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Eighty-three years ago, the humans came to Tanak. It was an agricultural project, having used up most of earth's resources they needed to expand and colonize other worlds on the brink of their galaxy. Intelligent life had been discovered seventy some times previously, but never anything so similar to their own species as the Versalen.
The Versalen were unadvanced before the humans arrived, comparatively speaking they were still in the Dark Ages. But through the help of a few dedicated and dissident humans, the Versalen progressed their technology at an alarmingly unnatural rate.
When the humans, led by Dredwall, the Captain of the G.E.S. ship Tai'Jurik began using Versalen as a workforce against their will, the Great War was officially declared. Although the odds are agianst them, the Versalen are still fighting, sometimes even amongst each other in the struggle to save their world from slavery, destruction and invasion.

To start your training as one of the Versalen, you will first need to be initiated into one of the seven tribes. To do this, you will first need to visit the Inner Sanctum. Once there, you will see seven distinctly different symbols, each one representing a tribe. For instance, the symbol above, between the two pictures, is the symbol for the ShekPhenas tribe. Choose the tribe, and email the tribe master for your character's details.

Now that you have an may want to learn some of the history of your race. A comprehensive timeline of Versalen history as well as one for humans after the year 2239 is accessible to you through the AnaShekphuit Library. Also included in this library are maps of Tanak, a lexicon of the Versalen language and a place for you to leave your mark on the record, by sending in your stories.

Once up to par there, you will be tried. All Versalen must enter the Dark Forest as a rite of passage. Although they are the Lords of Tanak, a forest world, it is still a dangerous proving ground, even for a Versalen. Here is where you will learn about its various other inhabitants.

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The Versalen, and all related images are the creation of Ethan E. Kocak, unless otherwise noted.