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Kyle's "Players" Page

This site was updated: 5/20/98

Check out the Music Section! I've added a Guitar/Bass Tabs (Talblature) Section! I have yet to upload the Tabs but I plan to do that tomorrow (5/21/98)! There are alot of great links though! Be a player....check them out.....

IMPORTANT! First of all I'd like to announce my new e-mail address. It is no longer (although this address does exist because there is of yet no way of deleting it, I will not be checking it anymore for e-mail) My new address is: Please e-mail me at this address from now on as I may forget to enter my new address on a few miscellaneous links.

PLEASE read this if you are a FIRST TIME VISITOR!:

Excluding links and my guestbook, anything that DOES NOT have an arrow by it is not a link and is there because that is what my site will eventually have. For example, notice that the Gaming catagory below has an arrow next to it but the Miscellaneous catagory does not. Meaning that I still have yet to add my Miscellaneous catagory, but it will be done in the future, as many other things will. As I've said, my site is constantly under construction. Please do not e-mail me complaining about how you can't get into things without arrows by them. ALSO, please do not e-mail me at "" or "". My new e-mail address is: Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy my site!...


What's up! Thanks for stopping by! This is my "Player" Web Page. Player has a couple of different meanings on this site. One, a player as in "Shaft", and two, player as in a game player. Both will be "recognized". Anyway, EVENTUALLY this site will contain some music reviews (on bands and stuff), gaming reviews (including N64, PSX (Playstation), and PC), and some info on a clan on MPlayer (an internet gaming service, FREE!*) called "Madness Inc.", which I am currently a member of. So, if you've got any questions or advise PLEASE e-mail me. Well, I've got to get back to the keg party and I'll hope to see you around!

*for most games, not all.

"The" Player

Check these out!

  • Gaming!
  • Music!!
  • Miscellaneous!(That spelled right?)

Got nothing better to do? Visit these links! ;-) - - inside info on upcoming games, codes, release dates, and other good stuff for N64 - - Great Computer Gaming Site - Plenty of Demos, Reviews, and News for tons of PC Games - - Official Homepage of (in my opinion) the Best strategy game ever made! (Includes new units and maps!) - - A friend of mine's site for PC Gaming, Atari Jaguar, and some info on Ultima Online!

Questions? Advise? Email me!

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