns
Richard Burns
Joseph Burnell
James Burrows
William Burrows
George H Buxton

Eugene Caindard
Michael Cairns
Henry Cammus
Isaac Campbell
Jean Baptiste Cantel
Robert Cantwell
Michael Carew
John Carey
John Carey
William Carmody
Barney J Carney
John Carney
Patrick Carney
Albert Carpenter
Richard Carr
William Carrells
John Carter
Thomas Carter
Francis Casey
James Casey
Richard Castor
George Cation
Peter Cavanagh
Henri Chapmann
Robert Chapman
Henry Chapon
Baylor Chatfield
Edward Chattan
George F Chester
William N Chester
John Chevally
Philip Christ
Alfred Cipriane
John Clancy
Albert W Clark
John Clark
John Clark
William Clark
James Clash
Thomas J Clements
Daniel Cline
William Clyde
Joseph Coccacino
Frederick Cocheu
Henry Cocheu
Noah L Cocheu
Theodore Cocheu
Sebastian Cocheu
Charles H Coffin
William H Coiles
John Cokley
Henry Coles
John Collerton
Daniel Collins
James E Collins
James Colter
Richard Congar
John Conley
ohn Conlon
John C Connelly
Michael Connery
Patrick Connlly
George H Cook
Abraham Cooper

John Joseph Daley
John Daly
Thomas H Daly
Timothy Daly
Edward Damon
Mitchell Daniels
Ernest Danti
Nathaniel H Darling
Martin Darrow
George Darth
Charles Davidson
George Davidson
Frank A Davis
Henry Davis
Nathaniel Davis
Talliessen Davis
Henry Davison
Roland De Cony
Asa De Costa
Horace De Costa
Robert De Costa
Peter Deegan
James Degnan
Dubois Delamater
Andrew Delaney
William Delaney
Lucas Demilton
Washington Deming
Joseph Antoine Vignier De Monteil
Du Val De Morigny
Stephen Dempsey
Abraham Denike
Lionel Jobert D'epineuil
John Dermoty
Alfred Deroquiguy
Henry Dessonslavy
Achille Desoonton
Patrick Develin
Michael Devine
Henry Devoyes
John M Dewitt
Philip Deyer
Alfred Dickinson
Jacob A Dietz
Dabney W Diggs
Henry K Dikeman
Peter Diln
Myron Dingle
J Raymond Dodge
Thomas Dodman
William Doherty
David Doig
James H Dolsen
William Dolsen
Richard Donavan
John Donovan
John Doran
John Dorsey
John Dougherty
John Downe
Henry Downey
John Downey
William C Downing
David Downs
Thomas Doyle
Henry Drain
John H Dresman
Edwin Drinkhouse
Henry Drogue
Gilbert Dubien
Victor Dubigny
Jules Dubrieul
Armand Dufloo
Auguste Dufrenoy
Charles A Dugan
James Dugan
Michael Dunn
Patrick Dunnegan
Maxime Duplain
John M Durr
Charles W Dustan
Edouard Duval
William S Dye
George W Dygert

Charles Eck
Adolphus Eder
Charles Edwards
Thomas Edwards
Francis Eggensbury
Charles Ellis
Thomas Ellis
Charles Elwood
Michael Ely
Jacob Elzer
John Emmons
George Engles
Richard Enoch
Michael Enright
Thomas J Enright
William Erwin
John F Esler
Lefevre Etienne
Frederick Eucker
Alexander Evans
John Evans
Oliver Evins
Alexander Edwart
Clarence Ewen

Joseph Fabre
Grenville H Fabyan
Patrick Fahey
Michael Falvey
C I Fancher
Louis Farin
John Farley
Christopher Farrell
Edward Farrell
Sidney Farrell
William Farrell
Joseph Faviean
Claude Favre
Thomas Fawcett
John Fee 1>
Thomas Feeney
John Felton
Paul Feneff
William Ferrin
Patrick Ferris
Thomas Ferris
T C Ferris
Wesley Fezler
Joseph Field
Henry C Finch
Francois Fineause
Francois Finet
Henry Finey
Jefferson Fisher
Michael Fisher
William H Fisher
Daniel W Fisk
Robert E Fisk
Ernest Fiston
John Fitzgerald
John Fitzgerald
Mathew Fitzgerald
Hughes Fitzsimmons
Samuel Flack
Bernard Flanigan
John Flanigan
Robert Flannigan
John Flyn
William Foran
Anson Foster
Marc Fournier
John B Fowler
Barry Fox
Louis Frederick
Charles Freeland
John E Fry
John Fulham

