TPWW - WWF Sunday Night Heat Results
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Sunday Night Heat Report
June 27, 1999
Hosted by Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly
Live from Greensboro, North Carolina

• Corporate Ministry Interview.
- The entrance way was built with ladders. Vince and Shane McMahon brought The Corporate Ladder to the ring. Shane was wearing Stone Cold Steve Austin's baseball T-shirt, with the 3:16 crossed out, and replaced with 6:32. The fans chanted, "Asshole." Vince McMahon said there was no crack in The Corporate Ministry, but there was a little friction, specifically between Triple H and The Undertaker. He said later in the night, both would be on The Corporate Ministry page. McMahon told The Big Bossman he was never supposed to disappoint The McMahon Family, which was what he did. McMahon announced Bossman would take on Viscera and Midian in a Handicap Match later in the show. McMahon said the hate for Austin was adulterated hatred. He said at the same time the following night on Raw is War, Austin would be like the fans. He would be offering to get McMahon a cup of coffee, carry Shane's bags, and basically kissing their boots. McMahon said after he and Shane defeated Austin on the King of the Ring PPV in their Handicap-Ladder match for Control of the WWF with the stipulation on the line if any Corporate Ministry interfered Shane and McMahon would be disqualified, Austin would go through hell. McMahon said he felt so good he could fight all night. Shane claimed Shane 6:32 said paybacks are a bitch, mocking the line of Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass. Shawn Michaels then made his way out and said if McMahon said he could fight all night, he would give him a warm-up match later in the show. McMahon said it was just a figure of speech and questioned Michaels what made him think he had the authority. Micahels said McMahon was the one who gave him the authority. Michaels introduced McMahon's opponent, as Ken Shamrock made his way out. McMahon said it was the most important night for The McMahon Family, and said no one would screw it up. He said to both Shamrock and Michaels, "Screw you." Michaels said, "No, Vin Man. Screw you." Michaels then said if McMahon didn't fight Shamrock, he would have to forfeit the PPV match against Austin. Michaels said McMahon could find a suitable replacement. McMahon suggested Midian, Viscera, and The Acolytes, but Michaels wouldn't allow it because Midian and Viscera were booked against Bossman and The Acolytes couldn't bare to be without each other. McMahon looked at Shane. Michaels said Shane was the only person who could replace him. McMahon announced hi son Shane would take on Shamrock and would kick his ass. Michaels said if any Corporate Ministry interfered or Shane decided not to wrestle the match, McMahon would still be forced to forfeit his PPV match with Austin. McMahon and Shane argued, as Michaels and Shamrock smiled.

• Backstage, The Rock made his way into the arena. He had someone carry his luggage. The Rock looked as if he was going to give him a tip, but eventually blew him off.

• Backstage, Vince McMahon asked Shane and The Meant Street Posse what they were going to do in Shane's match with Ken Shamrock. He blamed Shane, asking him, "How do you get into these situations?"

• The Brood (Edge and Christian, w/Gangrel) and The Hardy Boyz (w/Michael Hayes) went to a No-Contest.
- As the match went on, which consisted of only a few high-flying maneuvers, The Acolytes entered and destroyed The Hardy Boyz, with Bradshaw using the Clothesline from Hell and Faarooq using his Pick-up Slam. Bradhsaw said no one was supposed to steal from The Acolytes, referring Billy Gunn, who stole one of the Tag Team Titles the previous Monday on Raw is War. Bradshaw said he would meet Gunn the following night on Raw is War.

• Backstage, Shane McMahon argued with The Mean Street Posse over his match with Ken Shamrock. He told them they couldn't interfere and guessed he would just have to "try his best."

• Handicap Match: Midian and Viscera defeated The Big Bossman via Pinfall.
- Midian remained with the European Title around his waist. The Big Bossman wrestled wisley to remain in control of the match. At one point, he nailed Viscera with the Sidewalk Slam, but Midian made the save when the pin was bein gmade. As the referee was distracted, Midian nailed Bossman with the European Title for the pin. Viscera continued the punishment, nailing Bossman with a big splash and the nightstick, until Mark Henry and D-Lo Brown made the save. They beat on the two Corporate Ministry members, still upset that both Midian and Viscera costed them a shot at a victory of the Tag Team Titles in a previous match.

• Backstage, Road Dogg made his way toward the ring. Triple H and Chyna were then shown discussing strategy for Chyna's King of the Ring tournament match with RD.

• Road Dogg Interview, Conducted by Jerry Lawler.
- Jerry Lawler said everyone knew Road Dogg's first King of the Ring opponent for the PPV would be Chyna, a former partner of his. Lawler asked RD what it was like to wrestle a girl. RD said Chyna was no girl, but rather a bitch. Lawler said it was Sunday Night Heat, so RD apologized for his language. RD said he would give Chyna three minutes with all she could do. But when the three minutes were up, they would kick it doggystyle. Chyna, along with Triple H, then made her way out. Lawler asked Chyna if she had something to say. Chyna said, "As a matter of fact I do," as she slapped RD. Triple H held RD back, but RD retaliated with a punch. RD was still outnumbered, however, as he was lowblowed by Chyna. X-Pac then ran in and scared off Triple H and Chyna.

• Backstage, Ken Shamrock walked back and forth in his locker room, thinking of his upcoming match with Shane McMahon.

• Street Fight: Prince Albert defeated Val Venis via Pinfall.
- The match was immediately underway by time WWF returned from a commercial break, since Prince Albert attacked Val Venis when Venis made his way toward the ring. Albert and Venis brawled to the ringside area. As Venis dominated, and went for the Money Shot, Droz made his way in and knocked Venis off the top turnbuckle. Albert then made the pin for the victory. As the attack continued on Venis, The Godfather ran in and made the save. The two sides continued to go at it, with Venis and The Godfather coming out on top. • Backstage, Shane McMahon made his way toward in the ring.

• Ken Shamrock defeated Shane McMahon by Disqualification.
- Shane McMahon immediately took a shot at Ken Shamrock, and ran around the ring, but was eventually caught. As Shamrock destroyed Shane and put him in the Ankle Lock, Steve Blackman entered and beat down Shamrock with a kendo stick. Shamrock, who was bleeding from the mouth, was tended to by medicial officials in the backstage area, but told both meds to get away from him. Steve Blackman calmly left the arena with his luggage.

• Rock Interview.
- The Rock said he had finally came back to Greensboro, North Carolina. He just because The Undertaker was a big man and had the tattooes, it didn't mean it impressed him. The Rock said he would show the fans The Undertaker's two new tatooes on his ass, with one cheek having a brauma bull, and the other saying, "The Rock sacrificed me fast, for he laid the smackdown on my candyass." The Undertaker then appeared on the Titan Tron. He said The Rock would find out two things in their Heavyweight Title match on the King of the Ring PPV: he would find out he wasn't the man he thought he was and it was the night of The Undertaker. He told The Rock to rest assure that the brauma bull would rest in peace. The brauma bull symbol then appeared on fire above the big screen as the show went of the air.

Credit: Joe DeLeon

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