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Before I begin, I must say that the following is word for word as I experienced each day!

Friday, September 13, 1996

Note the date...Friday the 13th and it started off with a bang...
Left on time but no seating for me out of Chicago. Knew vacation would be off to a bad start when I had my bags inspected and it set off the security alarms..Still don't know what caused it. In the air now, was tearing frustrated. Will be in Chicago in an hour, have to deplane and am 2nd on the priority list. Seems my first seating 18F is occupied by a stewardess. I'm now in 19F. Well, will continue when I land and see what happens.

I'm in Chicago waiting for my flight. Still no tickets. Called Sandy (my daughter) twice. Talked with the travel agent - should call and make sure about Alaska airlines - really upset about the whole thing. I have to calm down. Made it on the plane, am tired, relieved too...I was really upset. Changed my watch - It's 11:30 back home and 7:30 up in the air. Have three hours to go to Seattle-hopefully, no further problems.

Reached Seattle airport and waiting for plane. It's a big airport, I walked from one end to the other to find Alaska Airlines. A lot of people - they were overbooked too but I got on. This nice man was talking to me. Couldn't see much only the wing of the airplane. He was in his 30's and a surgeon. This flight was 2:58 minutes. A lot of time in the air; 1448 miles from Seattle to Anchorage. At the airport I was waiting for the luggage and when the group of people moved , I saw this kid taking my bags and putting them on this cart. After my other experiences of the day and in my state of mind I was scared. I screamed at him to stop. He told me they were going to the hotel because the Princess Bus was coming to take us - so one hour later here I was waiting for this bus. Finally got to the hotel.

Spent the night at the Sheraton Anchorage..very nice hotel $120 per night. King size bed for my very own. Wrote my postcards. Last I looked at the clock it was 10:00 p.m. Didn't eat dinner - just some chips and some cookies from the plane and a banana.

Saturday, September 14, 1996

I have my cabin number D-112 --- will look in book later. I also have all postcards done. Will go make coffee - It's 4:00 a.m. and I'm awake. Everyone back home is sleeping. I played with my camera today - have to load Sharons'. 7:30 a.m. had breakfast, took pictures mostly from window trying to get the camera to work. Missed the sunrise pictures. This is a big town. Went downstairs for breakfast and ate reindeer sausage (tastes like spiced polish sausage). I would love to bring some back. Leaving for the Capt. Cook hotel to become a member of the "group". Took a taxi - it cost $3.75 + tip. Now at the Capt. Cook hotel - already registered, signed and have 4 1/2 hours to kill --- doing what--well outside a lot of people have heavy jackets on - me sweatshirt. Sitting in the cool day - little breezy.

Sitting in Capt. Cook's Hotel still 2 hours to kill. I'm watching people - well specifically men watching women..they are an interesting bunch. Went for a walk with a lady - we walked around a bit. Everyone has sweaters and jackets - me I have my sweatshirt sleeves rolled up . I'm a hardy soul. With the exception of the mishappenings at the airports - this trip so far is nice. In one of the shops at the hotel met a salesperson who was from Buffalo. She's also a nurse and her husband is a doctor. He went and interned at a ECMC in Buffalo. She gave me a card and number of her friend who is in the insurance business. Less than 2 hours to go. Still watching men watch women. I think I'm a people watcher. Now we are shuffled off to the banquet room - really boring. In a corner. More women than men. Can't wait to get going. I could probably have written a story by now. Bought more water.

On the bus - a three hour trip to Seward - Anchorage is the starting point. It's big, modern, mountains, trees turning color, gas prices the same as home - gallon milk $2.50 - coke on sale for $7.00 a case. The Mountains are the Cugach Mts. 6,000 ft. Haven't seen snow or glaciers yet. Saw windsurfers - they have on wet suits. Haven't seen a city since Anchorage. Wish I could have taken pictures - some beautiful scenery. Stopped in a little village called Alyeska, home of Tommy Moe, Olympic gold medal skier. Gosh! A mini-plaza...must be a town nearby. People, civilization, beautiful log cabins. A hotel in the middle of nowhere - resort, modern even cops catching and stopping speeders. Was told that the schools have skiing as part of their curriculum. Took pictures out of the bus for about 10 minutes. Flowers, mountains. Portage, finally a bit of ice on a mountain. We are in the mountains, earthquakes, clouds covering mountain tops. Kenai Peninsula - playground area in summer. We are 100 ft above sea level. High up in covering tops - fall colors...lot of little creeks flowing. Following creek where Tommy Moe does his white water rafting business. Seward 55 more miles. We are going up again. 1500 ft. going down 1,000 ft...up again 1,500 ft. - trees are aspen, fireweed. Seward 37 miles. Kenai Lake - see some cabins - people quieter on bus. I know I'm tired - almost 4:30 p.m. The guy sitting next to me on the bus smells. (note: I wrote this in shorthand in my journal). Moose Pass. The sun shines - 20 miles to go.. they say not a boat--say ship.

