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Egypt News

Egypt News
by Adam Lobelson
Did you ever wonder how those incredible mummies survived for thousands of years? If you’ve ever wondered about this, the process is quite amazing. A mummy is an embalmed or preserved body. The ancient Egyptians embalmed bodies because they believed that the spirit of the dead returned to the body after burial. The process began with the removal of the internal organs. The organs were then placed in four vessels known as canopic jars. Then the inside of the body was filled with herbs and other objects. The veins were filled with saltwater. For preservation of the body, it was wrapped in cloth. The cloth was then coated with a special liquid. Then the shrouded mummy was usually placed in cases of cedar or of cloth stiffen with glue. The outer case of the mummy was painted with hieroglyphics of the many deeds that the person had done throughout his/her life. This belief of preserving bodies probably started before 4000 B.C. and was used by them for more than 30 centuries. The Egyptians became so skilled that 3000 years later when the mummies were unwrapped, it was reported that the feet were still soft and elastic. Historians estimated that the practice died out about AD 700. They had embalmed approximately 730 million bodies. Several million are still preserved in undiscovered areas. We are so lucky that historians were able to collect such a large capacity of information. The success of mummification has opened a new door to our past. There is still a world of knowledge yet to be discovered about our ancient ancestors.

by Ashley Wellbrock

Long ago in Ancient Egypt,when pharaohs, queens or kings died, there was a very big ceremony.The Egyptians felt that the dead lived on in the next world, so the body was preserved. This process was called mummification. In mummification, first the brain was removed through the nostrils. Next, the internal organs were removed and placed in special canopic jars. The last step in the process was to wrap the body in many layers of linen and place it in the coffin. Coffins were usually rectangular or shaped like the mummy. The coffin with the mummy in it was placed in a tomb along with daily used objects. The ancient Egyptians believed that these objects would be used in the next world.This whole process was believed to take seventy days.

Ancient Egyptian Games and Sports
by Danny Reiber

Did you know that the Egyptians played games and sports?
The Egyptians, whether rich or poor, seemed to have an exceptionally happy home life. Sometimes, in a very rich family, a brother and sister married in order to keep property in the family.
Egyptian children played with all sorts of toys - dogs with movable jaws, dolls, rattles, make believe axes, etc., very much as children do today.
One of the things that brings the Egyptians of ancient times closest to us today is their love for pets. They didn’t just have cats and dogs, but they had monkeys and gazelles.

A Six Year Old Pharaoh?
by Halumnicasta (Merissa A. Grant)
August 13, 2270 B.C

. Last Wednesday, Pepi II became the youngest pharaoh ever. He is only six years old.What does he know about being the ruler of a country? Sure his father was a ruler, but a six year old is too young to be praised like a god. People are going crazy around here. Some are ready to kill. There is a procession going on around the pyramid being built for him. Pepi II is surrounded by soldiers in case anyone against him finds a way to get inside the place where he is staying now. This is top secret! Even his father, Pepi I, does not know where his son is, since he is being surrounded by reporters. There are rumors that Pepi I is sick and close to death, so that is the reason for putting his six year old son in charge of Egypt. He has asked an oracle if his son shall live long and be a successful pharaoh and go down in history like he did. Miraculously, the oracle provided an answer. Pepi II will live to be one hundred years old and be successful, but not many people will know about him in the future. That pleased both father and son. There is both good and bad news. Although many people think the idea of having a six year old pharaoh is crazy, others, like mothers and teachers, think that it is a splendid idea. “ This is a very good way to learn the right way to live,” a few people said. “ It will teach our little kids to learn the correct formula of life because they too might become pharaoh one day.”

