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That makes me the same age as

Ernie's deSoto!!

1957 was also the year Norway's king Haakon VII died, which means that to this date I have just barely lived under three kings. (The two others being, for those not familiar with Norwegian history, Olav V and Harald V.)
For the truly curious, king Haakon died in September from complications after a femur fracture. As Humpty Dumpty might have put it, he had a great fall that put an end to his great fall...

About a month later the Russians launched Sputnik 1, and the world would never be the same again. [Some would say the world would never be the same as long as I was in it, but...]
A little later the same year it was already time for Sputnik 2, and in connection with that I would like to clear up a little misconception. Half the world goes around thinking the dog on the world's second satellite was named Laika. Actually laika is the Russian word for that particular dog race. So it wasn't named Laika - it was a laika. [Of course it's easier to relate to a hero(ine) with a name - one may wonder how successful the "Lassie" movies would have been if the heroine had been "called" Collie, for instance.
According to what I heard on Jeopardy last week, 1957 was also the year Ghana became independent. No details right now, maybe later...
Finally (for now), the last day of February that year was darkened ;) by the debut of the Belgian comic antihero Gaston la Gaffe (Viggo in Norwegian.)
Anyone else know about interesting things that happened in "my" year, let me know and I'll (maybe) put it here...
BTW, how do you like the background colour on this page? It's a rather special colour made up of 18 units red, 1 unit green and 87 units blue. Or in hex, 120157! Occasionally, that number also makes a pretty nice island when used as a seed in Vista!