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Nick and P-Nut

Check out concert pics that I took.

My concert Experience (8-19-97)
Another concert experience  (11-28-97)
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Hi, I am a big 311 fan and have been for over 9 years! They are all awesome. I went to their concert 8/22/96 in Rochester, 8/19/97 @ Darien Lake in Buffalo and 11/28/97 in Rochester (front row of the mosh pit all three times!) Read about two of my experiences from the links above. Anyone who would add me to their list of links, I would be greatful and would do the same for you. Just email me!!
*UPDATE: I have not really updated this site in a few years. Lots have been going on. I got married, to the same guy that attended the 11/28 concert with me! He is in the Army and we spent 3 years in Germany. Now, he is getting ready to head to Iraq. I'm starting to get back into 311, not that I ever gave up, but I had a baby, travelled and a lot of things were put on hold. But, I'm back. I absolutely LOVE the new remake for "Love Song" and can't wait to catch their concert next year! 311 ROCKS!


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