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Randal Fedonick's Home Page 2005

Randal Fedonick can now be found at

"I saw a little child, find a penny and he smiled. What do children see? It's a mystery to me."

.....Hugh Dillion of The Headstones!

Look for me on-line, AOL Instant Messanger screen name "Bulk182"

Ash & me!

Ashton got me this statue for Father's Day!

I finally got around to putting in a flag pole!

Over 300 lbs. of concrete with a special time capsule in the bottom (Of course it has to do with Ashton)!

Since Feb 14th 2004 my life has changed. My grandson Ashton is in my thoughts constantly. Look at him, he is beautiful!


The following is what I call "The "BIG" Let Down"!

.....It's an exchange of emails between myself and the transplant team in London, Ontario.

Check out the new links!

This page best veiwed on a

go to My Main Page!

Ashton's World! (My grandson! Don't he look like me!) A site very well done by Kelly(Supermom)

My walk with Floyd!

Download Ashton video (853k) UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!

go to My Oklahoma Trip!

go to My Bubba, Tetta & Goggie Home Page!

My Bills Page

Check out some of my Mail Buggy's!

My Nascar Trips! Starts with Pocono July 2002!

Click here to see Floyd's new shop

Click here to see Janice's 9-11 poem!

Click here to see Linda Locey's poem!



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