Nine Inch Nails Picture Gallery

Come, fellow Ninternetters!

Feast your eyes upon the beauty that is Trent Reznor! (insert sexy feminine "meow" noise here) Here are the choice pics that I have pirated off other people's webpages. So, if you recognize anything here from your page, I hope you will forgive me for my overzealousness, and if you like, you can email me and I'll put up a link to your page. If you'd like to yell at me about it, you can do that too. If, however, you are here because you know that Trent Reznor is the most attractive creature ever to have existed on this planet, just have fun drooling over the deliciousness of His Nine Inch Nailness! I promise that I will keep adding pics to this page, so keep coming back!

Random Images

Trent in all his glory
Trent in the house
Looking sexy, as always
Adorable in a bandanna
Another in the bandanna and a NIN shirt
A closeup in black-white
In a dark mood
On a red background, looking pensive
Trent looking wonderful in my home state
Another in my beautiful New York
An ethereal view
An old Spin cover- Note the short hair!
Got milk?
Talk about halos...
He looks like a little kid at Time-Out, doesn't he?
Oooh, yummy!
At the keyboard, my (sort of) chosen instrument
A (mostly) light blue closeup
NIN's latest lineup
A thoughtfully attractive black-white

Video Stills


My favorite still
A closeup
A little blurry, but isn't he kissable?
In front of the meat
Scene missing
The ball gag
The sacrificial monkey
I wish I had a still of him actually licking the mike...
I find this child disturbing
I really don't like the goggles, I'd rather see his eyes
The final notes

Gave Up

At the mike
Keeping steady
Marilyn Manson- looking normal???
Let's see that again
"it took you to make me realize"
A quick breather

Happiness in Slavery

A frighteningly beautiful closeup
Our, victim
"slave screams"
The torment begins
The pincers
Trent, going peacefully to his doom

The Perfect Drug

The crystal ball
At the piano
Walking on the hand
It occurs to me that this is an icicle, not a sword
At the window
"my fears wanna get inside of you"
Having drunk the magic potion
Oh so high
The bottle
"reaching, dragging, shaking me"
In the water
Cold air

Random stills

The mechanized head- (Head Like A Hole)
The fly guy- (Help Me I Am In Hell)
Trent, hunted- (Down In It)
Do you worship the porcelain god?- (Pinion)
The unfortunate gimp- (Pinion)
Snakes have hypnotic eyes, no?- (Hurt)
I LOVE disturbing imagery!- (Hurt)

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