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Tammy & Brad
Married Sept. 28, 1999 finally!
--Our page--
How we met in chat, met in real life, and married.
Happily ever after.

Hiya all, thanks for stopping by. Pull up a stool and have a look around the place. No no no, not the beanbag chair. That's for when my very special visitor comes around. There's a couple of links to zip through if you'll be so kind as to scroll down a bit. There's one on Stevie Ray Vaughan, who is one of my big influences as far as guitar stuff goes, with a bunch of other links to blues pages.

For those of you who have never been to this page before. Hiya. For those of you who just haven't been for a little while, well you'll notice that it's a bit different now. It sat here for about a year, with little or no changes to it, regardless of the harassment that I took from a bunch of people to do something new to it. Most of what you see on these pages are the work of my fiancee, whom I love very much, Tammy/Dragonfly-29, and I just want to thank her for doing an excellent job on revamping my page.

This page is so old, I'm suprised it's still up. But if for some odd reason you are interested in updates.. you can find them on Tammy's page.... so follow her links aka dragonfly-29

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My other links....

My lady's page
Our song
a song we wrote together
Johnny Wolfe
Our baby
A page about da bat and the fly
Do ya link?!
-A couple links about some of my interests
My page for Stevie
-Great links to SRV pages, plus Blues links galore!

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