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Friend Becomes Boyfriend

My good friend,who is a guy,asked me out,and I REALLY want to go out with him.But i'm afraid that when we break up,our friendship will be gone,and i really value him as a good friend.What should i do ???
ADVISOR REPLIES: I think you should go out with him if you like him that way. When you brake up you might lose a good friend. If you say no you might lose a good friend as well. So if you might lose a good friend anyway why not go for it? The decision however is yours. With love- wim. What you have to do is to really identify your concerns. Weigh out the situation...Do you think he would a better boyfriend than friend? I can't tell you this because it is your opinion. Good luck. Modern Teen Advisor,-Em Your friend probably feels the same way. Tell him how you feel. If you really want to go out with him and for some reason you break up, at least you'd know if you r friendship means as much to him as he does to you.-Jessica Jeni