At long last there she is .. our ship the Crown Princess~it is BIG!! We were greeted and shown to our cabin. They took pictures as we came on board. The cabin is larger than I expected. Met my roommate, Judith Chestnutt, from Great Britain, she's an RN and around 30. Welcoming me to my cabin was a bottle of wine from the Travel Agent (which I brought back home). I love Judith's accent...We had some nice chats. My knee is bothering me. Tired, cold and only a sweatshirt on. Cold out...watching them load luggage. We had a practice drill with life jackets. So tired. As I was standing on deck, I was thinking good-bye Anchorage.

Around 8:00 p.m. went to get pizza. They served it on a large platter and was like a small size - good, different, crust burnt on bottom though. It's evening - around 10:30 p.m. and we feel the motors - boat moving, heading for College Fiords. Tired, took pill - looked at tour brochures. Knee swollen, put hot compress - might have gotten a chill. Tired, calling it a night. Hopefully I can sleep with this.

Sunday, September 15, 1996

My son's birthday, Billy is 38. Got up around 6:15 a.m.--went back to bed...these bunks are smaller than my single bed. Got back up and showered. today is dress-up day. Went on deck - took pictures of College Fiords - spectacular - awesome. I saw people come out, take a picture and then go back in. - it was cold - around 40 degrees but I had on scarf - sweatshirt and jacket with two cameras, my walkman and I thoroughly enjoyed staying on deck. Was about an hour.

Returned to cabin and had breakfast with Judith. I went to shop on the ship - I love to shop. Stepped on deck for 5 minutes just watching the ship move through waters. Think we are cruising Prince William Sound. Leg is bothering me...have sweats on. Had Judith take a picture of me with glacier in the background. Long line for tours - will wait till later. I was standing at the railing - wind blowing (my cheeks and face are red) staring at the scenery. Well, its about 4:00 p.m. now and had taken some more pictures on the deck with the sun shining. Can feel the motion of the ship we're on top of the propeller we were told. We are out at sea.

Had lunch (2nd seating) and met new people. Edna and Margaret (California), Liz and her husband (California), Another lady I shall call Miss California, Simon (England) and a Mexican couple from Dallas via Mexico.... all seemed nice. I was watching the men watching Miss California (can't remember her name)..she's a dental assistant. Had BBQ ribs, tea, clam chowder and banana bourbon cake. No, haven't had anything to drink yet. Tonight is the Captains Welcome - dress up. Wonder if they will take pictures, they do of everything else. Walked on deck and took some more pictures. Only thing is that the sun was out but we're heading for Glacier Bay and whales (hopefully).

Sightings about 7:00 ...tired and sore. . I explored some of the ship 14 decks - I am on Dolphin deck #8 but really 6 from top - at least not on the bottom. Haven't drank much water either. I have the 6 bottles I brought. Was trying to rest but I'm fighting it. 5 o'clock now...laying down. I was going to go on tour but think I will do towns on my own.

Dinner...formal dress, brought out the gold. Sat by an Englishman (Simon) and the California blonde, Carol. Had pasta-good..filled, not eating as much as I thought. Took a stroll along the deck afterwards. The Air-Conditioning Engineer sat at our table and bought us wine. He stated that American (he's Italian) women within 15 minutes of meeting will state that they are independent. Of course, that brought a debate between him and I. Said he'd sit by me next time to continue this debate. My bunkmate Judith came to get me about 11:15 p.m. to watch the northern lights but by the time I dressed and got my cameras, they were gone. Figures...nice night on deck though.