The Pharaohs
by Christine Conway

For over 2000 years, ancient Egypt was ruled by powerful kings. Because of size of their homes, the rulers came to be called pharaoh, which means “big house.” According to ancient Egyptian beliefs, the pharaoh was the son of Horus, the sun god. The pharaoh wore a double crown to symbolize his authority to rule over both upper and lower Egypt. The pharaoh had complete control over people. He owned all the land. His people believed he was responsible for the yearly rise and fall of the Nile river and a good harvest. Each year, the pharaoh received crops and other goods as taxes from his people. The pharaoh was very wealthy and lived in great comfort. The pharaoh’s day began early, because he had much to do. He was dressed by servants, and given the flail, the crook and ahead-dress. These were all symbols of royalty. Much of the day was taken up with problems of government. Dispatches had to be read and advisors consulted. The vizer helped to keep the pharaoh informed. The pharaohs had the life! They had servants, received crops and ruled the Egyptian people as if they were puppets and he the puppet master. The bad part of the job was that most of the day was spent in dealing with government problems.

The New Ramses
by Julia Metzger

1257 B.C.
Ramses II has signed an important treaty, whereby the land of his triumphant war in 1274 has been divided. Ramses II, our great pharaoh, has also married the daughter of the Hilte king. This will hopefully be a wonderful marriage. Ramses is also planning to build temples at Abu Simbel. These temples will supposedly be very great.

The Great Rulers Of Egypt
by Andrew Restivo

There were many pharaohs or rulers of ancient Egypt. People judged them as gods. One of the greatest gods was Osiris. Before he was killed, he was known as the ruler of the sun. After he died, he was known as the god of the underworld and vegetation. Osiris was married to his sister Isis. She wore large cow horns on her head. She was known as the god of love and gaiety. These two gods were the most popular gods known to Egyptian mythology. Isis was believed to have taught Egyptians to use medicine and the arts of agriculture. They gave birth to a son and named him Horus. During this time period, they were known as the Great Triad Of Abydos.
* Osiris had an evil brother named Set. He was an evil, evil god. He murdered his own brother, the great pharaoh Osiris. He also deceived Osiris by tricking him into a coffin and throwing him into the river. When Isis found the body of Osiris, Set took it and cut it into 14 different pieces, but still Isis found all the pieces and buried them together. Horus, his son, took over the throne and ruled Egypt.

A Real Monster
by Michael Horn

Monster with the head and breasts of a women? Impossible!
It is true. People in Egypt have been seeing a monster called a Sphinx. ( So say the people of Thebes.) The Sphinx has the face and head of a woman, the body of a lion, and the wings of bird. If anyone enters the city of Thebes, he or she will be asked a riddle from one of the sphinxes. The riddle is, “ What is it that has four feet in the morning, two at noon, and three at night?” If you do not solve the riddle, you will suffer the consequences of death. Only one person has answered it correctly so far. It is a man named Oedipus. He answered, “ Man who crawls on four limbs is a baby, walks upright on two is an adult, and walks with the aid of a stick in old age.” This particular sphinx threw herself off a cliff and died when he answered. In return for answering this riddle, the people of Thebes have made Oedipus their king.
Good luck to any people that come upon a sphinx.

The Abydos Triad
Mother and child; Isis and Horus

The God Horus and Goddess Isis and How They Were Related

by Matt Peluso

The Abydos Triad ... most people have never heard of it. The Abydos Triad was a family of three Gods. Osiris ( the father ), Isis ( the mother ), and Horus (the son ). Many people worshiped this family during the ancient Egyptian Era. Isis and Osiris were human-looking gods, but Horus had a hawk head and was far more different than his two elders. Osiris, Isis, and Horus were very well known gods in Ancient Egypt. The Abydos Triad was just one of the many families of gods that ruled during the ancient Egyptian era.

The Egyptian Game
by Amy Lapinski

Hunting in Egypt was one of the most common sports years ago. The early people in Egypt hunted crocodiles and hippos by the Nile River. They also hunted lions, elephants, hyenas, and wild cattle in the desert. They used cats , good hunting dogs, spears, and bows and arrows.
Soon, Herodotus, a Greek historian of the fifth century B.C., visited Egypt and found the most common way of hunting crocodiles:
“They would bait a hook with a cut of pork and let it float out in the middle of the river. The hunter would sit on the bank of the river, beating a living pig. The crocodile hears its cries and going in the direction of the noise, meets up with the pork and immediately swallows it. They pull in the line and they would throw mud in its eyes. Most of the time, it is killed. If it does not die, it causes much trouble.”
This still is the most common way of hunting crocodiles in Egypt.
Interesting fact: A mummified crocodile was spotted not far from the Nile River.