Thomas Gagnon
James Galligher
Georges Gallois
Rouel N Galusha
Paul Ganglhoff
William C Garbett
Charles Gardner
William H Garner
William Garrett
William Garry
Robert H Gau
Ami Gauchant
William Gee
Charles W Geath
Edwin V Geib
William A Gibson
Alfred Gilbert
John Gillard
Albert Gilman
George Ginnes
Adonis Glachat
E I Gladd
John Gillard
Albert Gilman
George Ginnes
Adonis Glachat
E I Gladd
Frederick Glensaddle
Auguste Godard
Mathew Gogerty
Ray T Gordon
Edward Gottreux
Joseph Goudeaux
Andrew Graham
John Graham
William Graham
Thomas H Grant
William Carl Grant
Edward G Granville
Edward Gray
George I Green
William F Green
Gideon Greenman
Joseph Greiggs
John Grennan
James H Griffith
Antoine Grignon
Henry Grignord
Francis Grimes
John Grogan
John Grogan
Henry Grote
Victor Guillain
Robert D Gulick
John George Gundlack
Edward P Guthrie

George Hackett
Richard K Hackett
John Hagadorn
John Hagan
Frank Hagar
Edward Hagen
Thomas Hague
Charles Haile
David Hall
Norman Hall
Thomas J Hall
William Hall
Joseph Hallfinger
Christian Hammer
Thomas Hancock
Samuel Hand
William Hand
Anthony Hannigan
Thomas Hannigan
John Hanoly
James Harbison
Charles Hardee
Isaac Harding
George A Harker
Thomas Harker
Henry C Harmstead
William Harp
George Harper
Thomas Harper
William W Harris
Cornelius Hart
George Hartmeyer
Charles Haynes
Robert Hazlett
Michael Healey
Charles W Geath
Alfred Hederstone
David Heilman
William Helm
William Hennessey
William Hess
William F Higgins
William Higson
Patrick Hinchey
Asa Hinckley
Antoine Himot
William K Hoadley
D C Hochkiss
William Hodge
Charles Hogg
Joseph B Hogg
Arthur Holden
Philippe Holfert
Thomas Hollins
Henry Holmes
John Holrapel
Bernard Hood
Samuel H Horn

Jaques Irwin
Samuel T Irwin

George Jackson
Robert Jackson
Robert H Jackson
Benjamin Jacobs Paul Jaquette Charles A Jenkins John Jergens
James F Jerolman
Augustus Johnson
Mathias Johnson
Cornelius V Johnston
George Johnston
James Johnston
John Jones
William H Jones
William Jordam
Charles Judson
Jean Junker


Richard Kasey
Richard Kaye
Patrick Kearnes
Joseph Keele
Edward Kelly
James Kelly
John E Kelly
Martin S Kelly
Peter Kelly
Samuel Kelly
Thomas Kelly
William Kelly
John Keene
John Kennedy
John H Kennedy
George T Kent
Joseph A Kent
Jacob Kessner
James W Keyes
John Keys
Michael Kiernan
John Kimmey
Albert King
Henry Kingsby
John Kingsby
DeWitt Kling
George Koethen
Stanislas Kraise
Georges Krauss
Adam Kreeps
Andrew Kurtz

Jean Labruyere
Leon Lacaille
Leo Lacoy
Isaac Lagrange
Patrick Lamb
George Landry
William Landsey
Alonzo B Lane
Benjamin Lane
Jackson J Lane
Jeremiah Lane
Henry Lanehardt
Berratt Lansing
Everitt F Lansing
Joseph Lapoint
Edward Lappin
James Larkins
Patrick Larney
Francis La Rout
John Laruhe
Alba Latour
Henry C Laughlin
Joseph Lawrence
William H Lawrence
Adam Lawyer
Alfred Leclerc
Edward Le Compte
Constant Lecylier
Howard Lee
James Lees
Edward Leggett
Francis Leggin
Alfred Lemoine
William Lent
Louis A Leonard
Theron Letcher
Eugene D Levering
George A Lewis
Richard V Lewis
Hyppolite L'Hote
Henry F Liebenan
Peter Lighthall
Alexander Lindsay
David Lindsay
Orsen Lindsey
Evert Lingenfelter
George Lingke
Robert Littler
George Litzka
Anthony Lively
Thomas Lockitt
William Lofters
Emile Loge
George W Lombard
Charles Loop
Celestin Louvier
Frank Loyd
Thomas R Ludway
Henry C Lukens
Philip Lumburger
Charles Luttman
William Lynch
William Lynch
Theodore Lyon

