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Sphinx's Palace

Okay, about myself. Well there's not much to tell. I'm 24, born in Canton Ohio, raised in Long Island, New York. I lived in Japan for three years. Yes, believe it or not I liked it there. Sometimes I missed the food from home though. Oh yeah I'm female, a wife and a mother of two. I have two darling little girls ages 5 and 7, oh look! They're up above! Aren't they cute? I'm a part-time worker and a part-time student. I'm majoring in Accounting, thinking about becoming a CPA, but of course I'd love to own my own business. Preferably, a club or bar. Yes I love to party and I love parties in general. So, that's about it, but come back soon, I'm pretty sure I'll have much to add in due time.

Oh yeah! I forgot. For the year 1999, I have decided to start an online bookclub. Each month a selected book will be posted, and during or at the end of the month anyone who have read the book can comment. I am hoping for a large turn out so, those who are interested please hit the bookclub link. Or you can email me if you have questions.

To all my ICQ friends, hello!, come chat with me sometime. ,

Of course, feel free to e-mail, and let me know what you think. This is my first time doing a web page, can you tell? HEHEHEHE I thought so. So!! Advice is greatly appreciated. Come check me later.

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Okay now, sign my guestbook!! I didn't put it on here for nothing!! I'd like to know who is dropping by to see me!! Check ya later!

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Updated 20 February 1999

Send me a message via ICQ
My Three Year Stay In Japan
Uumm other things..............
My Interests
The Veil author Kerid Bey
Nubian Soul
Miz Fran's Place