Queen Hatshepsut Supposedly Murdered
by Andy Heid

A long time ago in the Ancient Egyptian times, there was a queen. This queen was the first woman to ever become a pharaoh. This pharaoh’s name was Queen Hatshepsut. Queen Hatshepsut was the fifth ruler of the 18th dynasty. She was the daughter of Thutmose I. When her father died, she married her half-brother, Thutmose II.
In 1479 B.C., Thutmose II died. Thutmose III was then appointed as heir. It was believed that Thutmose III tried to kill Queen Hatshepsut, but it was also believed that she ran away with a unknown love.
We will never know what really happened!

Egyptian Clothing and Games
by Cassandra Demas

Even back in ancient Egyptian times, the children and adults played games. Today, we still play some of these games and activities. Indoors or outdoors, the women liked to dance or do acrobatics. Men liked to play a game known to us as chess. Children liked to play games such as leap frog, hopscotch, dolls, dice, gymnastics, ball, jumping or just running around. Ancient Egyptians usually wore clothes made of white linen. Depending on how rich you were, your clothes were more detailed or made of better materials. The Egyptians wore very little clothing because the climate was so warm. They generally dressed in white linen garments. Women wore robes or tight dresses with shoulder straps. Men wore skirts or robes. The Egyptian often wore colored, shoulder length head dresses. Rich Egyptians wore wigs partly for protection against the sun. Wealthy Egyptians also wore leather sandals. Common people usually went barefoot, but young children rarely wore any clothes at all. Clothes helped the Egyptians to identify position on the social pyramid.

by Christine de Leon

Millions of years ago in Egypt, not everyone went to school. Wealthy mothers and fathers had tutors come to their house for education. The less wealthy families went to school and females didn’t get an education at all. To get a more formal education, you would have to be one of the ruling children. The first subjects a child learned were reading and writing. They wrote on a paper called papyrus and their script was called hieroglyphic writing. Most male scholars studied to become scribes, draftsmen, and bureaucrats. The biggest difference between education now and then are the teachers were allowed to hit the children. Their punishment was frequent and their discipline was strict. Teachers did not hesitate to punish such laziness. Egypt’s education was really different from how children are taught today!!

Osiris Killed By Evil Brother
by Ben Cramer

Osiris, the God of sun, was murdered by his brother Seth out of hate. Osiris was shoved into a chest and thrown into the Nile River. Osiris' wife, Isis, recovered the chest. Seth then stole the chest and cut Osiris' body into pieces. Isis then burned the pieces. Osiris then became the god of the dead. His son then killed Seth for revenge.

by Greg Orlando

Bastet, the goddess, was the goddess of cats. She was also the goddess of sun, love and dancing. When the cat goddess was found, there were paintings and statues all over. She didn't have many rules. She held dances often. She was said to be a easy-going goddess. The reason why we know this is because Bastet had her life written on the walls where she was found. She was a great goddess.

by Celeste Shelley

Menes was a pharaoh of Upper and Lower Egypt. In 3100 B.C., Menes built a city called Memphis, placing it by the “stalks” of the Nile River. By doing this, he united the two Kingdoms together.

8 Easy Steps to Wrap a Mummy
(P.S.: Do not wrap people that are alive!)

by Greg Rudolph

warning read before doing anything!!!!
If you are planning to wrap a mummy, then here are 8 easy steps. Note that I am not responsible if you wrap someone who is alive. Now, go down on the page and get ready to wrap a mummy. For this you will also need material such as lots of cloth (have extra just in case) That's all you need.