John Madell
Dennis Mahar
H S Maitre
Ferdinand Major
John Malarkey
Clark Malcolm
William C Malcolm
Patrick Maloney
Elie F Mangez
Albert Mangles
Bonald Manius
Starchus Mann
Charles J Mansfield
John Mark
Desiri Marth
Boltus Martin
George W Martin
Jesse Martin
John Martin
Robert Martin
Leon Martinot
Daniel Maskel
Henry Master
Francis Mathews
Edward Maxwell
Frederick Mayer
Rowland Mayor
John McAuley
Alfred McAvoy
Jeffrey McAvoy
John E McBride
Anthony McCabe
James McCarthy
Jeremiah McCarthy
John B McCarthy
George McComber
Patrick McConnegly
John McCormick
Steven McCowen
Mathew McCue
James McCuszach
John McDermott
James McDoermitt
George McDonald
James McDonald
Michael McDonald
Patarick McDonald
Thomas McDonald
James McDonnaugh
John B McDonnell
James McDowell
Patrick McElroy
William McElvenney
John McEveela
John G McEvers
Samuel McFarland
John McGlaughlin
Henry McGleannon
James McGlinchey
John McGoldrick
Michael McGrane
John McGuken
Robert McGuinness
Michael McGuire
John McKelly
Charles McKenna
John McKenna
William McKenny
James McKeon
Frank McKernan
Charles McKinna
Herbert McKinna
Bruce McKinney
Edwin Mclaughlin
Thomas McLaughlin
William McLaughlin
Arthur McLoughlin
Frank McNicol
Thomas McNulty
Samuel W McPherson
Michael McQuillian
Andrew Meany
Frank Meeds
William Meeks
Charles Meguin
Francis J Memminger
Joseph Mendocer
Andrew Meany
Frank Meeds
William Meeks
Charles Meguin
Joseph Mendocer
John Merkle
John C Merriam
Thomas E Merritt
John Meserole
Jacob Meyer
Joseph Meyers
Ernest Mignan
Joseph Miles
William B Miles
Adolphus Miller
Asa F Miller
Benjamin Miller
Charles Miller
George W Miller
Jacob Miller
John F Miller
Orin G Miller
William Henry Miller
Edward P Milligan
George Mills
James L Millspaugh
John L Mooney
Charles Moore
George Washington Moore
Thomas Moore
William Moore
John Moran
William Moran
William Moran
Louis Moreau
Robert Morehouse
Ebenezer D Morgan
Emile Moreland
Franklin Morlath
Patrick Morrissey
W H Morton
George W Moulds
William J Mount
Charles G Moyer
Elijah F Moyer
Patrick Muldoon
Peter Mulligan
Fred OK Mum
John P Mumford
Charles Munson
Alfred Murden
Talbot Murden
John Murnin
Daniel Murphy
Michael Murphy
Dennis Murray
Frank H Murray
William Murray
William Murray
John Murry
Asa J Myers
Charles H Myers
John H Myers

Joseph Naddo
John Nagle
George Naismith
Adolph Neapagen
August Nella
Albert Neill
Louis Newman
William Newport
Frederick Newville
Jean P Nicola
John Niles
Clovis L Niobe
Baptist Noel
Richard Norris
Linus H Northrup

Michael O'Brien
Michael O'Brien
Stephen O'Connor
John O'Donnell
Henry O'Flaherty
John O'Hare
Cornelius O'Hearne
Michael O'Hern
Adolph Oliver
Anthony Ould
Richard Owens
William Owens
William H Owens

George Palmer
David Pans
Joseph Panzella
Nelson Pardee
Joseph E Parsons
John W Patten
William A Person
Henry Pechnek
Remy Pechner
Thaddeus Pell
Julius Peltcher
Patrick Pendergast
Patrick Penderjeast
Jules Periat
Benoit Perret
Lucius Perrin
Louis Perron
Joseph Perrot
Charles Perry
Charles Pettet
Frederick Pfrommer
John Philbrook
Henry I Phillips
Aristide Pierard
Alfred Pierce
Julian Pierson
Joseph Pilleaux
Abraham Piper
Abraham Pitch
Francis Pittman
George W Plumline
Joseph Poisson
James Pomeroy
Joseph Ponney
John Pontis
J Louis Popp
George Porter
Hugh H Porter
Robert Porter
Thomas Porter
Henry Pory
Auguste Poullet
Patrick Powers
Charles Price
Charles Price
Jr James H Price
Richard Pringle
Carlo Puccine
James Puncher
James Pursell

