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Boy Scouting Links and Information

If you are searching for world-wide scouting information about scouts of all ages, we have listed the various feature articles available for your review.  Since they are intended to help adult scouters, scout parents, and scouts, we recommend you read as many as possible.  They provide an overview of scouting and its value to young people.

We have also included an index to our many links pages about Boy Scouting.  By clicking on any of these topics, you will find a list of multiple links appropriate to that specific topic.  These lists are updated on a frequent, and regular basis, so check back often.

You are the visitor since this page was created on June 6, 1998


I    FREE Services From Your Boyscouting Guide
II    Feature Scouting Articles
III    Boy Scouting Resource Links
IV    Boy Scout Activity Pages
V    Still Looking?


I. FREE Services From Your Boyscouting Guide

Join others to talk about the scouting program and exchange ideas in the Scouting Chat Room We're there most evenings eastern time.  Contact the boyscouting guide, for details about how your unit can hold a private, password-access only - troop, pack, den, or committee meeting on-line with 24 hours notice (usually).  This is a FREE service.  Since this is a room that is available for use by young people, it will be monitored whenever it is open.

Check out scouting events on our Events Calendar.  Tell the WORLD about your Unit, District, or Council event or fund raiser by contacting our boyscouting guide for details on  posting it on our calendar.   Best of all, it's FREE.

Subscribe to The Scouting Corner, a FREE and informative weekly newsletter about scout happenings on our site and other scouting topics.  To subscribe: Type "Subscribe NL" in the body of the message.  To unsubscribe at any time:  Type "Unsubscribe NL" in the body of the message.

One good turn deserves another, they say.  At  One Good Turn  you can praise someone for practicing the scout slogan.  This is your spot to say "Thank You" or "Good Job" to someone who has done something special.  Best part of all, this is not limited to scouts.

Thank your scoutmaster, thank your den leader, thank your mom or dad, thank your 5 year old for following the rules. Anyone can receive this award - adult or child.  

Read the stories on-line of those who have received the One Good Turn Award already.  Then submit your own candidate(s) for the award.

Children are only identified by their first name.  They get to see their name on-line, and still remain anonymous to readers.  

A FREE Good Turn Award Certificate will be emailed to you so you can print and present it at the next awards ceremony for your organization or your next family gathering.   

II. Feature Scouting Articles

Conquering First-Time-Camper Blues
This guide to help for a homesick scout was prompted by a new scout mother's inquiry.   The writer sought tips on handling and conquering homesickness at scout camp.  Scoutmasters and older scouts spoke candidly about how they deal with the new scout who is away from home for the first time.  For parents of new campers with any organization, this is a "must read" before your first-time camp leaves for camp this summer.

Summer Camp Tips
Are you packing for summer camp but wish you knew what is in store?  In this article, an Eagle Scout shares his tips on what to pack, how to act, and how to get the most out of your summer camp experience.  This is a "must read" for new campers and their parents.

Scouters - Evaluate the Year!
Thinking back over your unit's program at the end of the school year?  Was it successful?  What was accomplished?  Should you continue with a summer program?   These are questions all unit leaders ask from time to time.  Try this unique, but satisfying, evaluation method. Then decide if it was worth it, after all.

"Since Your Last Breath..." The dangers of lightning and the necessity for safety precautions during scouting activities are spotlighted in this timely feature.   Those who have young persons in their charge in the outdoors will want to read this reminder to us all.

Scouts - Outdoor Family Fun
What does your family do for fun?  Does the occasional inexpensive activity sound attactive? Here are some ideas to try with your family or scout unit.

Scouts - Collecting
Collections are often the focus of a requirement for rank advancement for different age scouts. If you need help deciding what to collect or ideas about how to display the things you have already collected, you should find helpful hints here.

Scouting Snapshot - "Scout Spirit"
Why are you a scout leader?  Is it worth the time and energy required?  Need a little "scout spirit?"  Scout Leaders - check this to find one example of   what it's all about.

Scouting - All This And More
What is scouting?  This involved know it covers a wide variety of topics - but the first requirement is FUN.  Discover the fun, excitement, and education that scouting can offer.

Your Secret Yell
Scouts learn to be prepared.  But they also have a secret yell they use when they have no where else to turn.  Learn how to turn a boy scouting Web site into your own "secret yell."

III. Boy Scouting Resource Links

Links to helps for Cubs and Scouts for fulfilling rank advancement requirements and some graphics of rank badges for scouts world wide.

Campfire Programs
Links to Skits, Songs, Stories, Stunts for scouts and scout leaders to use to add vitality and excitement to evening campfire programs.

Ceremony Ideas
Links to Native American lore and other items that can be useful in creating scout ceremonies.