1) Find lots of cloth (have extra). 2) Start to wrap the mummy. (Start from the bottom because it makes it easier to wrap.) 3) Leave space for the mouth and eyes just in case she or he has an after life. 4) Find a tomb or a coffin to place the body in. 5) If you don't have a coffin or tomb, dig a hole or store the body somewhere. 6) Do not leave the body in your house or garage because it may cause ghastly smells! 7) Do not tell anyone about what you have done, because you could get into a great deal of trouble. 8) For the final step, be prepared if the mummy does come back after you!
Never give these steps to someone you don't trust.

Clothing of Ancient Egypt.
by Jaclyn Nolan
The ancient Egyptians used many different types of clothing. They also made clothing from different fabrics. They frequently used linen to make their clothes. In Egypt, servants wore dresses protected by beads. Workers wore clothes made from rough materials. The linen they used was woven from flax as early as 3000 B.C. Women wore long dresses and pleated cloaks. Pharaohs wore fine clothes of linen. Workers of Egypt wore clothes protected by leather nets. Courtiers wore linen kilts tied at the waist. Back then, the ancient Egyptians wore very interesting types of clothes.,

Education in Egypt
by Christine Umstatter

Education in Egypt was very important. Girls and boys were both educated, but in different ways. Boys went to work with their fathers. They would learn to trade. Girls helped at home and in the field. If you were rich, you would have a private tutor. If you were poor, you would go to school. Lessons were serious and beatings were frequent. The first thing a boy learned is to read and write. Scribes were often teachers. The boys of Egypt would be educated so they could participate in the government. The main subjects in school were reading, literature, geography, mathematics, and writing. The children wrote on papyrus, which is like writing paper. They wrote with brushes made of reeds.

New Fashions in Egypt
Many rich,first class Egyptians wore paint and silver. Silver was more precious than gold back then.
by Lenore Furlong

Many men and women that were rich would bathe in soda instead of soap and rubbed perfumed oil into their skin. Men shaved with a bronzed razor. Men and women cut their hair short and wore wigs, or added false braids to their hair. They had combs and hairpins and mirrors of polished bronze or silver. Both men and women darkened their eyelids with green or black paint. Women would rouge their cheeks and lips. Women also stained their nails with henna. The women kept their cosmetics in beautiful box chests. Men and women wore a lot of jewelry. Usually, many things were made in silver because silver was more important than gold to the Egyptians. Children didn’t wear any clothing.
As you can see, many rich people wore fashionable things back then. Can you believe that silver was more important than gold? I can’t believe that bronze was also favorable back then! It has changed a lot since Ancient Egyptian times!

The Legend Of Osiris and Isis
by Brendan Burke

Osiris became the a great ruler of Egypt. Since Osiris was pharaoh, his brother, Set, was very jealous of him. Set made a plan where he secretly measured him, so he build a tomb for him. Then, he set up a party for 72 people. Towards the end of the party, Set said, “Whoever fits in this tomb, gets to have it.” Osiris was the last person to try. When he got in, Set closed the casket and sealed it tight. He then threw Osiris into the Nile River. When Isis, Osiris' love, found out, she organized an expedition to find Osiris. She found him and put him in a temple. Set was mad and did not want to take any chances of Osiris being alive. So, Set found Osiris' tomb and cut him up into many pieces. He then threw him all over Egypt. Isis was very sad and also very angry. She went out all over Egypt and found Osiris’ body parts. She then mummified him. In conclusion, Set became pharaoh of Egypt and when he died he was named god of the evil. Osiris was named god of the underworld.

Pepy II’s mummy found
by Daniel Greenbaum
Arthur Bond, an archaeologist, looked through a pyramid searching for mummies. He got lucky and found one and shipped it to America. Then scientist, James Simonova, studied it and found it was Pepy II’s mummy. Now, Bond, with photos of the pyramid, is searching through Egypt. He went to Egypt on March 6, 1948. Bond still has not returned with any luck. Search parties are scheduled to go out today, May 12, 1948. Many people think Bond has been murdered by terrorists. We all hope he will come back with information on Pepy II’s pyramid.