James H Quinn
Nathaniel Quinton


William H Racey
George Racine
Marcelia F Rall
Eugene Rascal
August Raveret
Alfred Ray
James Reed
John Reed
Albert Reid
William H Reid
James Reilly
Oscar Rein
Eugene Reitch
Xavier Remi
George Rener
Armand Reybard
Francis Richards
Thomas M Richards
John Richardson
George Rener
Armand Reybard
Francis Richards
Thomas M Richards
John Richardson
John Richardson
Maltiah Richardson
Francis A Riddy
Edwin Riggrem
Hugh Riley
John Riley
Henry Rink
Charles Riordan
Thomas Rishton
Alexander Riviere
John Roach
Julian Robert
Robert Roberts
Joseph Robertson
George Robinson
John Robinson
Joseph Robinson
Thomas Robinson
William Robinson
Louis Robitail
James Rochford
Alexander Rodd
Adam Roe
Leon Roland
William J Roney
John Rooney
John Roper
Joseph Rosell
Augustus Rossman
Hiram Rous
James Paul Ruel
James Russell
Augustus Rutter
Martin Ryan
Michael Ryan
Patrick Ryan

Francis Saddobas
Alexis Saffray
George Sales
Sidney Sanburn
Henry Byshe Sanders
Charles Savoie
David Sawyer
Edwin Scheldoffer
William Schraidt
Herman Schreiber
Henry Scott
James Scott
James Scott
William Scott
James Seery
Daniel Seymour
John Shannon
Patrick Shaugnessy
George Shaw
John Shaver
Patrick Sheerin
Thomas Sherdon
Joseph Sherry
Thomas Shirlaw
Felix Shutter
Simeon Siegel
Henry Simon
John Sinclair
Charles Sipler
Charles Sissler
Andrew Skelly
Walter Slater
Antoine Slinot
Joseph Slinot
Olilver Sloan
Alex Warren Smith
Charles Smith
Francis Smith
Henry Smith
Henry W Smith
Hugh Smith
James Bryant Smith
James M Smith
John B Smith
Joseph Smith
Philip Ott Smith
J G Snider
Patrick Spellman
James H Sperling
William Spring
Garry C Springstone
Richard Sprouls
James Sprouts
John Stacke
William R Stearns
Charles Stephens
William Stephens
John Sterly
Adolphus Stern
James Stevens
Mathias Stevens
John Stewart
Thomas Stewart
Edward Stockhert
Charles Stone
Joseph Stone
Mmilton R Stoops
Charles D Stowell
Thomas Sulllivan
Daniel D Sweeney
Silas Sweet
William Synon

Thomas Tackney
Warren Tallman
James Tamany
Frederick Tasche
Benjamin Taylor
Benjamin Taylor
Josiah Taylor
Joseph Taylor
Robert Taylor
Joseph D Temple

William Terrel
Elmore Terwilliger
Luciuis M Thayer
James Theisen
Amable Thessier
Joseph Thiesen
Augustus H Thomas
Charles Thompson
Floyd Thompson
John Thompson
John L Thompson
Samuel B Thurber
Victor Thus
Edwin Tibbits
Whitfield Titterington
Joseph Todd
Samuel Tompkins
Patrick Toumey
Nicolas Toussant
William Towers
William Townley
Henry Toy
Antoine Toyeuse
Philip Traynor
Walter R Tremain
George Tripp
Edward Troy
John Troy Jr George W
George W Trust
George Turner
Francis Tuskey
Elijah Tyson
George W Tyson

Frederick Ulmer
William S Upham

David Valentine
John M Valentine
Thomas B Valentine
John Valiere
Francis Vallenus
Frederick Van Beuren
Charles P Van Bruckle
J Lyman Van Buren
B Vanderkeift
Henry Vandersburgh
John Van Durson
John Van Mater
John B Van Rankle
William Van Roden
William Van Wart
Jules Vassilon
James Vaucher
Robert A Verplank
Pitt Vettmeyer
Victor Vifquain
John Vogle

George Wagner
Thomas Waldon
Isaac Walker
John Walker
John H Walker
A Latimer Wallace
James Walsh
James H Walton
James W Wandell
Hale Ward
Ambrose Warden
David Warden
Edward Warden
George W Warden
Julius Warner
Edward A Warren
Isaac Watson
Alpheus Weaver
Charles Weber
J George Weitzel
George Wenner
Nathaniel Wentworth
Adolphus Wenzel
Daniel West
William West
Cornelius Westerfield
Charles Wetsell
James W Weyant
George Wheeler
Thomas Wheeler
William Wheeler
Arthur White
Irving White
Joseph White
Vallanous O Whittaker
John Wicks
William Wild
John Wilkes
Steven H Wilkins
John Wilkinson
Samuel Wilkinson
Charles Willard
Franklin W Willard
Andrew J Willets
John J Willetts
Charles H Williams
George W Williams
James Williams
John Williams
John Williams
Isaac Williamson
Henry B Willis
Georges Willmain
John Wilson
Henry Wincoop
Abner Wise
Thomas Wise
George M Wood
William H Wood
Charles Woolder
Charles Worts
Edwin Wright


William Yarnall
Charles Yerks
Benjamin Young
Joseph Young
Uriah Young
Gideon Younger

John Zimmer