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"Members of Congress...people of America...I banged her. I banged her like a cheap gong. Which is not news, folks, because if you think Monica Lewinsky was the only skin flute player in my orchestra, you haven't been paying attention.

The only babes in D.C. I haven't tried to do are the First Lady, Reno, Albright, and Shalala, mostly because they're a little older than i like and they have legs that former Houston Oiler Earl Campbell would envy. Which isn't to say I don't appreciate Hillary...I do. If not for the ice water coursing through her veins, I'd be pumping gas into farm equipment in Hope, Arkansas, and she'd be married to the President.

So, let me set the record straight. I dodged the draft, hid FBI files, smoked dope, flipped Whitewater property, set up a new Korean wing at the Whitehouse, fired the travel staff, paid hush money to Hubbell, sold the Lincoln bedroom like an upscale Motel 6, and grabbed every ass that entered the Oval Office. Got it? Good.

Six years ago, there's not a man, woman, or child who didn't know I was as horny as Woody Allen. But, you elected me anyway, which turned out to be a good move on your part. Your other choice was Bush, an aging baseball player and part-time resident of some place called "Kennebunkport" who thought he could bomb his way into the Whitehouse.

Before him, it was Reagan, who left the office with the same Alzheimer's he came in with. There was Carter before him who brought you a 17% prime interest rate, smiling the whole time like his lithium drip had just kicked in.

Nixon before that coined, but never really understood, the concept of 'plausable deniablity', and almost got a one way ticket to San Clemente for his crackerjack style of governing.

Johnson was an inbred, power-mad war criminal whose major contribution to American society was Agent Orange.

And John Kennedy, who was a little naughty himself, didn't hang around long enough for America to spot that curious atavistic tic of "beaver-wrestling" shared by at least a dozen former residents of the Whitehouse.

Which brings me back to my point. Since I have been strumming the banjo here at the Whitehouse, government is doing more for less. The budget is balanced for the first time since JFK did a one gun salute to Marilyn, a fact the press didn't seem to care about, evidently. Unemployment is so low today a blind felon can get a job as a night-watchman. And the stock market is higher than a D-student on a full gram of dumb-dust, and anyone with a degree from a junior college who can spell 'internet' has enough money to ponder the annual maintenance cost of his boat, instead of where his or her next meal is coming from.

Bottom line: I'm running a country here and I'm doing it with my pecker showing. What I'm asking for is your support, not a date with your daughter...unless, of course, she's a hotty with thin ankles, and then I'd like to discuss it. In the meantime, think about where you are today and what kind of life you're living before you get too interested in where I'm parking the Presidential limousine.

Similarities between Nixon and Clinton

Nixon: Watergate
Clinton: Waterbed

Nixon: His biggest fear-The Cold War
Clinton: His biggest fear-A cold sore

Nixon: Worried about carpet bombs
Clinton: Worried about carpet burns

Nixon: His vice president was a greek
Clinton: His vice president is a geek

Nixon: Couldn't stop Kissinger
Clinton: Couldn't stop Kissing her.

Nixon: Couldn't explain the 18 minute gap in the Watergate tape
Clinton: Couldn't explain the 36DD bra in his brief case

Nixon: His name was Tricky Dick
Clinton: (No difference)

Nixon: Ex President
Clinton: Sex President

Nixon: Known for his campaign slogan "Nixon's the One"
Clinton: Known for women pointing at him saying "he's the one!"

Nixon: Famous for Widows Peak
Clinton: Famous for bringing widows to their peak

Nixon: Well aquainted with G.Gordon Liddy
Clinton: Well aquainted with the G spot

Nixon: Took on Ho Chi Minh
Clinton: Took on Ho

Nixon: Talked about achieving peace with honor
Clinton: Talked about getting a piece while on her.

The Limerick Contest

Contest Requirements: To use the names Lewinsky and Kaczynski in a limerick.
(I can't imagine that anyone wouldn't know who Monica Lewinsky is, and in case you have forgotten, Ted Kaczynski was better-known as the Unabomber.)

Contestants' Entries:

Entry #1:
There once was a gal named Lewinsky
Who played on a flute like Stravinsky
'Twas "Hail to the Chief"
On this flute made of beef
That stole the front page from Kaczynski.

Entry #2:
Said Bill Clinton to young Miss Lewinsky
We don't want you to leave clues like Kaczynski
Since you look such a mess
Use the hem of your dress
And wipe that stuff off of your chinsky.

Entry #3:
Lewinsky and Clinton have shown
What Kaczynski must surely have known:
That an intern is better
Than a bomb in a letter
Given the choice to be blown.

Entry #4:
There was a young girl called Lewinsky
Who caused such a stir as Kaczynski
When on Kenneth Starr's lap
She confided, when trapped
"Bill Clinton is hung like Nijinsky."*
(*Nijinsky is a thoroughbred racehorse not to be confused with the ballet dancer.)

The Right Links
The Bill of No Rights
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Oh and this is CUTE!
Who is Parcedia?
My Home Town
My Sons Cool Beanie Baby Page
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This page is constantly under construction...because I'm as clueless as Clinton!!!


Last updated on 9/9/99!

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