Web Ring

The Skaghetti and Meatballs ring is not that big yet so join now because if no one joins within 28 days this is going to be gone so join now.
Rules and Regulations

 -Your site must be a SKA or PUNK site

 -There can be no nudity or sexual content


JOIN NOW!!!!  Please I beg you!!!!!

Submit site to Skaghetti and meatballs ska ring
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Put this table on your page! To put it on your page:
1. Right click on the mouse.
2. Go to view source.
3. Find where this is written.
4. Hightlight the HTLM code.
5. Go to edit and pick copy.
6. Then paste it somewhere on your page.
Join The Skaghetti and Meatballs Ska Ring
List of the Sites

Email: schmeloppy@hotmail.com