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Section Eight

Other WoD Character Types


Note: We would love to see one of the players who are extremely familiar with any of these character types and agree with the Guideline concept to develop some Guidelines for some of these character types. Email us if you are interested, we'd be happy to work with you but we don't have the time to develop them on my own from scratch. -

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The Garou - Rank 5 Garou with Might of Thor, Coup de Grace, Paws of the Newborn Cub, Grand Klaives, Fang Daggers and other such flotsam will be dismissed outright.


The Mages - A system that needs a Central ST more than any other. Easily and frequently abused. My next big project will be to design Guidelines for Mages on AOL.


The Dead - While their popularity seems to have waned, still be on the lookout for level 5 Arcanoi wielding Obliviate, Tempus Fugit having over-spirits.


The Fae - Changeling are not very power-intensive and thus are not popular tools of abuse mong players.


The Diabolic - Demons are extremely powerful entities. I have seen them played before as NPCs and they can contribute to a scene. However, given their power (the average Major Demon surpasses the most ancient Methuselahs in raw might), Demons are far too powerful to be played consistently by anyone (even as NPCs). Demons should only be played as NPCs in extremely rare situations where they might appear and only to enhance the RP and

the scene. They should not be played consistently in such a manner as to influence the game.


The Mummies - Given that Rhydin is generally assumed to be in North America, its sensible to believe the Mummies would be here. They can be very powerful though and would like to see some Guidelines for Mummies. Any takers?

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