Mummification -- The Art of Egypt
by Kent Lucas

Long ago, when Egypt had pharaohs to rule the country, the nobles were mummified after their death. This only happened to pharaohs and other noble people. The process of mummification takes about 70 days. When someone died their organs were put into canopic jars, which was a jar made of clay. Their bodies were wrapped up in linen bandages. After that, they were coated with oils and resin. The final part of the process happens when the bodies were placed in a cedar case. The bodies were mummified for a reason. This reason was that the ancient Egyptians believed that the soles of the ancient pharaohs and nobles would make them come back to life. The Egyptians used the art of mummification in a lifelike condition. This art was also practiced in Peru and Mexico.
I think that mummification was a dumb idea. This is because people cannot come back to life. We are mere mortals!

Amenhotep III’s Son Becomes Pharaoh!
by Carolyn Marin

Lower Egypt: Amenhotep III, the eighth king, has left his rule to his son Amenhotep IV, or as he likes to be called, Akenhaton. With his beautiful wife, Nefertiti, he steps to the throne ruling the 18th dynasty. Akenhaton has suffered a glandular disorder, making him severely overweight. His daughters and two half brothers, Tutankhamen and Smenkahere, are very excited for Akenheaton, and so is he. Akenhaton is a man who believes in one god. He is creating a cult devoted to the worship of Aton, god of the sun. He is known as a poet and a patron of the arts. Rumor has it that Akenhaton is going to make a city with a site named after him in it. Akenhaton is already getting comfortable as a pharaoh. He has hired a clay artist to come and create sculptures of him and Nefertiti with their own natural characteristics. People say this will be a sight to see when it is complete. Will Akenhaton be a good pharaoh? No one knows. Will he be fair to the Egyptians? We don’t know. All of Egypt will have to keep close watch over this pharaoh to see his every move and decision. But, I would not worry. He seems he will be a wonderful pharaoh in the eyes of all Egyptian people.

Re the Ruler and Creator of the Universe
Pharaohs are the Offspring of Re

Learn about an Egyptian god named Re and how he was famous and powerful.
by Chris Badalucco
1998, Egypt

The great Re was the sun god of Heliopolis. The Egyptians believed that he was the creator and father of the universe. In 1570 B.C., Re became a god. He was worshiped in the Old Kingdom of Egypt. He was the chief of all gods and goddesses, and was actually a god himself. Re was also called Ra. Re was described as having a human body and a hawk’s head. The special symbol associated with Re is the pyramid. His chief symbols were the sun disk and the obelisk. (An obelisk is a tall, four-sided shaft of stone that comes to a point.) The temple of Re was in the city of Heliopolis. This is why he was called the sun god of Heliopolis. He had a lot of contact with other gods like Amon and Isis’ son , Horus. Amon was the god of reproductive forces. Later, he was identified with Ra (Re) and was called Amon Ra. That meant he was the god of all gods.

Help Wanted
For a fashion designer.
For the new fashion line called “Totally Egypt.” They are looking for experienced people with reasonable hours. You will get a monthly pay based on experience. If interested, you can call 1-800-Egypt.
Work for Air Force
$ 120,000 a month
18 hours a day Monday through Saturday
I know self defense
# 536-4565

$150,000 per year

Job Title: House decorator;Salary: $10.00 an hour;11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. all week days. Weekends off. Holidays off; Must have schooling must have experience in doing this. Call: (723) 145- 212
Job Title: Teacher; Salary: $500.00 a month; Time: All week except Sundays (NOTICE: MUST ATTEND ALL MEETINGS.);Experience: Good education, at least 6 minimum years of college;Ages: 25 years of age to 40;Call: 485-5593
Help Wanted
To make sandals and braid wigs for $1,050 a week. Week days from 9:00 to 5:00 Mon. through Fri. We are flexible and will tell you if you need to come in at a different time the day before. Experience is necessary. You will have your own workspace and will maybe get tipped from your customers. You get an additional run to the Pharaoh once a month. You will sell on the street, that way you’ll sell more sandals and wigs. If you are interested,please call 764-5980.

House For sale
Beautiful cottage house made of bricks
8 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
3 baths
2 living rooms
1 enormous dining room
2 kitchens , upstairs and downstairs
garden in the front and back yard
# 536- 4565

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