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Page of Magick

Blessed be and welcome, fellow wanderers. My name is Lenore and I'm the creator of this informative, if shabby, little page. I'm a young student of witchcraft, I've mostly studied Wicca but also Celtic traditions, as well as various others. In short, I'm ecclectic, mixing personal beliefs with the beliefs of those who came before me. This little home of mine is a compilation of all the things I've learned in my studies. I've created it as a study guide for hopeful initiates, both young and old, and an information resource not just for Wiccans and other pagans but for everyone who's decided to expand their horizons a bit. There isn't much here as of yet- I mostly work on this at night, and my leaves get a little wilted by 2 am or so. But there are a few worthwhile things here- some information on the zodiac, a brief history of good Witches in Hollywood, an incomplete index of Wiccan denominations, that sort of thing. I'm always working on this page, and oh, I was hoping that maybe some of you would like to contribute something. Check out my wish list to see what you can do, and please e-mail me with thoughts, comments, suggestions, advice or indignant exclamations- I'll be starting a comments page too. I also want to do a poetry page, so I'd be thrilled to recieve some of that as well. Please enjoy your stay!

E-mail me!
And subscribe to my mailing list!

Wiccan Denominations: Some different paths
Some Common Myths
Rules of the Trade
Witches and Hollywood: Good Witches, Good Media, Good Popcorn
A Message to Adult Pagans
Things I'd like to add- would you help me out?
A Short Guide to Using Days, Lunar Phases, and Moon Signs
Zodiac Signs and their Meanings
Stuff YOU'VE contributed