Monday, September 16, 1996

6:00 a.m. out on deck after shower - waiting for Had 3 cups of coffee while photographing sun. Out of 17 rolls I should have one good picture. 17 might seem a lot but what I have left at 10:00 a.m. is 4+2 in cameras. Will have to limit myself now. We are sailing towards Glacier Bay..Breakfast on deck at 7:00 a.m. I'm surprised I'm not eating more. Then went to take more pictures . We stopped to pick up naturalist and rangers - well not exactly stopped. They jumped aboard from a little boat. We saw whales and although they were really too far away, I could see the tail of one.-- don't know if it will come out. Have to organize my films now. I have a book that I write down roll, which camera and brief outline of what is on film. Will try to develop in order

Laying in bed...feels good. Tired - knee acting up.. a lot of walking - been using stairs going down. (Note: I have a disintegrating cartilage in my knee). 4:00 p.m. just finished watching John's Hopkins Glacier. Been on deck a lot today...getting a cold I think. You know words can't describe it. Majestic, Regal - I thought that glaciers were all ice but they are not. There are trees on them like mountains only with ice...I took a few pictures on top of boat to show comparison. Had lunch around noon. Food OK - had this fat free sugar free strawberry whipped cream cake. Yummy! Haven't seen show yet. Had an Irish Coffee on deck. I sat outside a lot today. Saw the glacier calve-breathtaking and they are so blue. I was sitting on deck a lot but most people just step out, take a picture and then pop back into the bars . I'm tired! I slept on and off - face burning up my cheeks look pink as does my nose.

It's close to 7:30 now - sneezing - got dressed and went down to dinner. Our Italian A/C Engineer was sitting at our table and bought us wine again. We got into our discussion again taking up from last night. Between us was Carol. I overheard him asking her to meet him afterwards for a drink. Dinner was good-had veal with mushrooms, peas and onions and shrimp. My first mussel - it was good, kept the shell (it broke) no squid though (calamari). Had this awesome dessert with rum - it was good . Went into the cabin to get my coat, scarf, gloves and went on northern lights tonight. Sat, thinking, dreaming. Tomorrow is Skagway. Today was the first day I really ate a lot. Mostly 3 meals were enough. Dinner was at 8 and by the time we finished it was 10 or after. Met three Britons now. Feet and legs hurt but went walking.

Tuesday, September 17, 1996

Got into Skagway 6:00 a.m. Awoke 3 times for the bathroom but had a good sleep otherwise. Had breakfast in cabin with Judith-took a shower and went into Skagway. Raining...could go on tour but with rain decided against it. Knee and feet hurt - a small town. Two other ships here - the Sun Princess and the Horizon (Celebrity Cruises). Was on board, took pictures and had pizza again for lunch with a red wine. Now yawning and tired. I would like to see a show if I stay up long enough. I've written 14 pages already and taken 13 rolls of film and it's only Tuesday. Did shopping in Skagway - they have one main street that runs for 7 blocks long. That's it. I took the trolley there and was dropped off on 7th. I shopped and walked back to the ship.

Been taking naps, yesterday afternoon and today. Woke up at 4:00. Went to pastry and coffee bar. Had a Hermit (Frangelico w/cream and coffee (or hot chocolate). My appetite is returning. Everyone on board, I've been told, has been really tired. A nice tired though. Waiting for dinner. Yes, went outside and watched tug arriving to take us off. I have late dinner. I drank twice today...surprised myself. Only have 3 more souvenirs to buy and beer for Billy to get plus my surprises for some of my friends--Juneau here we come.

It's about 10:00 p.m. and am strolling along the deck looking out at the ship before us - it's the Sun Princess - about 5,000 tourists hit Skagway today. Dinner was good. I like the company - took pictures - had sea scallops and Caesar Salad and this banana dessert with nuts, brandy, caramel, ice cream...wonderfully fattening. Six ladies and 4 men at table. Antonio was there too and we continued our debate. Still have my bottle of wine intact. Don't know if the Bills won yet. Mailed a postcard out today. Will put earphones on and lay down. Even though I've been busy, I still get tired. Could be a combination of booze and fresh air. Sea air. Gathering up some samples of ships newsletters so if anyone wants to see one, let me know. I still say by car would have been better. I wish the night time activities started earlier because it's too late. I still get up early - although today I did get up a bit later.

