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Scott's Racing Page

Hi I'm Scott, as you can see I like racing. First, Quarter Midgets, I raced them for 9 years. I have won several championships and competed in 4 Grand Nationals. Since the '99 season I have been racing Pro Four Modifieds. See my other page for details on the cars.

I will have been racing R/C cars for 4 years this June. I now own four R/C cars. I also have many links of R/C companies and products on my page of links.

I don't actually race mountain bikes my friends and I just ride for fun. For more information see my other page or the links on mountain bikes.

Racing Types

My favorite quote:"If it's too fast you're too old."

I finally have pictures of my pro four and my Quarter Midget on my Pro Four page. There are also pics of my R/C cars on my R/C page. I am still working on getting pictures of my bike.

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