Cub Scouts
Links to information about cub scout ranks, organization, and graphics of badges.

Cub Scout Crafts
Links to pages of craft projects for den meetings, or home to complete rank or arrow point requirements.

Den/Pack Activities
Looking for something new to do at the pack meeting?  These are links to activities suitable for den or pack programs.

Eagle Scout
Preparing for your Eagle Scout service project or Eagle board of Review?  Planning an Eagle Court of Honor.  These links should help.  They are to sites full of information about the rank of eagle scout, service projects, eagle boards of review, the National Eagle Scout Association, eagle courts of honor, and other eagle information.

Links to Information on the various careers which may be the focus of an explorer post.

Games, games games!   This list of links to game sites which contain many types of games.  Tiger parents, den leaders, and scout leaders should all find something here.

High Adventure
Preparing for Philmont, Northern Tier, or looking for someplace new?  Want to relive those memories of fresh air and sparkling skies?  Then head to these links which are your guides to high adventure sites on the Net.

Historic Sites
Links to historic sites for your troop to visit. Currently, only places in USA are listed. Some offer a patch scouts can earn.

Historic Trails
Is hiking in your troops summer plans? These links to sites of  historic trails on the Internet will give your troop plenty of hiking possibilities to consider. Currently, only places in USA are listed. Some offer a patch scouts can earn.

Just For Fun
All scouts and scouters know that Fun is the # 1 reason for a boy to join a scout unit.   The links to fun things to do are provided for cub scout arrow points, tiger cub activities, or just for family enjoyment.

Merit Badge - Electives
Links to information to help in completion of requirements for BSA elective merit badges. Links listed by merit badge. A few available now. More will be added.

Merit Badge - Required
Links to information to help in completion of requirements for any BSA required merit badge. Links listed by merit badge.

Order of the Arrow
Links to the founding, history, current events, clip art, and individual lodges for this official national honor camping organization of the BSA.

Religious Awards
Links to Web sites of various religions offering religious awards to youth.

Scout Units On-Line
Links to Pack and  Troop Web sites, Explorer Posts and Sea Bases, and Council and District sites. 

Scouters Lounge
Link to sites which scout leaders and other youth leaders should find useful.

Service Projects
Links to service project ideas for all scouting units.  These are ideas from elementary schools, college sororities and fraternities, other scouting units, 4-H, and Girl Scouts.  Any one of the projects listed could be "the" service project for which you are searching.

Links to stories for campfires, den meetings, and family fun nights.  In these links you will find stories about scouts, animal stories, scary stories, stories that teach a lesson, and funny stories.  Some are suitable for very young scouts, some for older kids, some like the stories about wood badge beads may even be interesting to veteran scouters.

Tiger Ideas
The exciting world of the very young scout can leave parents and leaders searching for new and interesting activities.  These are links to pages with great ideas to help in planning family - scout activities.

Waving Old Glory
Currently these links are only to sites which feature proper display of the USA flag.   Flag respect and display are re-curring  requirements in almost all BSA advancement for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts.  These pages range from those with short instructions to those complete with graphic illustrations of correct flag etiquette.

World Scouting
Links to scouting information from around the world. All sites whose links are featured have information available in English.  Viewing each link on the list will provide a fascinating tour of scouting around the world.  Notice that the basic shape is present in all national badges, but each differs a little from all of the others.

IV. Boy Scout Activity Pages

Visit With An Eagle Scout
In this transcript of his chat with us an Eagle Scout talks about his scouting experiences and offers some scout camp information.  Learn how a twenty-something aged Eagle scout views his scouting experiences.

Scouting Trivia
Have you memorized the scout handbook?  Test your knowledge of scouting facts on this everchanging page.

Kids Scouting Zone
Do you have a question about scouting?  Find the answer here.  If you don't find your answer posted, you can email your question to the guide and she will return your answer as quickly as possible, most times within 24 hours or less.

Scouting Fun For All
Caption the cartoon, guess what's in the box, or submit scouting cartoons or other fun ideas of your own.  Come join the fun. All scouting ages welcome.

Idea Exchange
Need a solution to a scouting problem?  Post it here and get help from scout leaders and scouts around the world.  Need help or an idea for a skit, a ceremony, or have one you'd care to share with other scout leaders? Swap ideas with den leaders, scoutmasters, and others on this page.

V. Still Looking?

If you still haven't found help with your search for information, ask the boyscouting guide.  An attempt will be made to find your answer within 24 hours.

Thanks for visiting.  I welcome your comments.

A way of living life to the fullest that leads young people into living life to the fullest.

                                                                                                                                  M. Gardner, 15+ year Veteran Scouter

This page is not affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America