Wednesday, September 18, 1996

Juneau, Alaska - 6:00 a.m. on deck watching our ship pull into port. Waiting for the sunrise...but clouds. Took pictures - Holland America cruise ship behind us...I see the city landscape, it's big - talked with a man from Georgia and took his picture with his camera. Breakfast will be here shortly. I hate to eat alone. Me and Judith will be eating in our cabin. I still have my night shirt on - think I'll keep it on for most of the day. I washed my pants out and hung them in the shower to dry. Going into town later.

In Skagway, we outnumbered the citizens - wouldn't know a resident if I saw one. Juneau is a big town. Got off the ship and went into Juneau...spent too much. Saw the Red Dog Saloon. Walked around a bit - took a few pictures -- am hot..sweaty. They are doing a drill now for the crew. Two more days - called Sharon. Think I will go and have a formal lunch today.

Had a hamburger and fries and pecan pie for dessert. We can sit anywhere today. Sitting, wondering how things were at home. Sandy didn't call Sharon and Billy to tell them about Chicago. A very relaxing meal. Excellent food. We'll be leaving here in a couple of hours. Bought Billy his Alaskan Beer. Heading for Ketchikan. The sun came out for a while. Have to dress semi-casual for dinner. Men suits and ties - women cocktail dresses or pants suits. French night tonight.

Stayed in my cabin tonight; had tea and tangerine for dinner. Roommate came back and my dress would have been too formal for this dinner so I didn't go. Watched Maverick on bones and feet are cold..I seem cold all over. Can't get warm. Under the covers. Saw another movie "While you were sleeping". Never saw it before. I'm cold tonight. will see Jenny hopefully tomorrow....

Thursday, September 19, 1996

Ketchikan - woke up at various times during the night...rough seas. It felt as if my body was moving up towards the headboard and the bed was rolling down. Was on deck for 6:oo a.m. coffee and 7:00 a.m. breakfast. Got some sunrise pictures but not too much sun in Alaska. I am very stiff and sore - old age you know. I thought about a lot of things on this trip. Everyone is so nice. Stayed at the rail for about 2 hours. Got a hot chocolate ($1.50 + tip) and went back on deck.

The ship is docking in Ketchikan...bigger city than I thought it was. Looking for Jenny. Didn't see her though. Saw Jenny standing on the pier. She's so young--took a 1/2 day off to see me. We got along great. She bought me lunch. Had halibut and fries in this beautiful restaurant. We walked Creek Street (the old red light district) and we saw Totem Bight and Saxman Village Totems. To buy a small one would cost $8,000 and a bigger one $17,000. I saw the real Ketchikan-she showed me the house they are building (they live in garage now). I bought souvenirs; spent lots of money. We spent a good four hours together. She's going to Maine next week for a two week vacation. She's a native Alaskan, 2nd generation, and has never been outside of Alaska except for Washington to visit her mom.

On TV in the room they are showing a video about debarkation with tags for the luggage for our leaving the ship and entering into Vancouver. Tired, feet sore and anxious to get home. Took more pictures.

For dinner tonight we had dressed up (white dress) and had Lobster with the most luscious dessert but all desserts on the ship were luscious. My little Italian friend the A/C Engineer didn't show up tonight. Pictures were taken by photographer. I came out horrible. I walked on deck afterwards after I changed clothing. Then off to bed.

Friday, September 20, 1996

Arose at 7:20 a.m. - went on deck with walkman and cassettes. Took some pictures (missed the sunrise) ...came back into the room. We are in open seas now - the Sun Princess behind us off to the side. Now I'm apprehensive about getting home. Starting to pack now - have to get clothes ready to put out between 6 and 8 p.m. tonight. Had breakfast with Judith. Going to look for my other pictures. If any ones are nice, I'll buy them. We'll see. I didn't take too many pictures . Taking the wine back home , will wrap it in a towel I brought. Tired and only packed one suitcase. It is heavy--hope the wine and beer will survive. Wrapped beer in clothing. Taking some souvenirs on the plane with me. Really worried about tomorrow.

Want to go play the casino before I leave. We can't shop or gamble within Alaskan and Canadian Waters. Something about a 3 mile limit. For me, this has been a very expensive cruise. Lost $8.00 at the slots and brought home $2.00 in Princess tokens for souvenirs. Will give to grandchildren. It's sunny out but rough seas. Ate lunch in pizza cafe- a calzone with mushrooms, ham, mozzarella, sliced Bermuda red onion wrapped in pizza dough with a little sauce on top. The alarms are about to sound--hope we don't have to do anything.

