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Section Six

Rare Clans


Rare clans are ones that are oddities or are generally outside the normal Kindred society mainstream. Essentially a "rare clan" is any clan not in the VtM, VPG, or PGS. Salubri, Cacophonies, Samedi, Cappadocians, True Brujah, Nagaraja, Kiasyd, Ahrimanes, Baali, Blood Brothers, and Old Clan Tzimisce should be relegated to peripheral roles within the game. The ascension of these character types to positions of prominence within the Camarilla or the Sabbat are not in the best interests of the game. This same situation occurred with Infernals and Fomori concepts.

Careful consideration should be given to the way the members of these clans would act and what they believe, etc. Careful attention should be given to make sure these character types are not being played just for the powers/Disciplines they have without playing the character concept faithfully. Such abuse could result in sanctions against such character types similar to those currently in place with regards to Infernals and the like.

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