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Death of a Friend

My close friend died about two weeks ago. I don't know what to do. I think I'm still in shock because I don't want to accept it. Everone keeps telling me to talk to someone about it. My family doesn't understand, and my other friends are just as depressed as I am. He was really close to me. I really need some advice on how to deal with this.
ADVISOR REPLIES: It's always hard to loose someone very close to you. Most of the time you try to find some reason for it. You probably won't. Unfortunately there's no cure for the pain in these situations. One can only keep in mind that death is part of life everyone has to deal with sooner or later. Try not to ignore the pain, it's impossible. Talk to friends about it, even if they're depressed as well. This might help both (or more) of you to get over the loss. Dealing with a loss like this is very personal and everybody has his own way of doing it. It may sound stupid but time will heal all wounds. Just go on living (at least try the best you can). I wish you the best and the strength you need. Modern Teen Advisor - Wim.