I can't move. All packed and ready to go home. I've been wondering on and off about Billy doing the hard drive---can't wait to return. Bells sounding...I'm not moving. We've covered so far 173 miles from Ketchikan. Went on deck and sat for a while. It was nice-only had a sweater on. Our time has one hour + now--only 3 more time zones and home.

Woke up at 2:30 and had a hot chocolate and Frangelico (addictive) a stroll on deck and took pictures of rainbow near Alert Island. Sort of a headache. Cool and damp out even though it's sunny. We're sailing along the coast of British Columbia. We are now near Vancouver somewhere at 9:30 p.m.. For Dinner I had King Crab and baked Alaska - stuffed. The waiters were doing the macarena with their flaming baked Alaska's in their hands up in the air. Of course, I left the camera in the room. Now I'm worried about getting home, anxious, restless - wondering... Sleepy - took my pill - a long day tomorrow and will be tense too! After what happened at the airports when I arrived I just want everything to go smoothly now. I'm broke - The luggage wastaken away.

Saturday, September 21, 1996

Woke up at 5:45 and went on deck to catch the Lions Gate Bridge. Don't know what the big deal is about. Took the last of my pictures. Then had breakfast on deck with Judith. We sat waiting in the lounge for our ticket colors to be called. It's almost 9:30 a.m. - have to go through customs. Anxious...wish they would hurry. I'm not a patient person. Hate waiting around. They called Judith's color a half hour ago.

Called my color at 9:45 - at 10:00 on the bus - I'll tell you - they don't help anyone (who are they - the Princess people who are supposed to be there to help you). I arrived at the Vancouver airport. and went through customs all by 11:00 a.m. Have my Bills shirt on - tired, sweaty- can't wait to get home. Customs was easy..have my seat assignment. The bus driver said that Vancouver houses start at $300,000.

Hope I'm sitting at the right gate. Have around 2 hours to wait. Huge airport - sun is out - this is easier than I thought. Sitting thinking. Found out that our cabin stewardess is the girlfriend of our Rumanian waiter. I have her address. Will send them something later. Now trying to wind down. Have my ticket and more relaxed now. Had to pay $10.00 Canadian ($7.50 American) for the airport tax. They are building onto their airport and charge the people who ride the planes. It's a big place. Sat at airport until 12:45, then got up to get some gum and found that I'm at the wrong gate. They changed gates on me and I didn't even know it! I went to the right gate just in time to get on the plane. I had a window seat all the way through. I was wearing my Bills shirt and the guy by me was an Indianapolis Colt fan and we talked about football...he's divorced, has a girlfriend with a kid. We left Vancouver at 1:20 p.m. It was good to have someone to talk too. We talked on and off during the trip.

Got to Chicago (my fav city - yuk) around 7:00. He was on the cruise too but I never saw him before. Chicago O'Hare is big too - the plane landed on one side and I walked to the other. I had my purse, two bags of goodies and the camera case. I took 21 rolls of film in all. It will cost a fortune to develop. Will have to do 2 rolls every payday. Maybe by Christmas I'll be done. Waited in Chicago for about 1:45 minutes and the right gate this time.

The plane left at 8:45 but more towards 9:10 because of rain, lightning, thunder and some problem with the seating. They had maintenance try to fix three seats but no dice. So it was a late takeoff - one hour and 8 minutes flying time. Sat by window seat with 2 Japanese going to see Niagara Falls. The steward (a nice, young, good-looking guy) was on the Vancouver flight too! He called me Miss Buffalo (because of the Bills Shirt). He smiled at me a lot. He had a layover in Buffalo until 11:00 a.m. Well, we got to Buffalo at 11:20 p.m. but I must say that this part was the most scariest for me. I felt so depressed-was staring out the window. My daughter met me at the airport. She took care of the heavy suitcases. No incidents occurred. Got home about 12:00 midnight. A car was in the driveway - Mandy's (granddaughter) friends parents were looking for the girls. Told her I didn't have any idea because I just returned from Alaska - entered the house - said bye to Sandy and turned on the computer....

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