Taco Bell Legends

LAST UPDATED ON 02/02/2000

Welcome to the border may I take your order?

Yo Quiero Taco Bell?

Ok so I lied I never left Taco Bell but it was wishful thinking. So I went moved down south all you New Yorkers don't ever do it cause you will regret it. No offence to the people of the South but I couldn't phuckin' stand it down there. If I heard the N word one more time in racist conotation I probably would have gone to Wal Mart and bought a shot gun and some ammo walk into red neck bar and shoot every single person except the bar tender i would ask for a round of shots and then leave. I lived in North GA for 3 long shitty monthes and I could not tolerate the discrimination againest other races and New Yorkers more comenly called YANKEES so I only have one thing left to say the civil war is over so burn your damn Rebel flag. By the By white people weren't the only ones guilty of discrimination or racism just to set the record straight. so go ahead attack me with your words of hate and i will simply say so what?...on a lighter or not taco bell still sucks and the franchise that i work for really doesn't give a damn about its employees safety and well being because if the did the heat would of been fixed the day it broke and I would not of had to drive in the snow storm the other night that was deep enough to cover half my tires and make it so i could barely get home. Can't wait till i get the phone call from the prospective new JOB....anyways not alot of new stuff we'll see as time goes on..peace JoSh

The Centri Taco Therom

written by Jay O.

The Centri Taco Thereom states that Taco Bell is the center of the universe and that when we die we be sucked into a void of Taco Meat.

Remember carry over meat has the power to make or break a mortal man

Taco lingo

  1. Ass Goat- A person who is does something extremely dumb and has no excuse for it.
  2. Chubosity- a person who sits and does nothing and you can watch get fatter by the minute
  3. Slacker- Someone who is able to do work,but just sits around and smokes or eats and simply does no work.

Well here is some new info This site will eventually be turned into music review and boot leg trading site hopefully sometime in the near future. I know I could hardly keep up with the taco shit but I think this will be different I will leave up all the old taco bell crap for those who want some entertainment or just want to print out to show to your GM or DM just for kicks but as for future Taco bell stuff I don't think so....Oh yeah scroll down further enter for a chance to win 500 dollars can't say its exactly a sponcer but hey you never know and its free so what do you have to loose but 2 minutes possibly more if your modem is mad slow but hey with the money you could get a faster modem.....


Ok for you slackers or new crew members heres some stuff that was here in the past...Check it out===>Past Top 20/10 lists or TB Charecter History


101 sauces?


  1. KMFDM

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    ok legal stuff. This site is not affilated with Taco Bell or Tricon. KMFDM name and link is used only cause I think they rule and they should be given credit where credit is due. KMFDM is part of KMFDM enterprises. If you are self respecting human being you will not copy these stories or use any of the names of charecters listed without prior permision of me or my fellow employees. Getting permission means you E-mail me and I will let you know if that employee is willing to give up their nick name or charecter they made up to add to our chaos.
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