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you're gay

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CHECK OUT MY NEW PAGE-->// s i m p l y + s y l b z ?[01.03.15]

u da th person to peep mah page since 08.22.99

CHECK OUT MY NEW PAGE-->// s i m p l y + s y l b z ?[01.03.15]

It is the 11th of August 2000.
Major Wow. I had this website since 97 I think.
It changed alot from my point of view and many others.
Anyhow if you wish to sign my dreambook // slambook, Please do so.
If not, Sure whatever you say buddy.
Hmm.. If you wish to link me up go ahead.
1. You can either right click and use the one above
2. Click on--> BANNER LiNKZ okay? and choose whatever
banner you like. "whatevers"
Well.. I decided im not going to use frames anymore.
So deal with this and all the pop ups.
Im sorry if my site lags your computer, you're gay.

bbye :) kekek. ..
major whoaa did i jes type properly ? rofl ;x

(thanks to everyone for submitting pictures & etc)

if you have any comments
click ms blob above and write me a email