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Asian Connections

Asian Connections Focus

Peace Aloha and Konnichiwa

Welcome. This page has information related to Asia. I lived in Fukushima, Japan for about 1 1/2 years, but I live in the USA now. I received university degress in Asian Studies and Religion after I returned to the USA. I also have been a teacher and a business person since 1980. Please enjoy some of the links below the forest and visit often. I would enjoy hearing from friends in Japan very much. Please sign the guestbook or visit me at Language contact me.

Arigato Gozaimasu and Mahalo
A. Mitchell

Favorite Connections in Japan

New Asian Connections Website
Asian Bookstore
Beautiful Sendai, Japan
Asia Times
Japan Times
Beautiful Fukushima, Japan
More Beautiful Fukushima, Japan
Japanese Crafts
Kokeshi Dolls in Japan
Japan Atlas
Weekly Post from Japan

Favorite USA Connections

English Class in Hawaii
Hawaii Information and Resources
Hawaii World Peace Connections
Health Connections
Language Etc.
Shopping in Hawaii
More Shopping in Hawaii

All Rights Reserved A. Mitchell